请点击电影视频:Under the Tuscan Sun
今天晚上我在《美语世界》论坛读到京燕儿撰写的《托斯卡太阳下》(Under the Tuscan Sun)书评和影评,这是美国作家Frances Mayes于1996年所写的意大利之旅的回忆录。京燕儿的文字真切自然,充满了诗意和温馨。虽然是书评,我仿佛在读京燕儿。她在文中写到:“而我们自己不也是勇敢地背井离乡,到外国来追梦吗?像Frances(书中的主人公)和Ed(Frances的男朋友)一样,当年我和先生买下这片地盖房子的时候经历了多少兴奋,在地里种花种草种树撒下了多少汗水。”
我也观看了京燕儿分享的《托斯卡纳太阳下》的电影视频,Frances Mayes由Diane Lane扮演,Frances是美国旧金山的一名作家,人到中年的她,婚姻遭遇变故。Frances的好友Patti (由Sandra Oh扮演)为了帮助Frances摆脱离婚的阴影,送给她一张去意大利托斯卡纳度假的机票。
Frances来到了托斯卡纳小镇San Casciano dei Bagni,那里的向日葵是如此的灿烂,那里的风景是如此的迷人,那里的音乐是如此的悦耳。Frances买了一幢别墅,交了新的朋友,有意大利邻居,波兰装修工,演员Catherine,也遇到了英俊的Marcello,开始了新的恋情,可惜没有持续多久就结束了。
当Frances沮丧地走在罗马的街上,无意地看到Catherine在喷泉下优雅地起舞时。最终,她们俩一起回到了Catherine的房间,Catherine对Frances说:“No matter what happens. Always keep your childish innocence. It's the most important thing. ”
Frances:Do I know you?
Ed: Not really. You reviewed one of my books once.
Frances:Did I like it?
Ed: Not very much.
Frances:Oh, no.
Ed: Don't worry. It was, by far, the very best bad review I've ever received.
Frances:You're kidding.
Ed: I'm not. It helped me get to my next book. Anyway, I've been traveling around Tuscany. Someone said that you lived up here. I'm Ed.
Frances:Hi. I'm Frances.
电影是在奔驰的列车,Frances这段精彩的画外音结尾的:“They say they built the train tracks over the Alps before there was a train that could make the trip. They built it anyway. They knew one day the train would come. Any arbitrary turning along the way, and I would be elsewhere. I would be different.
What are four walls, anyway? They are what they contain. The house protects the dreamer. Unthinkably good things can happen, even late in the game. It's such a surprise.
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请点击电影视频:Under the Tuscan Sun 影评:京燕儿
林贝卡 2012冬 于美国
I like the ending part the best, especially the witty and humorous dilalogues between Frances and Ed, and the monologues by Frances.
I watched this movie before. Like it: warm and fresh...
Thanks for sharing. It bring me the good memory.
Yeah, it is.
Have a nice Sunday and good week ahead.
京燕儿,得感谢你撰写的影评和书评,分享的电影视频,我才知道《Under the Tuscan Sun》这本书和这部电影的。
在生活中,Frances 和她的男友Ed为共同的家园付出心血,现在已经结婚了!