林贝卡 (热门博主)
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(2013-05-30 19:07:56) 下一个

再过两天就是儿童节了,我在美语论坛读到了关于童年的精彩的英诗,听到了Libera少年合唱团的天籁歌声。童年的英诗是小曼撰写的 (请点击阅读),她把童年和时间的快慢来对比,新颖独特,把童年快乐的时光也描绘的栩栩如生,她在诗中写道:
“It sneaks away so quick when I have fun,
With friends biking up to that very hill,
And alone, think under the setting sun. "
"It is Time! That can't make me go back to nine,
But it can bring me two-thousand-year-old wine!"歌曲则是Justaddmusic分享的 (请点击聆听),他制作的《天籁童声合唱团Libera金曲选听》的音画美贴赏心悦目,蓝天白云,白鸽飞翔,碧波荡漾,可爱的少年合唱团,纯真的歌声,洗涤心灵。

关于童年的歌曲音乐,我想到了Brian Crain的钢琴曲《Childhood Memories》(请点击聆听),Kevin Kern的钢琴曲《Children At Play》(请点击聆听),当然还有大家耳熟能详的罗大佑的《童年》。童年的岁月早已走远了,我的孩子们不时地问我:“妈妈,你小的时候都做了什么?”我能想起来的,都是些片段的,无法成文的记忆,那就在歌声中重温童年吧。

Song: Days Of My Past
Artist: Unknown Translator: Unknown

I recall when I was young. Oh I will play and always having fun
With the neighbours next to me and we'll play until the setting sun
Try to be the best among the others in a game call the "spider battle"
It doesn't matter who is the best now. Those were the days of my past

A few years later when I got to school and was late for lesson all the time
Always day dreaming in the class, till I don't even know the lesson's done
Then my teacher always tell me never ever be lazy again
What can I do now? What can I say now? Those were the days of my past

As the days go on and on I grew up and had my first love
Candel light and sandy beach finally give away my first kiss
Mother said I was too young to fall in love and then I will one day regret
So love was over, but I do miss her. Those were the days of my past

Just when I left my high school and got my first job as salesmen
Working hard all day and night. No one there to lend a helping hand
Dady told me not to worry and said that l should go on step by step
What can I say now? What can I do now? Those were the days of my past

Then once day I settled down with the only one I really love
Got a small family with two kids that is what I'm always hoping for
But I still remember having fun with all my friends when I was young
I miss my home town. I miss my old friends, those the days of my past
Oh I miss my home town I miss my old friends. When will I see them again?

Rebecca Lin 2013 Spring In USA

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林贝卡 回复 悄悄话 回复静谧海湾的评论:

Got it. Thank you very much. Have a wonderful weekend.
静谧海湾 回复 悄悄话 Rebecca,

Very nice old song. Thanks for sharing.

Please check your email.

Wish you and your kids have a nice weekend,
