
自题拙像: 苍茫鲲鹏,万里飞鸣,共和起舞,云海长歌。。。

First love of Big Early Man(BEM) Revised By Brian (R)

(2008-12-21 13:08:48) 下一个

Edited By Elu

 When BEM was a teen, he had his first crush on his cousin, Eva. Eva was a pretty little girl and she had a brother, Adam. He was a handsome boy, was a real work of God’s art - the famous Greek Stature of David had nothing on him then.
 One day, outside Eden, Adam and Eva decided to “experiment”.  While they played naked in the forest, they attracted the eyes of both BEM and a big monster whose was named “dinosaur” by the scientist today and “diner” for short. They were both very hungry. BEM for company and the Diner for a meal. The appearance of the two tasty little creatures made the Diner the hungrier of the two hidden observers.  He roared. It was a sound so terrible that all animals within an 1000-mile radius were scared away. The two teens, Adam and Eva were too terrified to move when they found out that they were just under the giant monster’s big mouth. Adam’s instinct told himself to turn back and run for life. But when his eyes met with Eva’s, he could not move his legs. The first thought in Adam was how to save Eva.
“May be the diner might loose its appetite when it tasted my flesh.” Adam thought. So, he yields to Eva:
“Run quickly! As fast as you can!”
Then, he lied down with his eyes closed, waiting the diner’s fatal bite.
“Let me die quickly without pain.” He prayed.
However, the beast was gourmet who did not eat died meat.  It pushed Adam several times with its nose to test if its food was live. Soon it certain Adam was died, it turned to Eva for its fresh breakfast. Eva ran instantly in horal with extremely high pitch screaming which caused the diner’s tooth cracked into pieces. At this moment when the diner looking for its broken tooth, BEM also found out his chance to show his power so he steps in facing the eager monster with a mighty jump just in front of Eva, block the monster from its prey. He swiftly picks up some pieces of the beast’s tooth and throws them far away. The dinner valued its tooth too much so it followed them into the forest in hope to put them back by one of its dentist friends. The greedy monster had many dentist friends to take care of its fragile tooth. When the diner turn away, BEM gave his warrior cry. It was a sound so loud even the Diner’s voice was muted. Watching the monster long shadow faded away from the view, BEM yelled a victory and turn his eyes to Eva with a smile. Eva stared BEM with admiration. When BEM’s eyes met with the little beauty’s, the big boy heart filled with proud first time. 
“Thank you for save us. My name is Eva.  what is your name?” Eva asked.
“Oh, it nothing. For my name, sorry, I don‘t know.”
“Thank you big guy. My name is Adam. She is…. Ah, is my girlfriend.” Adam jump up from ground when he realized he was not died and joined  the conversation.
“It nice to know you guys.” BEM nock his head to greet Adam but his eyes still looking on Eva.

 The danger was over. The two GGG -  Grand parents of human - were saved by BEM. From then on, the three teens became close friends.
 So many years passed when the three teens became young adults, Eva was first attracted to BEM for his valor, his honesty, and his strength. They fell in love at once and felt very happy. They spent every moment together.  Whenever they two along, Eva’s blue eyes became such a peaceful ocean in which BEM saw himself swimming. It was so pure, beautiful world, no words can descript. He was totally lost in it by merged his head into her bosom. The soft waves, the tempting smell from her body, the sleepy wind, her soft breath and humming … all together composed a romantic music. Along with it their bodies danced with full joy. Such a brilliant symphony echoed with their quick breath and murmur…
A sounder storm, lightening, volcano evaporating its lava into the sky, white steam sizzling became cloud flowed away…Her shaking body stimulated a violent tide wrapped BEM with irresistible power. BEM was conquered when
Eva melted into his harms with her graceful tenderness of a fully satisfied women. BEM felt great too at this moment. His forceful strike beyond his control finally. He fall down with his mountain like body above Eva. The touch of their flesh was so delicate for each other to them. It was like they were both drunk heavily…

Unfortunately, each of these scenes was watched secretly by a jealous boy, Adam. He loved Eva too. He was looking for his  opportunity.  To Adam’s advantage, he was younger, smarter, and better looking than BEM. And of course, being human, he was better with words. So, whenever he had chance, he would make fun of BEM. It made him feel smart. He would often play little tricks on BEM to make Eva laugh. At first, BEM did not mind. He was a confidant big man. After all, the jokes were kind of funny and they did make him and Eva laugh. However, these small tricks gradually made Eva loose her interest with BEM. One day, BEM saw Adam seduced Eva behind him. Eva fall into Adam’s arms… BEM felt his heart beating so violently. His breath was so heavy and short.  He was furious for Adam to steal his lover and Eva unfaithful to him. In a rage, he lost control of himself and beat the shit out of Adam. This violent behavior horrified Adam and Eva. One day later, while BEM slept that night, the two weak lovers abandoned their protector and escaped from Eden through the dark, dangerous forest. When BEM woke up next morning, only the snake crawling on the apple tree. It told BEM that his two cousins ate a wisdom fruit from the tree and their eyes see clearly. They saw you so ugly and were frightened away by your violence. They ran away from you to look for a new home. If you want to know where they are now, you have to eat a wisdom fruit too. BEM gorged one without moment’s hesitate. Suddenly he found out the surrounding world is totally different.  He ran to a pond to find out what he looks like. It is so “rough“ even in his own word. He was shocked with the results comparing Adam‘s image in his mind with his in the water. His face grimed for many days, having no courage to look for his two cousins to say how sorry he was. Even he began to hate himself. Disgracing his own body, he tried to get rid of his long body hair by pulling them off. He even dye his hair blond by painting them with yellow mud found in a river bottom. You can imagine that all this “make-up” made BEM look more like the circus clown of today.
 The snake noticed BEM’s regret and his demented behavior. It told BEM,
“I heard that there is a well know tutor in far east. His name is Kong Qiu (KQ, 孔丘). He will teach you how to treat other people and if you learn your lessons well, you might win Eva back.”
“Really?!” BEM’s hope is fired up by this news. He dreamed many times that Eva and Adam were back to him. He thought that if he can speak fluently and act gracefully, Eva definitely will be his sole lover. This idea grew in his mind bigger and bigger until occupied all its space. In his hallucination driven by this beleaguering thought, he even saw Eva became his soul mate once more when he would tell her “I love you, Honey!” in fancy Chinese. He could not stayed any one more day in Eden, so he thanks the snake for its advise and left Eden to began his long journey searching for KQ.

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