林贝卡 (热门博主)
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Danny Boy

(2007-07-23 16:11:06) 下一个

Song: Danny boy
Artist: Declan Galbraith

Oh Danny boy
The pipes the pipes are calling
From glen to glenn
And down the mountain side
The summer's gone
And all the flowers are dying
'Tis you, 'tis you must go
And I must bide

But come ye back
When summer's in the meadow
Or when the valley's hushed
And white with snow
I'll be there in Sunshine or in shadow
Oh Danny boy oh Danny boy
I love you so

And if you come when all the flowers are dying
If  I am dead as dead I  may be
You'll come and find the place where I'm lying
And kneel and say an "Ave" there for me
And I shall hear, though soft , your thread above me
And all my grave shall warmer, and sweeter be
For you will bend and tell me that you love me
And I shall sleep in peace until you come to me


丹东有少年 清婉如柳笛 荡音声震谷 归寂于山阴
夏仲日迟迟 叶落风萋萋 送君别天涯 徒悲我伫立
待到君归时 野草复青青 昆仑山郁郁 冰雪峰皑皑
晨阳沐我身 九幽感我意 天地纵有寿 生死誓不弃
待到君归时 春尽花憔悴 岁月红颜去 夜雨葬香骸
寻我青冢墓 哀我思无崖 低诉宛如约 痛去痕尤在
惟求勿忘我 斯逝心喜乐 阴阳两隔间 此情无绝念

(翻译来源:[美语世界] 人在 请点击看原帖)

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林贝卡 回复 悄悄话 回复静谧海湾的评论:

I am glad that you like his voice, too.

Good night
静谧海湾 回复 悄悄话 人在,

Your translation is more beautiful and touching than 李敖's. I really like yours.

I like another beautiful translation : THE LAST WALTZ 试译
by 板板. The link is: http://blog.wenxuecity.com/blogview.php?date=200706&postID=16713

Thanks for sharing,

静谧海湾 回复 悄悄话 贝卡,

Thank you very mucy for the details of Declan Galbraith, Yes, realy a extraordinary boy! I really like his voice and this song. So touching...

Learn and enjoy at your blog as always, thanks!

林贝卡 回复 悄悄话 回复人在的评论:



Have a nice Tuesday,

人在 回复 悄悄话 补充一下这首歌的来历。

这首Danny boy是一首爱尔兰民谣,传说原是一个世纪前,一位爱尔兰父亲写给即将从军的儿子,告诉他说,当你下次回来的时候,我大概已经躺在坟里,就像整个夏天的过去,花朵的凋零,就像你现在要走,谁也不能挽留。后来,作者又加上第四段,才使得这首歌由父子间的决别,变成了好似情人的分别。

这首歌的吉他旋律,优美简洁, 听了Sinead O’connor 版本后,愈加觉得感同身受。歌中,Sinead梦游般的女声,带着淡淡的伤感,远远的衬着悠扬的风笛声。仿佛看到微风吹过青青草地的山坡,姑娘正与恋人依依惜别,盼望着即将远去的人儿快快归来,只怕那时已是天人永隔了。 这也是我在翻译中考虑到的,如果一定用父亲的口吻,由于中西文化的不同,会显得古板生硬。更主要的,女歌手出色的演绎,也实在无法让我联想到老父的情怀。其实我们大可不必追究作者是谁, 由于danny boy在美语中是很泛泛的一个词,很多情况下都可称谓,而中国往往习惯用地名来标示一个人,所以,何妨开始一个美丽的幻想呢。

  窃以为,Sinead演唱的Danny Boy比其他版本更出色。想来,爱尔兰的民谣,还是应由爱尔兰歌手诠释罢。这也是我第一次在lovelin的鼓励下,尝试把英文歌曲用中国诗歌的形式表达出来,所以必然有不善之处,但抱着玩的心态,也就不惜献丑了。自己还是不甚满意,觉得没有完全体现出苏格拉民歌特有的空灵的感觉。未免有所遗憾,希望大家多给建议。但译文也不可能完全的保留原作的感觉,往往最深切的感情,表达出来却反而愈发淡然。也许唯有此心境,才能发乎情,止于意吧。


 哦,Danny Boy,
  哦,Danny Boy,


林贝卡 回复 悄悄话 回复静谧海湾的评论:

当我在【美语世界】读到人在的Danny Boy的翻译时,真是佩服他的翻译才华。赶忙就去网上查询这首歌曲,一听也喜欢这首歌曲了,哀怨悠扬。

演唱这首歌曲的Declan Galbraith是一个男孩,才15岁。His birthday is December 19, 1991 (1991-12-19).He is a a boy
with an extraordinary voice

Declan Galbraith and his family live in England, in the small town of Hoo, near Rochester, Kent. His father, Alec, is of Scottish descent, while his mother Siobhan comes from a large Irish family. Declan’s grandfather whom he affectionately called ‚Poppy Ben’ sang in a band and played several instruments and often took Declan along to the ‘Fleadhs’ (concerts) he was playing in.

“I would sit there for hours watching Poppy Ben and the musicians, and listening to their music“, says Declan. The explosive mix of Scottish and Irish musical traditions inspired Declan and became his early musical influence. He remembers himself already singing at the age of two. He adds, “These are some of my very first memories in life – always singing.“

His talent was publicly acknowledged for the first time when at just 7 years old he insisted on performing spontaneously at the annual Rochester Dickens Festival, a two-day extravaganza where people were invited to dress up in Victorian costumes to celebrate the life and times of the famous author Charles Dickens and his links with their town. Little Declan, dressed up as a chimney sweep, started singing and the crowd went wild.

Now, some five years later, Declan has made music and singing his full-time career. Siobhan Galbraith: ”As parents, it has always been the biggest concern to ensure that irrespective of his talent and success, Declan would not lose touch with the real world, and to remain a normal young man. We know he has an extraordinary talent and he has set himself a very high goal.”

His first recording was ‘Walking in the Air’.Declan loves to sing to live audiences. Declan is determined to keep his feet firmly on the ground and knows that it is important to keep up with all of his schoolwork and education. He finds time to practice his music every day.

His first album with Irish traditional songs and some specially written material became a big success and charted in the U.K. and Ireland. Of his new album Declan says: “I like to record songs that are meaningful to me and the audience. I have recorded many different types of songs, such as “Tears in Heaven”, “Love of my Life”, “Nights In White Satin” and “An Angel”, songs that demand vocal performance and interpretation. My greatest wish is simply to make music that people enjoy.”

林贝卡 回复 悄悄话 回复白瑞德的评论:

How are you doing?

Runaway bride has run away.

Have a nice Tuesday,

林贝卡 回复 悄悄话 人在, 你翻译的真是太好了,才华横溢。
静谧海湾 回复 悄悄话 贝卡:

Very very touching, feel the boy's sadness...

丹东少年: 翻译的这么好,可不是献丑阿(zt). Thanks!

Thanks for sharing beauty all the time,

Wish you have a nice day,

白瑞德 回复 悄悄话
丹东有少年 清婉如柳笛 荡音声震谷 归寂于山阴
夏仲日迟迟 叶落风萋萋 送君别天涯 徒悲我伫立
待到君归时 野草复青青 昆仑山郁郁 冰雪峰皑皑
晨阳沐我身 九幽感我意 天地纵有寿 生死誓不弃
待到君归时 春尽花憔悴 岁月红颜去 夜雨葬香骸
寻我青冢墓 哀我思无崖 低诉宛如约 痛去痕尤在
惟求勿忘我 斯逝心喜乐 阴阳两隔间 此情无绝念

林贝卡 回复 悄悄话 Song: Danny boy
Artist: Declan Galbraith

林贝卡 回复 悄悄话 原创 古诗体翻译Danny boy 丹东少年
来源: [ 美语世界 ] 人在 于 07-07-23 15:26:16

老文,请大家指点 ,原名 原创 古诗体翻译Danny boy 丹东少年 魔法红山茶


Danny boy

Oh Danny boy The pipes the pipes are calling
From glen to glenn And down the mountain side
The summer's gon e And all the lives are falling
It's you it's you must go and I must bide
But come ye back When summer's in the meadow
Or when the valley's hushed And white with snow
I'll be there in Sunshine or in shadow
Oh Danny boy oh Danny boy I love you so

But when you'll be back and all the flowers are dying
And i am dead as dead i well may be
You'll come and find the place where I'm lying
And kneel and say an "Ave" there for me
And I shall hear, though soft , your thread above me

And all my grave shall warmer, and sweeter be

For you will bend and tell me that you love me ...

And i shall sleep in peace until you come to me



丹东有少年 清婉如柳笛 荡音声震谷 归寂于山阴
夏仲日迟迟 叶落风萋萋 送君别天涯 徒悲我伫立
待到君归时 野草复青青 昆仑山郁郁 冰雪峰皑皑
晨阳沐我身 九幽感我意 天地纵有寿 生死誓不弃
待到君归时 春尽花憔悴 岁月红颜去 夜雨葬香骸
寻我青冢墓 哀我思无崖 低诉宛如约 痛去痕尤在
惟求勿忘我 斯逝心喜乐 阴阳两隔间 此情无绝念
