Live like you are dying.

浪迹西洋 漂泊北美 差旅劳顿东南亚 九天揽月 五洋作鳖
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Humor Quotes

(2008-07-11 09:54:45) 下一个


The human race has only one effective weapon and that is laughter.
Mark Twain

You don't stop laughing because you grow old. You grow old because you stop laughing
Author Unknown

Never be too busy to laugh or too quick to criticize.
Gerry Hopman

One of the best things you can have up your sleeve is a funny bone
Author Unknown

An onion can make people cry, but there was never a vegetable invented to make people laugh
Will Rogers

Computers will never replace humans until they learn to laugh at the boss.
Author Unknown

There are three things that are real - God, human folly and laughter. The first two are beyond comprehension, so we must do what we can with the third
John F. Kennedy

Humor is to the soul what rain is to the Earth
Gerry Hopman

A day without laughter is a day wasted
Charlie Chaplin

Humor is more important than knowledge
Albert Einstein

Through humor you can soften some of the blows that life delivers. And once you find laughter, no matter how painful your situation might be, you can survive it.
Bill Cosby

Life abounds in comedy if you just look around you
Mel Brooks

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阅读 ()评论 (4)
飞飞~ 回复 悄悄话 呵呵,相对论。
40hutu 回复 悄悄话 FYI, 有人靠幽默和贫嘴在各大公司巡回演讲赚大钱呢
飞飞~ 回复 悄悄话 “Humor is more important than knowledge”--爱因斯坦很幽默。
天寺 回复 悄悄话 看不懂老外的幽默,有没有中文的?
