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(2008-10-28 08:20:54) 下一个

最近几天,美国主流媒体的一些有良知的新闻人,也对媒体对奥巴马的献媚表示担心。ABC资深记者MICHAEL S. MALONE 说,媒体的这种偏袒让他作为一个新闻工作者感到可耻。媒体是在同宪法,职业道德,和读者玩火。

早年从中国大陆出来的人,都知道在国内每天早上听中央台新闻,上班看“人民日报”,晚上看中央电视台的新闻联播。 在“人民日报”,“光明日报”,“解放军报”,“红旗”杂志,和“文汇报”等报上发表的社论或是特约评论员文章,是每天要看要学习和讨论的话题。 当时人们的思想和意识,对事物的看法和判断,基本上是同这些官方媒体所表达的是一致的。这叫统一思想和认识。


你没看见那些为奥巴马唱赞歌的孩子们有多天真烂漫吗? 你没看见那些为奥巴马跳忠字舞的有多神圣吗?你没看见那些美国年轻人对奥巴马那种狂热的崇拜吗?你没看见有多少人觉得能见到奥巴马同能见到上帝一样令人热血沸腾吗?




我在网上和网下同不少华人同胞接触,华人支持奥巴马的主要原因, 基本上都是媒体和奥巴马阵营给灌输的垃圾:


更多的华人选民以前是支持希拉莉的,现在转向支持麦肯。对此,我做了个调查。 在华人圈子里,支持奥巴马的没我想象的那么多,也没什么极大的热情。当我同他们谈了我的想法后,很多人同意我的观点,有的人转而支持麦肯了。






但你们听到媒体报道你们了吗? 没有!







• 给美国华人选民的一封公开信(2) • 奥巴马:要立法均贫富
• 支持MCCAIN的华人选民请进来: • 给美国华人选民的一封公开信 (1)
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• 决不是人身攻击,但我敢肯定: • 为什么民主党有人会这么恶毒攻击佩林?
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• 哈哈哈哈,来听听都是什么人在支持奥巴马! • MCCAIN和HILLARY有一个共同的毛病
• 关于MCCAIN,我就实话实说了吧: • 为奥巴马要劫富济贫的那些所谓的“有钱人”说句公道话
• Survey: CEOs Say Obama Would Be Disastrous • 从来就没有什么救世主,老百姓您就自己救自己吧
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• 美国大选副总统辩论:佩林真的是个花瓶?(图/视频) • 胸怀祖国放眼世界的老中们我问问你
• 今晚辩论和明天民调预测 (图) • 真的不敢想象:左派们让天真烂漫孩子们也加入政治, 歌颂奥巴马
• 昨天跟一老美奥饭辩论,说的他哑口无言 • 第一次辩论:麦肯和奥巴马谁赢了?
• 羊毛出在羊身上,倒霉的还是老百姓 • 克林顿透露: 希拉莉从来就没想当奥巴马的副手
• 奥巴马愚弄选民的把戏再次被揭露 • 为什么民主党不遗余力地要摧毁佩林?
• ABC和华盛顿邮报故意歪曲佩林原话误导选民 • 奥巴马很牛么
• [幽默]克林顿和奥巴马秘密会面谈话记录 • 佩林的提名是给民主党一个响亮的大耳光
• 朱利安尼在RNC精彩的演讲 • 金融大亨索罗斯支持民主党竞选的真相
• [调侃]简单几句大白话 (图) • 出奇制胜:麦肯提阿拉斯加州美女州长当副总统
• 民主党不愿意做的共和党做了:年轻女VP! • 到底是什么美国梦?!
• In his own words • [调侃]奥巴马是怎么想的? (图)

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cuteyeve 回复 悄悄话 我当然有看全部的interview. 这是transcript. 自己看看她都在说什么
Couric: You've cited Alaska's proximity to Russia as part of your foreign policy experience. What did you mean by that?
Sarah Palin: That Alaska has a very narrow maritime border between a foreign country, Russia, and, on our other side, the land-boundary that we have with Canada. It's funny that a comment like that was kinda made to … I don't know, you know … reporters.
Couric: Have you ever been involved in any negotiations, for example, with the Russians?
Palin: We have trade missions back and forth, we do. It's very important when you consider even national security issues with Russia. As Putin rears his head and comes into the air space of the United States of America, where do they go? It's Alaska. It's just right over the border. It is from Alaska that we send those out to make sure that an eye is being kept on this very powerful nation, Russia, because they are right there, they are right next to our state.
如果她像你说的,“没有说服过任何人,也没有在执政中涉及过此议题‘ 那这段采访中所说她认为roe v wade 应该从联邦法中去除由各州来单独立法呢?
Couric Why, in your view, is Roe v. Wade a bad decision?

Sarah Palin: I think it should be a states' issue not a federal government-mandated, mandating yes or no on such an important issue. I'm, in that sense, a federalist, where I believe that states should have more say in the laws of their lands and individual areas. Now, foundationally, also, though, it's no secret that I'm pro-life that I believe in a culture of life is very important for this country. Personally that's what I would like to see, um, further embraced by America.

花枝俏 回复 悄悄话 这次美国大选中媒体对奥巴马的偏袒, 确实是太明显了, 所以那些 poll 可信度极低. 为什么媒体会这样呢? 因为那些媒体的大老板大多是犹太人, 犹太人因为宗教的原因不被共和党接受, 所以他们都是民主党, 这就是为什么有钱的好莱坞(好莱坞的大老板大多也是犹太人) 和华尔街也支持奥巴马.
我倒是感觉麦肯还是能赢, 美国白人有些事情只做不说.
noso 回复 悄悄话 回复儿子他爹的评论:

my point is: Palin has more executive experience than Obama, Biden, and McCain combined. She may not sound like a layer or insider of Washington, buy she is not dummy as the media and democrat want you to think.

Do you know anyone else who will tell you what he or she really think about the issue?

Everyone is telling you what you want to hear. If you like what you hear, keep you eyes on your poket. All smooth talkers want your money and make you feel good at the same time.

Will America be better off with people like Sarah Palin in Washington? 100% yes!

儿子他爹 回复 悄悄话 回noso:
"how much budget and how many people does Palin manage?"

how many people - 少于63万。
how much budget - 不知道。可以google。 但是不会多,凭common sense。也许你知道,那就告诉我。可是 What is you point?
noso 回复 悄悄话 回复儿子他爹的评论:

how much budget and how many people does Palin manage?
noso 回复 悄悄话 回复wxcdave的评论:

Let me ask you a question:

All terrorists have endorsed Obama, will that make Obama a terrorist?
noso 回复 悄悄话 回复儿子他爹的评论:



你问他们,怎么当这个经理。 老人说,看好你的钱,做好你要我做的事。年轻人说,你知道你公司的问题是什么吗?












他说,有你和配合能成,YES WE CAN。

你当时很激动,觉得遇到高人了。 这个年纪大的老了些,年轻的好象有能力。



老人说,不会,你的根基很好。 只是前任花钱大手大脚的老喜欢干大事。






老人说,现在没钱,先不分了,等生意好了以后再说。 你的生意好了,员工的工作才能稳定。 你都干不下去了,他们只能失业了。

你说, 你觉得那个年轻人怎么样?

老人说,我以前也很自负。但实践告诉我,谁都能说,不是谁都能说到做到的。 我和他之间的选谁要看你觉得谁靠得住。







他说,把钱交给我,出任何事情你都要跟我站在一起。 YES WE CAN。明天更美好!


儿子他爹 回复 悄悄话 回noso,
突然好奇心起,google 了一下 Alaska 和 Hawaii 的人口。

wxcdave 回复 悄悄话 请问楼主为什么三K党是共和党的坚定支持者? 还有,我所知道的“RED NECK” 们都是共和党的坚定支持者, 请告诉我为什么要让那些华人移民投票给共和党?

毛主席教导我们说 “凡是敌人反对的,我们就要拥护。凡是敌人拥护的,我们就要反对”
儿子他爹 回复 悄悄话 回noso:
"如果你不在竞争激烈的几个州,如OH, FL, PA, CO,VA,你这一票给谁基本上不起什么作用。"



但是我也可以投老迈一票,如果你能以common sense 的语言说服我的话。你以上的信让我看到的只是激情。

noso 回复 悄悄话 回复91468的评论:

Exactly, she is a Governor of State of Alaska for God sake. Show some respect at least.
91468 回复 悄悄话 一位阿拉斯加的民主党人这样讲过,她会选奥巴马,但她也认为媒体对佩林不公。在阿拉斯加,佩林不分党派,佩林会反对共和党如果共和党错了,就这一点,我认为佩林是能做事的政治新星, 她不是政客。
noso 回复 悄悄话 回复91468的评论:

very good points, thanks.
91468 回复 悄悄话 住在一个离俄罗斯比较近的州不等于有足够的外交经验,如果你听了全部采访,就知道那只是佩林说的一句话。何况邻边国家如果不是朋友,不在意才不可理解呢。当年毛泽东把大批知识青年放在边境“屯垦戍边“就是一重要指导思想。
noso 回复 悄悄话 回复儿子他爹的评论:

如果你不在竞争激烈的几个州,如OH, FL, PA, CO,VA,你这一票给谁基本上不起什么作用。

Wait for my Part 3, I am not done yet. : )
儿子他爹 回复 悄悄话 我还没决定投不投票,投的话,投谁的票。不过我儿子吵着要跟我去投票(他的social study 作业),看来我还是要去投。但是投谁涅?


老迈老了,佩林在必要时接过总统的担子是一个非常现实的可能性。可是她ready了吗?我的判断是坚定的No! 我不用知道别的,就一个词:经历。好,再加一句话,哪里的经历?我一年都听不到几次阿拉斯加的新闻。它有一百万人口吗?它有夏威夷人口多吗?我不知道。但我把它们相提并论。(By the way, 我也不认为小奥的经历够格)。






2)“1。布什把美国搞的一团糟,麦肯是布什,不能选麦肯。” 你也没有证明这话不对。




投谁?看不看钱包投票?noso 你再掰一掰?
cuteyeve 回复 悄悄话 回复ddren的评论:
right on! you truly understand the urge I have for slapping at certain ones sometime. Let me complete my list:

If some say people who believe in religion are all brain washed and should go f**k themselves, I ll slap u. If some say people don't believe in religion have no soul and deserve to die, I ll slap you. If some say all blacks are criminals, I ll slap you. If some say all Muslims are terrorists, I ll slap you. If some say all Irish or Jews are sneaky, cheap bastards and should be wiped out from earth, I ll slap you. If some say, I have to give birth from rape or incest, I ll slap you. If some say, children will be watching pornos ,parents will be marring their kids once Obama is the president(thaz all over the Evangelical websites), I ll slap you.

ddren 回复 悄悄话 回复noso的评论:
人家cuteyeve说佩琳是女人的败类是因为她反对堕胎即使是在被强奸的情况下。如果今天某个人强奸了我媳妇,还跟我说她应该把孩子生下来,我觉得这个人不仅是女人的败类,更是全人类的败类。没有最起码的良知,没有同情心。回去看cuteyeve的原文,她说如果你说所有的黑人都是靠政府救济的懒汉,她会抽你。我很欣赏她的nature passion. 这是一个有正义感的女人。你说把她的帖子留在这里,让大家看看支持obama的人都是什么素质,从她身上我看到的是一个人起码的良知,正义,爱心。反种族歧视就是正义。我对大部分黑人也没有什么好感,但是我明白不是所有的黑人都是恶棍。
to cuteyeve: you rock~~~~
cuteyeve 回复 悄悄话 一个女人觉得种族仇恨者就是找抽,有什么可怕的?
cuteyeve 回复 悄悄话 noso: 不管谁,只要说今天的经济危机都是黑人造成的,所有的黑人都是懒汉强奸犯抢劫犯,所有的穆斯林都是恐怖分子,拉丁裔都是黑帮成员等等等等,我就抽他!种族歧视仇恨者就是找抽!我说的有错吗?????????????????????????????如果你是种族仇恨者的话,你当然觉得我太疯狂,但如果你不是的话,你当然觉得这种人就是找抽!
91468 回复 悄悄话 回复cuteyeve的评论:
看来你是女人,可你又在其他评论中说:不要跟我说所有的黑人都是,我抽你! 这话不像一个女人说的。

noso 回复 悄悄话 Notorious Obamedia Moments of 2008

Michelle Malkin
Wednesday, October 29, 2008

To paraphrase Queen Elizabeth II, 2008 is not a year on which honest journalists shall look back with undiluted pleasure. This has turned out to be even more of an annus horribilis than 2004, when Dan Rather's fake Bush/National Guard memo fiasco redefined the "BS" in CBS News. There were so many mainstream journalists swimming in the Democratic tank this year, the nation's newsrooms looked more like overcrowded aquariums at PetSmart.

In less than a week, the campaign season will be over. But the Obamedia's most shameful biases and notorious blunders shall not be forgotten. Here are my Top Five, by no means comprehensive and in no particular order:

1. The Los Angeles Times and the suppressed Obama/Jew-bash videotape.

In April, L.A. Times reporter Peter Wallsten reported on a 2003 farewell party for Rashid Khalidi, a radical Palestinian Liberation Organization spokesman/adviser turned Ivy League professor. The anti-Israel Arab American Action Network sponsored the gala. In attendance: good neighbors Barack Obama and Weather Underground terrorist duo Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn.

Wallsten reported that the "event was videotaped, and a copy of the tape was obtained by The Times." But the news organization refuses to let readers watch the video of Obama and his left-wing terrorist friends and will not release the tape. It's "old news" now.

The paper had no problem, however, embedding a video clip of Sarah Palin's 1984 swimsuit pageant on its gossip blog and deeming it newsworthy.

2. Ogling Obama.

In May, CNN posted "breaking news video" of female journalists on Obama's press plane fawning over the Democratic presidential candidate as he talked on his cell phone. The caption listed on the network's website: "Obama in jeans: Sen. Barack Obama surprises the press corps by wearing jeans."

In the clip, several members of the press corps yell at a Secret Service agent to "sit down" because she's obstructing the view of their beloved Obama. They giggle and sigh as Obama straddles over a row of seats and they furiously click away on their cameras. "You're killing us," one of them says breathlessly.

No, you're killing yourselves.

Runners-up for Most Drool-Covered Groupies: The journalist who squealed "He touched me!" at the UNITY minority journalists' convention in July; the MSNBC producer who broke down and shed tears of joy upon learning that The One had clinched the Democratic presidential nomination; MSNBC host Chris Matthews, who proclaimed that he "felt a thrill up his leg" after an Obama speech in February; Oprah Winfrey, who confessed she did a "happy dance" for Obama; and the writer for the German publication Bild, who worked out with Obama at the Ritz-Carlton in Berlin and reported: "I put my arm around his hip -- wow, he didn't even sweat! WHAT A MAN!"

3. The Atlantic Monthly's deranged photographer.

Publisher David Bradley's once-esteemed magazine hired celebrity lens-woman Jill Greenberg to snap portraits of John McCain. Greenberg, an outspoken left-winger who goaded children into crying on film and captioned the images with anti-Bush slogans, sabotaged the photo shoot and gloated about it on a photo industry website.

After tricking McCain into standing over a strobe light to create ugly shadows on his face, she then posted vandalized versions of the imagery on her personal website with crude, vulgar labels. One featured McCain with fangs and blood dripping from his mouth -- with the Greenberg-added words, "I am a bloodthirsty warmongerer (sic)." Another piece of her "art" showed an ape (a favorite Greenberg subject) defecating on McCain's head. The highly respected editors at Atlantic professed shock despite Greenberg's notoriety. The name of her blog: "Manipulator."

4. The quote doctors and math-manglers at CNN.

In a botched attack on Sarah Palin, CNN reporter Drew Griffin cited National Review writer Byron York allegedly questioning Palin's abilities and character: "The National Review had a story saying that, you know, I can't tell if Sarah Palin is incompetent, stupid, unqualified, corrupt, or all of the above." York, however, was characterizing the press coverage of Palin.

In a botched tally, CNN anchor Soledad O'Brien proclaimed that an audience poll showed "overwhelming" preference for Joe Biden after the vice presidential debate. A freeze frame of the show of hands, however, showed the audience split. The mathematically challenged O'Brien also claimed that Palin slashed Alaska's special needs budget by 62 percent (which she recycled from the liberal Daily Kos blog), despite the fact that the governor increased special needs funding by 12 percent. Facts, schmacts.

5. Us Magazine publisher Jann Wenner's Obama apparatchiks.

The gossip mag's partisan slime job on Palin and her family ("Babies, lies, and scandal") last September opened the floodgates of Palin-bashing across the mainstream media and was the nadir of the year. Wenner -- a prominent Obama backer who ran countless hagiographies of him in sister publication Rolling Stone and featured the Obamas with the slavering headline "Why Barack Loves Her" on Us Magazine's June cover -- had his media flack e-mail the anti-Palin hit piece to all media in St. Paul for the Republican National Convention: "Might be useful as an illustration of how the news is playing out," the flack wrote.

Indeed, the side-by-side covers of the Palin smears and the Obamas' deification perfectly illustrate the year in Obamedia.
noso 回复 悄悄话 回复cuteyeve的评论:

cuteyeve 回复 悄悄话 回复noso的评论:
看来你就是那些每年收入在10万到15万之间或者更少的却支持 McCain的。。。我还以为你多有钱呢?哦。。。

告诉你我对Palin 就是有深仇大恨,别让我看到这个女人,看到她就是两个中指!她是我们女人的败类!给我们女人丢脸!!
cuteyeve 回复 悄悄话 noso: 你是中文不好啊还是理解能力差啊????我说的是有钱人支持共和党很正常,但是那些家庭年收入在10万左右的还因为税款的问题支持McCain,脑子才进水!你说我狂妄可以,你不要用我来攻击所有的obama 支持者!

gq 回复 悄悄话 非常好文!支持!!












noso 回复 悄悄话 我为啥不选奥巴马? 辛评2008-10-23 14:26:41

传统上,台湾来的中国人(或台湾人)支持共和党,大陆来的中国人(或大陆人)投民主党的票。这是理念使然,据说共和党是有钱人的党,要搞资本主义;民主党向着穷人,要走社会主义道路。上两次大选,我就是投票给高尔和克里,我讨厌共和党人假冒伪善。当我这次决定投麦肯一票后,许多朋友不以为然,认为我背叛了,嫌贫爱富,想傍大款,冒充富人。这都是误会,虽然我不见得能说清楚。 不容否认,奥巴马的确年轻,算得上漂亮,还很会讲话。尤其是当他和麦肯站在一起辨论,麦肯不仅年老,长得不讨人喜欢,说话也结结巴巴的。爱美之心,人皆有之,年轻人、妇女喜欢奥巴马,也就没有什么奇怪了。但任何事情都有它的两方面,有一利必有一弊,套用大陆已经用滥了的一个术语,叫一分为二。年轻,经验就缺乏。有经验了,也就老了。漂亮,确实招人爱欢。但漂亮的,绣花枕头者居多,鲜有漂亮且有兼智慧的。谁不爱听好话?会讲话绝对是个强项。既就是假话、空话,人们也爱听,认为这是善意的谎言,是有异像、有远见(vision)。我大概是年龄大了,对年轻、漂亮有了不同的认识;对会讲好听话的有了戒备,反倒觉得年老、有点丑、不善言辞的麦肯让我放心。 奥巴马提出的立即从伊拉克撤军、改革、均贫富,听起来不错,细想就有问题了。 从伊拉克撤军,这是迟早的事,但怎么撤就有问题了。继续打下去,不得人心,这么大的开销,美国再富也撑不了多久。撤军有两种模式,一种是南韩模式:大部撤出,留一小部分威慑,使对方不敢轻举妄动;另一种是南越模式:全部撤出,让北越吞并南越。从历史和现实看,南韩模式既符合美国国家利益,也有助于地区稳定。无条件撤军或人为地订下撤军时间表,无异于自取其辱,南越很快覆亡就是前车之鉴。 改革也是势在必行,共和党上台这八年,完全背离了共和党的理念:财政平衡,小政府,已经和民主党没有本质差别了。唯一不同的是把钱钱在什么地方,花给谁,难怪共和党人及其传统的支持者也都对共和党不满。但谁能改、怎么改还是个问题。奥巴马在芝加哥政坛、华盛顿圈子混了也不是一天两天了,他都改过什么?好像没听说过。明眼人都知道,美国当下的根本问题是大企业和院外活动集团在左右政府运作。目前,美国最需要的是敢于对大的利益集团说不的政治家,而不是只会说好听话的政客。听说,奥巴马竞选花的钱是历史上最多的,哪里来的钱?还不是大的利益集团捐的?吃人家的口软,拿人家的手软,让奥巴马改革不是与虎谋皮吗? 均贫富,无论从人道上还是从社会安定上讲,都是应该的。一味偏向利益集团,损害的当然是中产阶级和穷人的利益。但怎么帮穷人也有很大的学问,发钱当然最容易,且立马见效,却不长久。长远的办法是发展经济,让穷人有工作;发展教育,让穷人有好的工作。外国人(印度人,中国人,墨西哥人)能到美国找到工作,找到好工作,为什么生长在美国、享有各种政府帮助、保护、扶持的美国人反倒成了穷人,这说明了什么?这恰恰说明发钱、保护根本不能结决穷人的问题,只能使他们更穷,更依赖政府。奥巴马的发钱政策也许会为他赢得选民、赢得大选,对美国经济却未必是福,这决非危言耸听。 其实,我开始属意的是民主党的希拉莉和共和党的哈克比,初选时,我是将票投给了哈克比。希拉莉和哈克比运气不佳,都没出线。在观看了几次辩论和看了有关的材料之后,我决定支持不那么讨人喜欢的麦肯。相对而言,我更信得过麦肯。我的一票不会有什么作用,但我该尽自己的义务,也不用违心地去投一个自己信不过的奥巴马。

noso 回复 悄悄话 回复探索真理的评论:

next time, try not even reat it. goodbye!
noso 回复 悄悄话 谁创造了奥巴马奇迹?

来源: 辛评 于 08-10-29 06:56:38











noso 回复 悄悄话 回复cuteyeve的评论:


noso 回复 悄悄话 回复bornin1968的评论:


你说的观点等我在第三部分给你逐一解套。 Read what I have written, you may learn something here. : )
bornin1968 回复 悄悄话 尽管作者一再想撇清自己,几番表示自己是中立的,可是,看看文章你就知道了,对共和党的支持,对那个缺大脑的佩林的支持,也看见了作者的分析能力。

你想对华裔选民说什么呢?税收都用到了养懒人身上,你太缺乏对福利社会的理解了。社会福利不仅仅是对无家可归的人,单亲妈妈和没有工作的人的照顾 -- 说实话,他们用不了几个钱,从伊拉克提早一个月撤军,够养活他们好几年的了。




cuteyeve 回复 悄悄话 One way to ‘see’ the distribution of wealth in the U.S. is to imagine a group of 100 people who have a $100 between them. Evenly distributed each would have one dollar of wealth.

50 individuals at the bottom have a nickel. ($0.05 times 50 = $2.50)社会最底层的50%平均每个人只有5分

The next 40 each have $0.70 of wealth (40 times $0.70 - $28.00).

The next 9 each have $4.00 of wealth (nine times $4.00 = $36.00)

The last richest individual has $33.40 (one time $33.40). 最有钱的一个人,注意只是一个人,也就是1%,却拥有33.40

这是2006美国做的国家财产调查,自己google一下 US Wealth Distribution,看看我有没有蒙你!!!!!!
cuteyeve 回复 悄悄话 本人也不喜欢好吃懒做的人。但是不工作完全靠政府救济的人在美国有多少?每年花纳税人多少钱?不要跟我说所有的黑人都是,我抽你!就算他们都是也不过占美国人口的12%。 美国最富的5%有几个不是靠投机,欺骗,垄断来获取暴力的?他们每年拿走老百姓多少钱?前者和后者哪个拿的多?我就不明白为什么有些人如此憎恨穷人懒汉,却对公开抢劫的人没有任何意见。这两种人我都有意见,只不过对后者的要多的多。

如果你们家庭收入在25万以上,你不愿意每年多交1000税款而不支持obama,我可以理解。我认为愿意帮助别人是情分,但是保护自己财产也是本分。我们没有必要去谴责那些不愿意多出一毛的人,毕竟不能拿自己的高尚风格去要求每一个人。但是那些每年收入在10万到15万之间的或者更少的却支持 McCain的,我就不明白了,你们是脑子进水了还是休克了?你们是不是还做着平生有机会成为亿万富翁的美梦???自己好好想一想,在未来的20年里哪个机会比较大,拥有1亿美金,还是丢了工作要靠政府救济一段时间直到你重新找到工作?除了现在已经拥有2000万美金以上的人有可能成为前者,其他的人别做梦了。。。。。。。

说Obama是社会主义,你们连什么是社会主义都没有搞懂。社会主义是認為生產資源應該由社會或政府所控制。Obama有说这么做吗?他说的spread the wealth是指在过去8年里,美国95%的人收入的增长比例远远小于通货膨胀物价的增长,所以收入在10万左右的人生活越来越拮据,而这主要是由于金融机构的风险投机和战争造成的。所以国家现在的根本任务是要帮助这些人度过难关。有错吗?你现在也许并不是这其中的一员,但是如果有一天你不幸成为了,你希望一个总统给你减税多还是给亿万富翁多?


我欣赏Obama, 不支持McCain,Palin让我恶心,但是用种族,宗教,个人喜好,家庭等等去攻击别人,就不行!!!!!!不管是我喜欢还是讨厌的人,都不行!!!!
紫萸香慢 回复 悄悄话 回复bluecurrent的评论:
"他都70 多岁了也不缺钱,可 他为什么要竞选总统? "

Simple: Power, power, power!

Why did Chairman Mao start the Culture Revolutionary while he had already had the highest power? The absolute power.

No one is "美国真正的救星, 他是自由,正义和公正的化身". Mccain is not, Obama is not either. A democracy country only has leaders, good or bad, but no leader should be put into the seat of a savior. Obama does inspire a lot of people and he has shown his great leadership and organization ability during the year-long process. By making big mistakes on selecting the running mate and commenting on economy, Mccain has provoked all critics about his judgements.
jwayne_1 回复 悄悄话 i thought obama would lose but i may very well be wrong. what a lovely mistake :)

us is already adopting socialism, at the moment the stupid $700B bill passed.
胡涣 回复 悄悄话 回复可亲可近的评论:
好吧。那我把“错误”改为“不够明智”,够温柔了吗? :))
可亲可近 回复 悄悄话 回复可亲可近的评论:。“华人选共和党是错误的”这个论点本身就是幼稚 偏剖的。华人=大陆人。台湾人。香港人。东南亚华人。越柬老缅华人。韩国华人。。。。。各人的背景不同
政治见解南辕北辙是正常的。你可以说服别人 但不可以说别人的选择是错误的。我是一希饭 但是当我仔细研究了08的政治记录和他的政纲后 觉得08是不符合我的理念的后选人 相反的老麦有一些值得我考录的地方。当道不同不象谋的时候 学会遵重别人 这才是真正的“beauty of the america"。

另外 很多当处选bush的人现在后悔莫及. 只有better one没有best one
胡涣 回复 悄悄话 如果麦肯和佩林都没拿这事大造舆论,那就说明这些说法的价值是很低的。



bluecurrent 回复 悄悄话

非常高兴看到楼主的文章能够再次让广大的文学城读者看到, 并能引起大家的理性思考.

我在这里只想说一点, 麦凯恩作为一个曾经出生入死战场的老兵, 自己的孩子还在前线, 他都70 多岁了也不缺钱,可 他为什么要竞选总统? 他不是在为自己私利考虑, 他是在拯救美国, 他才是美国真正的救星, 他是自由,正义和公正的化身.

希望华人朋友们擦亮眼睛, 认清奥巴马掩藏非常深的真实面目, 不要煤体左右你的投票权.你们的未来在你们的手中!
可亲可近 回复 悄悄话 回复胡涣的评论:完全不同意你的意见。“华人选共和党是错误的”这个论点本身就是幼稚 偏剖的。华人=大陆人。台湾人。香港人。东南亚华人。越柬老缅华人。韩国华人。。。。。各人的背景不同
政治见解南辕北辙是正常的。你可以说服别人 但不可以说别人的选择是错误的。我是一希饭 但是当我仔细研究了08的政治计
noso 回复 悄悄话 回复胡涣的评论:

tell me why LA Times is protecting Obama:

LA Times Refuses to Release Tape of Obama Praising Controversial Activist
Video of farewell party for alleged PLO worker shows Obama toasting 'friend and dinner companion' with questionable past.

Rashid Khalidi, a professor and activist tied to the PLO, was feted by Barack Obama at a farewell dinner for the Palestinian activist. (AP photo)

The Los Angeles Times is refusing to release a videotape that it says shows Barack Obama praising a Chicago professor who was an alleged mouthpiece for the Palestine Liberation Organization while it was a designated terrorist group in the 1970s and '80s.

According an LA Times article written by Peter Wallsten in April, Obama was a "friend and frequent dinner companion" of Rashid Khalidi, who from 1976 to1982 was reportedly a director of the official Palestinian press agency, WAFA, which was operating in exile from Beirut with the PLO.

Click here to read the original LA Times story: 'Palestinians See a Friend in Barack Obama.'

In the article -- based on the videotape obtained by the Times -- Wallsten said Obama addressed an audience during a 2003 farewell dinner for Khalidi, who was Obama's colleague at the University of Chicago, before his departure for Columbia University in New York. Obama said his many talks with Khalidi and his wife Mona stood as "consistent reminders to me of my own blind spots and my own biases."

Khalidi is currently the Edward Said professor of Arab Studies at Columbia. A pro-Palestinian activist, he has been a fierce critic of American foreign policy and of Israel, which he has accused of establishing an "apartheid system" of government. The PLO advocate helped facilitate negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians in the early '90s, but he has denied he was ever an employee of the group, contradicting accounts in the New York Times and Washington Times.

The LA Times told FOXNews.com that it won't reveal how it obtained the tape of Khalidi's farewell party, nor will the newspaper release it. Spokeswoman Nancy Sullivan said the paper is not interested in revisiting the story. "As far as we're concerned, the story speaks for itself," she said.

The newspaper reported Tuesday evening in a story on its Web site that the tape was from a confidential source.

"The Los Angeles Times did not publish the videotape because it was provided to us by a confidential source who did so on the condition that we not release it," the Times' editor, Russ Stanton, said. "The Times keeps its promises to sources."

In recent months Obama has distanced himself from the man the Times says he once called a friend. "He is not one of my advisers. He's not one of my foreign policy people," Obama said at a campaign event in May. "He is a respected scholar, although he vehemently disagrees with a lot of Israel's policy."

But on the tape, according to the Times, Obama said in his toast that he hoped his relationship with Khalidi would continue even after the professor left Chicago. "It's for that reason that I'm hoping that, for many years to come, we continue that conversation -- a conversation that is necessary not just around Mona and Rashid's dinner table ... [but around] this entire world."

A number of Web sites have accused the Times of purposely suppressing the tape of the event -- which former Weather Underground terrorists Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn reportedly attended.

Sullivan said she would not give details of what else may be on the tape, adding that anyone interested in the video should read the newspaper's report, which was its final account.

"This is a story that we reported on six months ago, so any suggestion that we're suppressing the tape is absurd -- we're the ones that brought the existence of the tape to light," Sullivan said.

The Los Angeles Times endorsed Obama for president on October 19.
胡涣 回复 悄悄话 我完全不同意你的意见。华人选共和党是错误的。请见拙文


noso 回复 悄悄话 如果是我, 决不会选O8 zt

来源: wxcfgh85 于 08-10-28 15:31:00 [档案] [博客] [旧帖] [转至博客] [给我悄悄话]

醇香美味又健康 用豆浆机自制鲜豆浆 | 全自动的现代高压锅 | 眼睛保健及舒压助眠仪

原来打了很长的一篇文章, 误按了一个键就全没了. 只能简单地谈谈了. 原因有三:

1, 个性问题, 喜怒不形于色. 这样的人城府很深, 而且当政的历史不长,无法判断他的具体政治取向.但是有一点可以确定, 他不喜欢现在美国的政治格局,是很不喜欢,但是他想采取什么措施来改变? 没有人知道.

2, 心胸狭隘, 或者可以说是固执已见. 这从他不用希拉利作副手可以看出. 你可以说这是他不喜欢让难支配的实力政客进入他的班子, 但我会认为这说明他很不喜欢自已的政治主张受到那怕一点儿中和.有人可以说如果迫于压力就选一个自已不喜欢的人,这会变得太容易改变立场. 但是我会认为一个政治家本来就是应该随时修改自已的政策来应对实际的需要.太固执已见的人,也许不是政客,却可能会是极端主义者.

3, 他上台,基本上美国很可能会输掉两场战争. 现在伊国的游击战已被压制到了原来高峰期的三四成. 阿富汗的塔利班实力则不算太强,顶多就是二三万人,而且武器不强,到现在为止都只打死了二三百名美军. 也就是说,只要美国愿意,这两场战争失败的可能性不大.但是以他的说法,如果巴基斯坦解决不了内部的极端主义包庇塔利班的行为,他就出兵巴国. 这根本是难以想象的事. 因为你一边为了伊国的那点游击力量就想撤离, 另一边却吹要进军巴国,很明显就是吹牛. 巴国的军力和战争潜力就是比起90年时第一次波斯湾战争的伊拉克都要强上好几倍.光是一亿人口的战争潜力,和到处都是的宗教学校,还有民间的自造武器能力,这就是打游击战的良好基础. 可见他只不过是口头说说, 以近期不可能实现的打巴来掩饰他上任后从伊国撤军的意图. 事实上,如果按他的主张,阿富汗也是不可能打胜的. 这样一来,美国必然会出现国内政治严重分裂的局面.

输掉战争都还是其次. 据报道, 他在竞选中指责卖很恩"想彻底消灭北朝鲜",消灭北朝鲜又怎么了? 你为什么这般关心? 似乎他关心北朝鲜还关心多于美军. 对于这么一个政治人物, 人们就可想而知他的政策大方向会是怎么样的了.

现在人们讨论O8和卖很恩, 似乎老是集中在加减税上面, 好象加减税几百几千就是实行了什么制度. 依我看, 这都是很次要的问题. 关键在于O8一旦实行激进的对外对内政策,美国内部的其他政治势力都不会甘心就此罢休. 肯定会造成整个社会的分裂和对抗.

金融危机只是小事,美国经历的经济危机多了, 采取各种经济手段, 渡过危机也只不过是时间问题. 但是O8一旦当选, 如果一意孤行地推行他的政治意图,这才是最要命的.如果人们期待的是一场轰轰烈烈的革命,那么您还可以选他.但是如果您要的只是一场变革,希望您们等到再过十年后,他的政治主张已经能从他的政治生涯中得以完整的反映后再作决定.

有报纸说, O8有成为伟大总统的潜质, 我对这种论调是很反感的, 因为是否伟大应该在执政结束后以至于结束一段时间后再由人们作决定, 而不是仅靠一场选举活动就认为某人已有可能成为伟大总统.

选黑人当上总统,以减少种族主义, 这种思路是对的. 但是,也要选黑人中比较有包容心而非是激进主张的一个. 从现在的种种情况来看,我只是看到O8与极端思想有种种联系,看不到他包容的一面. 大家也好,O8自已也好, 应该给他更长时间的政坛磨练, 过早的成为总统, 对所有人都不会是个好
noso 回复 悄悄话 回复可亲可近的评论:

"我们也许今天没有25万的收入 但是明天, 我们的儿子, 孙子,需要得是一个良性的上进环境。" well said. If I want socialism, I would not have come here. For our next generation, we must say no to Obama.
可亲可近 回复 悄悄话 基本同意你的观点。媒体的献媚和偏激和中国有的一拼。当然华人的地域,政治,和经济背景不同 观点也不同 这是可以理解的。我们也许今天没有25万的收入 但是明天, 我们的儿子, 孙子,需要得是一个良性的上进环境。周末在中文学校听到一sat班的高中生的牢骚:why should i go to ivy league and be a doctor 0b doesn't honor thoes efforts.在场的家长谈了很久,大多数认为奥的政纲不利于我们的下一代。
奥要取消高中的PA科程 gpa不须超过4。00 我们孩子学业上的竟争
优势被“wipe out" 生存空间会很恶劣。
奥的“打土豪 分田地”在中国已经臭名昭诸 难道我们还要经历一次吗?
noso 回复 悄悄话 what did I say? I told you so:

JUST WORDS: Obama's Ever-Changing Definition Of Rich

ARLINGTON, VA -- Today, in Pennsylvania, John McCain highlighted the fact that throughout this campaign, Barack Obama's "definition of rich has a way of creeping down." From $250,000 to now $150,000.

Obama has made a lot of promises. First he said people making less than 250,000 dollars would benefit from his plan, then this weekend he announced in an ad that if you're a family making less than 200,000 dollars you'll benefit -- but yesterday, right here in Pennsylvania, Senator Biden said tax relief should only go to "middle class people -- people making under 150,000 dollars a year." It's interesting how their definition of rich has a way of creeping down. At this rate, it won't be long before Senator Obama is right back to his vote that Americans making just 42,000 dollars a year should get a tax increase. We can't let that happen.
noso 回复 悄悄话 回复Lyra的评论:


As I said, when someone applies a job with no experience but says he can do more the job offers, he is full of hot air.

Lyra 回复 悄悄话 I don't like Obama because he always says he wants to change the United State and change the world. The United State needs to be changed, that's okay, but why he needs to change the world? The whole world is running okay, no need for US to change it.
noso 回复 悄悄话 回复ncpga的评论:

You know, if he did not fraud the vote in primary, it will be Hillary against McCain, and Hillary may just win the election. Looking back, now I think I would be OK with her than a socialist Obama.
noso 回复 悄悄话 回复人类拯救计划的评论:

look, if you can publish that book, and have many followers like Obama does, then you will be rich. Obama made $4.2 mil in 07, most of his money came from the book selling.

In the real world, you need money. : )
ncpga 回复 悄悄话 After I heard the stories that the dirty deals between some big Democrats to kill Hillary's campaign, I don't trust D any more. 希拉莉支持者并没有跟随她去支持奥巴马,而是转向麦肯 - that is me.
人类拯救计划 回复 悄悄话 回复noso的评论:
"to pay tax and you are going to die one day"
good point. I remember this:
"in America 两个东西, 税和死亡不可避免"

Then America should create Tax, otherwise it would die.

I will publish my books and tell the truth from heaven and create taxes. I do not know if America sentences me and let me die. Is it legal to tell the truth from heaven which may be different from public view??
This is my sole concern!!

I would appreciate it if you could give me further advice on this since you have more knowledge on American law.

noso 回复 悄悄话 回复人类拯救计划的评论:

let me tell you something:

The real deal is you are going to pay tax and you are going to die one day.

Everything else is not real.

When you can support yourself in real life, then the world is wild open to you. : )
人类拯救计划 回复 悄悄话 回复noso的

The physics community is not real as you can see in my book. That is why it is hard to get a job from physics academia.

I try to find a job in real world. I am afread the real world is not real either!
noso 回复 悄悄话 回复秦垣川的评论: haha, peace.
秦垣川 回复 悄悄话 回复noso的评论:

No personal attack there! I was kidding. Your personal details page says that you are 12.

noso 回复 悄悄话 回复人类拯救计划的评论:

Get real, get a job. : )
noso 回复 悄悄话 回复秦垣川的评论:

typical personal attack from lefewingers, I really don't care what you think about me, because I am not running for President and I don't belong to any party.

If you think watching Foxnews make me a 12 years old, then you have not born yet. : )
noso 回复 悄悄话 回复thelost的评论:

First of all, that artical is written by someone else. Second of all, if you think others people is yours, then you are a socialist, period.

noso 回复 悄悄话 回复modems的评论:

I am a "youpai" if you really want to label me.
noso 回复 悄悄话 回复秋天的红叶的评论:

Great points, I agree with you.

Like many people here, I came from China with my bare hands. Now I can give job opportunities to my fellow Americans. Under Obama's administration, I am better off retire. But money is not the most important issue in my life, I have enough.

The issue is the ideology of socialim is poison to this great country and to our next generation. When people think it is their "right" to take other's hard earned money, when the government tells us how much is rich and how much is too much, then who wants to be rich and who wants to work hard at all? The ideology of socialism will kill this country's prosperity and make it a third world country. That's only money side problem, the moral side will go down the drain when people think others' money is their.

Go check a website: www.youpai.org, you will find many people agree with you there.
秦垣川 回复 悄悄话 you missed at least three
other reasons why I will not vote for JM:

1) He is too hawkish. He will start more wars than Bush.He was willing advocating for the Iraq war and he will likely venture into other areas of the world.

2)He is a hot head and has a short temper

3) The worst: He picked Palin

I am not surprised by your postings, since you are a FOX watcher (or you are only 12).
noso 回复 悄悄话 回复我最无聊的评论:


well said. : )
noso 回复 悄悄话 回复爱一的评论:

Then you should vote for Obama. : )
人类拯救计划 回复 悄悄话 我也谈点政治。各位可能已经是公民。当然为自己的家和小孩着想。天经地义!!!



thelost 回复 悄悄话 忍不住了,老是空头乱讲,没有实际的东西。

建议大家看看另一篇博文,再做抉择,由“78级兴趣”写的“您选谁? 奥巴马vs.马凯恩”:



modems 回复 悄悄话 Are you white? I have no doubt what you say if you are. These propaganda and brain wash are alike what FOX News does for red necks.
秋天的红叶 回复 悄悄话 I like your article. Thanks!

I came from China, a socialist country. Look what that did to the Chinese economy in the old days. What B.O. (Obama) talks about scares me, I will share a few thoughts with you:

1). B.O want to give rich people's money to the poor.
There is a reason the poor become poor. Have you seen any Chinese beggers on the street? Or Asian beggers for that matter? We work hard, we give our kids the best education we can afford once we make money. What is the motivation? You can be what you want to be if you work hard and have an education in this country. What B.O. does is to take away that motivation. If you know your hard earned money is going to somebody who does not work, will you still work hard? If everybody think so, that can not be good for this country in the long run.

2). B.O. promised lot of things. Money for lots of programs. One of thre programs we all know is the minority program in academic institutes (affirmtive action). I do not know about you, but, in the lab, if you accuse a white student lazy, you do not worry about other things, the fact is the fact. If he or she is black person, you better make sure you have all the evidence, otherwise you will not be able to concentrate on your work for a while, because you are a racist. I like people in all colors, but, don't you think we play the race card too much now, it is sicking. What do you think this situation will become after B.O. is elected.

3). I just do not trust B.O.

By the way, I watch Foxnews and local media alternatively, very amusing, but, you will sort out who is lying pretty soon, we all pretty smart, right?
人类拯救计划 回复 悄悄话 回复noso的评论:

But those real jobs are not secure at all as the current crisis reveals.

I can see you are very enthusiatic with the Election and I appreciate it. We have the same amount of enthusiasm but in different directions.
我最无聊 回复 悄悄话 先批评此文,观点严重个人偏差,论据---中国的新闻---风马牛不相及。不过选择跟我相同,OBAMA牛到现在,掀起了一股个人魅力的风潮,但这是选总统,不太相信一个偶像派能把国家治理好。早在HILLARY还在跟他争雄的时候,我接触的很多人都喜欢HILLARY,我说的是NEW YORK,现在他们心目中的第一选择没了,那只剩了淘汰法了,那就是摆出一堆某一方的不足,而去选另一方,比如说我吧,就是不认为OBAMA行,就去选MCCAIN,而并不是说MCCAIN真的多行,至少,我这种想法很多人会有同感,GORE和BUSH 那次,有几个老美就是这么决定的,what the hell choice we have!这是他们的原话。
爱一 回复 悄悄话 I think it is ok as long as it is legal. If I take others' hard earned money, why is it NOT ok for other people to do the same to me?

Plus, you seem to think this way: if I happen to agree with something said in the media, it is because I don't have my own judgment.

I don't understand who this logic works.
noso 回复 悄悄话 回复人类拯救计划的评论:

Let me give you some advice if I may:

Leave that job to God, and find a real job for yourself.
noso 回复 悄悄话 回复爱一的评论:

what you said in the first part doesn't make any sense to me.

On the second part, as I said in my writing, those reasons are the biased junks that media and Obama campaign have been feeding voters. They did a good job to you sine you agree what they said.

Here is catch:

If it is OK for you to take other people's hard earn money for benefit yourself, will it be OK that others take pieces of your hard earn money to benefit their well being?

爱一 回复 悄悄话 I don't object to taking advantage of government programs as long as what you do is legal. But I do object people objecting to Socialism while taking advantage of programs what in essence are socialistic.

If McCain is elected, it will be a very sad thing for America. I don't think he has the right temperament for being a good president. Talking of experience, I think good judgment is more important. If McCain passes away in office, which according to acturial data, is highly possible, Palin is even worse.

What is dangerous about Palin is because she has such a small mindset, which is unfit for the arduous tasks ahead facing this great country.

人类拯救计划 回复 悄悄话 I am no longer interested in any teaching job. First I try to publish my book. Then after earning something I will open a company doing the stuff as my 人类拯救计划 indicated.
noso 回复 悄悄话 回复人类拯救计划的评论:

can you find a teaching job?
人类拯救计划 回复 悄悄话 回复noso的评论:

I do not have Green Card. Are you willing to help me?
noso 回复 悄悄话 回复人类拯救计划的评论:

interesting, where did u graduate with Ph.D?
noso 回复 悄悄话 回复爱一的评论:

"We Chinese often apply green cards for elder parents, taking advantage of medicaid and other governmental programs. Where does that money come from?"

What a good question!

and you vote for Obama?

What are you thinking? : )
爱一 回复 悄悄话 I support Obama. Why Wall St executives should make millions of dollars? Are they so valuable compared to janitors or shop keepers? We Chinese often apply green cards for elder parents, taking advantage of medicaid and other governmental programs. Where does that money come from?
noso 回复 悄悄话 回复xiaoshi的评论:

Thank GOD we still have Foxnews to watch, otherwise, I will never watch TV any more.

Foxnews is the only network who have gutts to question Obama.

That's why Foxnews has more viewers than CNN and MSNBC combined. American are not stupid as many elit people think they are.

whenever someone questions Obama or Biden, they don't like it and shut down their voices.

人类拯救计划 回复 悄悄话 1。是巧合吗?




xiaoshi 回复 悄悄话 Fox news 岂不更恶心?为布什和共和党敲了八年边鼓,打着爱国的大旗,入侵伊拉克,国内民生每况愈下。我看这是主流媒体的一种赎罪,也是当前民意的反应。
noso 回复 悄悄话 回复w666888的评论:

I agree with you. Only creation of job can help the economy, and who can create more jobs? Not the government, the small business will. and who is going to punish the small business? Obama!
noso 回复 悄悄话 回复潇洒走红尘的评论:

We all know talk is cheap.

When you apply a job, you need to show the records what you have done and why you are qualified for the job.

If someone says he can do a better job than the job offers, you know he is full of craps.

That person is going to be the President of this country, that's scary and I want to say wait a minute, I rather let someone who knows the job to have it.
noso 回复 悄悄话 回复高英姬的评论:

That's OK, you are entitled to what you believe.
w666888 回复 悄悄话 I don't care what they said now. I will care what they will do after they get elected.
I don't care how they collect tax. I want to see how they can stimulate the economy.
潇洒走红尘 回复 悄悄话 赞同你的观点,支持老马。不喜欢掏别人口袋里的钱去济贫的人,除非我是自愿的。劫富济贫是民主党的主线,但不应该是救美国的药方。更何况光说不练的人,让人不放心。
高英姬 回复 悄悄话 没办法,观点无法与你一致。