
Loved, betrayed, turned on, turned off, ... can't help wondering the road ahead. But surely, there will be a shining star.

心灵鸡汤 -- 怎样移动富士山 | 点评 (1)

(2009-02-08 21:45:05) 下一个

最明智的选择 - 改变自己

如果你不喜欢某件事, 改变它. 如果你无法改变它 , 那就改变你自己的态度。
If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude --Maya Angelou



[CD Note]: Changing attitude is easy to say hard to do, because we always tend to choose the easy way - blame the others, in this case. It's easy to stay as a small piece of sand but very hard to become a pearl. That's why only a small percentage of people succeed.

A perfect example would be the investment business in which only 10% people make money and the rest 90% lose. For the 90%, a.k.a. most of us, we choose the easy way such as buying mutual fund or bonds or stocks, instead of educating ourselves to become sophisticated investors - only because it's a harder way. That's exactly why there are only few pearls out of thousand of sands.

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