意式的红烧鸡 – Chicken Cacciatore
这道菜我家爱吃, 可以一锅搞定.
这里还有个很久前贴过的用红酒做的, 而且用的是没去皮的鸡腿肉,这次做法又不同, 可以看看你喜欢哪个.
-鸡腿,去皮带骨, 约3LB, 尽量把肥的剪掉,
-培根,4条, 切小块,
-洋葱一个, 蒜4-5 粒, 切碎,
-蘑菇 –用了水发多种干香菇,
-还补加了一罐番茄酱 14-OZ, 不在图里,
-thyme, oregano, bay leaves,
-橄榄油, 盐, 胡椒, 辣椒粉, 红糖, 适量
鸡块擦干水, 撒盐, 胡椒, 锅加热, 放一点橄榄油, 放鸡块, 中火, 两面煎金黄, 取出,
同一锅里加培根炒出油, 取出
同一锅里加洋葱, 蒜, 香草, 炒软, 炒香, 加蘑菇炒干, 加酒, 把锅底的焦渣刮松, 加罐头番茄, 番茄酱, 盐, 胡椒, 辣椒粉, 红糖, 烧滚, 加回鸡块, 培根, 盖盖, 小火焖约一小时, 筷子插入鸡块很轻便, 就好了.
把鸡块取出放在煮好的意面上, 浇上点酱, 洒胡椒, 罗勒, 初榨橄榄油, parmesan cheese, 就开吃.

Thank you! I am so glad you feel the same way about cooking. Please do share with me about what you like to make.
Thank you.
I used the Costco's Plastic Food Wrap, you don't need to use it if you are concerned. You can just coat the dish with some oil. I look forward to seeing your cooking.
What kind of 保鲜膜 can be using on high tempreture ? I tried to use perchment paper to wrap the meat loaf and steam it. It is easy to prepare and my family enjoy different style food. Thank you.