
Happy Daddy of Ling and Scratches

Sorry Matt

(2007-09-04 12:43:33) 下一个

Last night, you said you instantly fell in love with this song.
I feel truely sorry, my tenor king.
Bigger and better things are waiting for you.
Will you still sing an opera for me one day?

For you I was a flame
Love is a losing game
Five story fire as you came
Love is a losing game

One I wish I never played
Oh what a mess we made
And now the final frame
Love is a losing game

Played out by the band
Love is a losing hand
More than I could stand
Love is a losing hand

Self professed, profound
'til the tips were down
Though you're a gambling man
Love is a losing game

Tho' I battle blind
Love is a fate resigned
Memories mar my mind
Love is a fate resigned

Over futile odds
And laughed at by the gods
And now the final frame
Love is a losing game

-- Amy Winehouse

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靈小抓 回复 悄悄话 11-28-1976 — 12-22-2020
I miss you!