

(2011-05-18 09:45:17) 下一个
我们家附近的HEB超市总放coffee samples,每次尝了, 喜欢的就买一小包-- 我家就我一个人喝咖啡, 平时都是冲速溶的, 有客人来了, 才煮一壶的。 所以HEB超市卖的正好是一壶装, 才$1左右。 这样我也不用买一大桶, 放到何年何月。

前几天刚刚好品尝了Texas Pecan, 很香, 加点点cream, 不用糖, 就非常好。

买了两包。 周末客人来刚煮了一壶。 今天带一包到上班的地方, 本来是想煮给同事们喝的。 幸运的是, 上班地方的咖啡壶太高级了, 我不会用, 找老板, 老板提醒我, 有人可能nuts过敏, 煮的时候要把包装纸片贴到上面, 以免nuts过敏的人不小心喝到了。 后来我想, 算了, 因为哪怕贴了包装纸片, 毕竟还是污染了整个煮咖啡的仪器, 还是买比较保险的Hawaii Grog吧, 带椰子味道, 也很香。

顺便提醒一下大家, 公司喝免费咖啡的时候, 如果nuts过敏, 很香的咖啡要小心哦。
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cncjcc 回复 悄悄话 Yes, I love working part-time. Though my part-time is almost 30 hours a week, it is pretty flexible. I can get the kids to their after school activities on the week days instead of waiting to do them all on the weekends. It always feels good to get paid regardless how much it is, besides our husbands are supposed to bring home the "big" bucks, right? ;-)

BTW, your food always look so delicious! Wish I have your talent and passion. I am getting really lazy in the kitchen, don't know how to bring myself out of the slump.
小葡萄妈妈 回复 悄悄话 I am working part time too. Although the pay is little more than McDonald's, I love the flexibility.

I am sure you enjoy the arrangement too.
cncjcc 回复 悄悄话 开始上班了?嗯,好像没听你说过yet. Good luck! BTW, do you like working, staying home, or a little of both? I work part-time and I really like the arrangement.