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2015 (33)
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2024 (46)
今年休假,因为需要带上娭毑一起, 所以只能安排一个稍短的行程。以往,带娭毑去过的最长的旅行也就五天,这次准备连头带尾一个星期,估计应该是到她能承受的极限了。
不过,这个以为简单的行程安排,也是返了一次工的。开始,我用谷歌地图,算着里程,逆时钟安排了一行程草案,从New Brunswick新不伦瑞克 的省会,Fredericton弗雷德里克顿,这边进,到Nova Scotia 新斯科舍省兜一圈,从Cabot Trail 出来,坐ferry进PEI爱德华王子岛, 跨洋大桥出PEI,然后沿海岸线走,回到魁省。谁知,大朋友继续丰富行程的细节,发现问题了。原来,进PEI的confederation bridge联盟大桥,进去不用,出来时要收费。因为ferry轮渡进、出收费是一样的,那么,这个行程就要进出都得交费。于是,跟上次美西一样,又只好把整个行程翻了过个,逆转顺了。这么一来,大桥进不必交费,轮渡出交一次费。
“Please Note – One way and return reservations are available departing from Wood Islands. Return reservations only departing from Caribou, one way reservations from Caribou are not available. Payment is only required when you leave Prince Edward Island via the ferry or the Confederation Bridge."
于是,我问他在哪里看到说坐轮渡进去要付费的。原来,他去了大桥的网站,发现出PEI是要收钱的;其实根本没去轮渡网站看,就是以以前做过的那些轮渡的经验,想当然地认为,轮渡肯定来回要收钱。 只是在我们改行程之后,他到轮渡网站预定了一下票。
去哪里敲定,接着就是怎么去了。本来动过一下念头,想着是不是租辆RV, 来此RV自驾行,结果找来找去,没找到可以接受的价位。当时,也顺便搜了一下租车,价钱也不好。所以,就放在了一边,大不了,就开自家的车走一遭吧。这一放放到临出发前一个月,大朋友去网上一搜,居然价钱一下子便宜近半,而且就在步行可到的地方取车。大喜,即刻租了下来。
住的地方, 这回也主要是大朋友在积极负责找地方,我的要求是尽量找有kitchenette, 如果没有至少有冰箱微波炉啥的,因为娭毑的中国住家胃,大部分时候至少她吃的得自己做。娭毑是一日不可没米饭和蔬菜、最好还得来点辣的;一次不能不喝热的,最好还可以来点茶。为了保证娭毑能 吃好喝好,我们决定带上电热水壶和电饭锅及基本的调味品,当然米是一定得带的。最终定下的住处是五花八门,汽车旅馆、家庭旅馆、连锁旅馆,啥都有了,甚至包括一个大学的宿舍。这个在Halifax 哈利法克斯的大学的宿舍值得特别提一下,因为四间房,带完整厨房、厅和两个浴室,居然只要99刀!
旅馆酒店定下之后,一切也就算是准备就绪了。这次真是简化得可以,其实就是出发前,都只是有一张谷歌地图上画的行程草图。 这下面的行程计划纯粹是现在,为了记一笔而对行程图的简单说明。
Day 1, July 25, 2015, Saturday, Montrea, QC to Campbellton, NB 782 km
Go on Route 40, cross the river through the bridge in Quebec City, continue straight, pass Rimouski, then turn east at Mont Joli and reach Campbellton right after QC border.
Stay at Campbellton
Day 2, July 26, 2015, Sunday, Campbellton to Summerside, PEI 413 km
Visit Campbellton, go along the coast until Bathurst, then go to Miramichi directly and pay a quick visit there. Afterwards, take highway going to PEI. After crossing confederation bridge, visit some red sand beach on the way to Summerside.
Stay at Summerside
Day 3, July 27, 2015, Monday, tour in PEI 297 km
From Summerside, drive up to Cavendish and Green Gables, then go down to Charlottetown. From Charlottetown, go up to Greenwish, then reach east tip of the island. Afterwards, go along the coast down for a while, and then take highway to High Bank, close to Wood Island, where has the ferry.
Stay at High Bank
Day 4, July 28, 2015, Tuesday, High Bank, PEI to Cabot Trail, NS 519 km
Take ferry at 9:30am, 11:00am will arrive Caribou, NS. Then go all the way to Cape Breton Island, will drive anticlockwise along the coast of island to Cheticamp. Stop at Cabot trail for some small trails.
Stay at Cheticamp
Day 5, July 29, 2015, Wednesday, Cabot Trail to Halifax, NS 448 km
Whale watching at Cheticamp. Afterwards, go to Halifax by taking some coast of NS.
Stay at Halifax
Day 6, July 30, 2015, Thursday, Halifax to Truro, NS 574 km
Go down to coast from Halifax, then head toward west along the coast, visiting coves and lighthouses there. From Liverpool, NS, go up to The Bay of Fundy. Then head to east along the coast until Truro.
Stay at Truro
Day 7, July 31, 2015, Friday, Truro to Grand Falls, NB 553 km
Leave Truro for Grand Falls in NB. One the way, will stop at Oromocto and Fredericton.
Stay at Grand Falls
Day 8, August 01, 2015, Saturday, Grand Falls to Montreal, OC 638 km
Drive all the way to Montreal, after Quebec City, take south shore instead.
Back to home, sweet home.
Please Note – One way and return reservations are available departing from Wood Islands. Return reservations only departing from Caribou, one way reservations from Caribou are not available. Payment is only required when you leave Prince Edward Island via the ferry or the Confederation Bridge.
谢谢指证,避免了我错误信息误导人。很不好意思,我没查证先(唉,谁知道他情报工作这么不给力呢。 他说是个lesson for him, 希望以后汲取教训哈。:))
赶紧去官网上看了一下(拷贝在下面了),的确如此呀,只要付一次钱。 不过,它说不能只定从NS这边进的ferry. 这是啥意思?是说不能提前预订,临时到那卖票和等就可以是吧?如果是这样,那我们还是得从PEI出,因为我们是提前定的票。
Please Note – One way and return reservations are available departing from Wood Islands. Return reservations only departing from Caribou, one way reservations from Caribou are not available. Payment is only required when you leave Prince Edward Island via the ferry or the Confederation Bridge.