【亮妈厨房】2019-17 清蒸智利海鲈鱼
文章来源: 亮亮妈妈2019-06-08 06:25:47


清蒸chilean sea bass

chilean sea bass也叫智利鲈鱼,我就用了清蒸鲈鱼的方子,但是chilean sea bass的肉质比一般鲈鱼要鲜美得多。 

用盐和白胡椒粉腌渍五分钟。 水开后,鱼放米酒和葱姜蒸八分钟。不要揭开锅盖,焖五分钟 

Put some salt and ground white pepper on Chilean sea bass for 5 minutes. Use steamer to get the water to boil. Place sea bass to a plate. Add 1 table spoon of rice wine and green onion, ginger around the sea bass. Place the plate inside the steamer. Steam it with lit on. Steam with mid-to high heat for 8 minutes. Turn off the heat. Don't get the lid off. Let the steamer sit there for another 5 minutes. 

After 5 mintues, get the plate out. Place the sea bass to another plate. Get rid of the old or (already steamed) onion and ginger. Add freshly sliced ginger and green onion on the top of the sea bass. Add one or two table spoons of juice from the original plate to the new plate. Add 2 tea spoons of soy sauce. 

Heat some vegatable or olive oil with the fry pan, when it is heated, pour the heated oil to the sea bass. 

水沫方子上说用盐和白胡椒粉腌五分钟。我找白胡椒粉时,才发现家里没有了。就用了蒜粉,盐,和Old Bay的海鲜调味料。腌了大概十分钟。然后盘子里加了大概一大勺的米酒,还有葱姜。葱是地里的,有些老了。


水开后进锅里蒸。因为觉得这两块鱼比较厚,就在上面划了几刀,然后蒸了十分钟。蒸完就拿出来了。后来看到水沫说要盖盖子焖五分钟。心想这锅里的水都倒了怎么办? 赶紧盖上盖子又等了几分钟。唉,看帖不认真啊。后来想想多蒸了两分钟应该也差不多了。 





