
写日记的另一层妙用,就是一天辛苦下来,夜深人静,借境调心,景与心会。有了这种时时静悟的简静心态, 才有了对生活的敬重。
不忘中囯 (热门博主)
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My Diary 79 --- 美国经济不咳嗽了!

(2005-02-07 20:53:22) 下一个




话归正题。在过去的四个季度里,美国经济的平均增长率超4%,加上一些间接的证据表明美国已经走出了“soft Economy”的低潮期。因此,总体来看美国经济是缓过来。Fed Governor Edward Gramlich这么总结:Overall the US economy appeared to be doing wellOutput growth is healthy to normalunemployment is working its way down and we're not far from full employment。”这一连串well, healthy, full 的用词已经让人觉得久违了,据此我估计格老的利率飞刀还得来几发。美联储也表示“we're gradually coming back to normal at a pace that is likely to be measured。”看来如果美国经济是春江水暖,那么这Fed的几位Governors就是“鸭子”了。不过,在整个宏观层面回暖的趋势下,仍然隐藏着一些值得人们注意的地方。



首先是储蓄率太低的问题。自二战以后,国内低储蓄率一直是美国经济的一个隐忧。Fed曾警告说,美国需要勒紧财政的裤腰带以减少对外国资本流入的依赖。Gramlich 于本周一的记者会上指出,如今中日两国在印钞票,购买美国国债,累积了高达$ 2 trillion的外汇储备,导致的直接效果就是抬高美元,压低了各自本国货币币值。而由外国央行屯积的美国国债额度是世界资本市场历史上从没有过的。他不无担忧的说:我们(Fed)不知道这种局面能够或者将持续多久,但this is a big and durable phenomenon and it is serious



其次是就业和生产率的问题。许多经济学家基于前几个季度美国就业增长的趋势曾很乐观的估计,一月份的nonfarm payrolls 会给大家一个惊喜。然而,恰恰相反。146K的非农业就业增长远低于人们的预测中值185K。另外,通常较低的就业增长总是伴随着增高的平均每周工作小时(average hourly workweek),而这次的统计结果也出乎意料之外。不过这些数据也意味着虽然生产时间并没有延长,美国经济的生产率在提高,只是幅度会小一点,但毕竟经济的增长还是有一定的潜力。



再次就是美元的问题。由于GreenspanG7会议之前发表了对美国current account deficit的乐观评估和中国再次重申暂缓进行汇率调整,使得市场短时间内的压力减小了。话音刚落不久,美元兑欧元升到三个月来的最高($/Euro=1.2777),加元兑美元(US$ / C$=0.7965)也跌破80 cents的关键点。这里要附带提到的是央行周小川行长说,中国将在稳定的宏观经济环境和健康的金融体系的大前提下,根据自己的时间表对人民币汇率进行调整,同时也会综合考虑对全球经济的影响。他又说,如果考虑中国的外汇支付和资本流动总体格局,人民币并没有象外界说的那样被“严重低估”。另外,布什总统周一向国会提出的缩减后的 $2.57 trillion 预算草案也给美元打了一针兴奋剂。



根据白宫的最新经济报告,2005年美国经济可能还会取得4%左右的增长。同时GDP.增长的持续加快也将促使Fed继续其适度紧缩的货币政策,这样做也是为了确保美国core CPI保持在2%左右的水平。自去年夏天开始,美国的利率水平已经从后911时代的1%提高到了目前的2.5%。另外,对GDP预测的核心问题是美国能在多大程度上保持国内需求的增长。在这个问题上,市场普遍持乐观态度,因为美元的持续贬值和经济的强劲增长增强了美国的竞争力。这些都将有助于美国缩减需求与产出之间的差距,并减少美国的经常账户赤字。如果中国在今年晚些时候能够接受人民币升值,美国的好日子可能会更舒畅,而这种情况很可能会发生。但是尽管美国的需求和产出实现再次平衡是很受欢迎的,为了得到一种对等和均等的转换,美国则把更多的责任推到了其他经济体的头上。着对于那些长期依赖出口来驱动需求的地区来说是很不利的。对于日本来讲,它将从亚洲的强劲增长中受益,而欧盟地区的问题可能比日本要严峻一些。

















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不忘中囯 回复 悄悄话 **To WeiPeng**

Happy New Year, Wei:

You raise an interesting point but you may not closely pay attention to the details of data in the US economy. Yes, if the M3 growth (6.2%) is the yardstick of future inflation, then the CPI around 2.5% is seemed to be underestimated. However, there are other deflation factors playing their roles. One f them is the wages growth in the US manufacturing sector, which has been at its lowest level during the past 4-5 years because of the continuous layoff due to the competition from countries like China and India.

On the other hand, how can on keep on spending to become rich? Ah, if you look at the level of real interest rate, which is still not back to the neural level as Fed targeted. So when people can borrow in a low rate while invest in the high growth rate of wealth, why don’t they keep borrowing and spending? The same thing happened in the so-called, “Japan Cary Trade”, where investors borrow from Japan and invest the money in US market to gain from the relative growth differentials. But there is foreign currency exposure in this cross-country investment, but there is no such problem regarding the domestic US consumer.

Have a good day!
≠paleink 回复 悄悄话 有人比较贪心哦


I finally Found Someone

Barbara & Bryan
BTW:If you have finally found someone, you are lucky! If not, give you and the others a chance. Please don't joking around.

Bryan: I Finally Found Someone, Who Knocks Me Off My Feet;
Bryan: I Finally Found The One Who Makes Me Feel Complete...
Barbara: It Started Over Coffee, We Started Out As Friends;
Barbara: It's Funny How From Simple Things; The Best Things Begin...
Bryan: This Time Is Different;
Barbara: La La La La
Bryan: It's All Because Of You!..
Bryan: It's Better Than It's Ever Been;
Together: Cuz We Can Talk It Through;
Barbara: My Favorite Line Was "Can I Call You Sometime?";
Barbara: It's All You Had To Say...
Together: To Take My Breath Away...

Together: This Is It!
Together: Oh, I Finally Found Someone; Someone To Share My Life;
Together: I Finally Found The One - To Be With Every Night;
Barbara: Cause Whatever I Do
Bryan: It's Just Got To Be You!
Together: My Life Has Just Begun, I Finally Found Someone...

Bryan: Did I Keep You Waiting?
Barbara: Body and Mind
Bryan: I Apologize
Barbara: Baby, That's Fine
Bryan: I Would Wait Forever
Together: Just To Know You Were Mine;
Bryan: Ya Know - I Love Your Hair...
Barbara: Are You Sure It Looks Right?
Bryan: I Love What You Wear...
Barbara: Isn't It Too Tight?
Bryan: You're Exceptional!
Together: I Can't Wait For The Rest Of My Life...

Together: This Is It!
Together: Oh I Finally Found Someone; Someone To Share My Life,
Together: I Finally Found The One; To Be With Every Night...
Barbara: Cause Whatever I Do
Bryan: It's Just Got To Be You
Together: My Life Has Just Begun; I Finally Found Someone...
Barbara: And Whatever I Do.
Bryan: It's Just Got To Be You!
Barbara: My Life Has Just Begun...
Together: I Finally Found Someone
