文章来源: 我家厨房2015-07-01 17:23:24

      说起辣的美食,一般中国人都会提起四川。其实辣与辣有很大不同,中国各个地区的辣有不同,世界各个国家的辣更有不同。湖南的辣不同于四川的辣,泰国的辣不同于墨西哥的辣。湖南的辣以苦辣为主,四川的辣以麻辣为先,泰国的辣多为甜辣,而墨西哥的辣则总是和番茄调制而成。此外还有陕西的胡辣、云南的鲜辣、江西的咸辣、马来西亚的香辣、等等,一方水土养一方吃辣的人。山西人也喜欢吃辣,而且离不开老陈醋,所以山西的辣是酸辣。酸辣土豆丝、酸辣白菜、酸辣汤、酸辣粉、酸辣蒜苔肉丁酱, 这些酸酸辣辣都包含了山西人对辣椒和醋的独特领会和完美结合。


莜面250克  开水 1.5 cups (视面粉干度调节)。

1.    将开水倒入莜麦面中和成光滑面团。
2.    将面团分成剂子,滚成椭圆扁片(图1)。
3.    用刀在有花纹的板上刮压出海螺壳(图2)。
4.    上蒸锅大火蒸10分钟(图3)。
5.    稍凉后切丝备用(图4)。


原料: 小鸡半只。油1大匙, 料酒1大匙,郫县豆瓣1大匙,葱两根切段,姜两片,盐1/2 小匙,酱油1/2大匙,糖1/2 小匙。红油1大匙,醋1大匙,葱花2大匙,油炒香的花生1把。

1. Premium Cornish Hen 半只切块(图5)。
2. 锅内加油,油热后倒入鸡块炒去水分(图6)。
3. 加料酒继续炒,当水分再次炒干后,加郫县豆瓣炒出红油后加葱段,姜片,糖,盐,酱油稍炒(图7)。
4. 加1Cup 开水,小火炖10分钟(图8)。
5. 在炖好的鸡汤加2 碗 开水再炖3分钟,倒入切好的海螺丝。锅开后加红油和醋关火。
6. 将鸡汤海螺丝盛入碗内,撒上葱花和花生(图9)。

1. 250g Oat flour. 1.5 cup boiling water 

1. Add Oat flour into mixture, then add boiling water, stir them to form smooth dough. . Separate dough into small pieces, and roll into shape shown in figure 1.

2. Put one piece on a board and roll with knife into shape as shown in Figure 2.
4. Boiling water in a large steam pot, after water boiled, steam rolls about 7-8 min, figure 3.
5. Separate rolls that may stick together. Sliced roll after cool figure 4.

Ingredients: of Saulse

1. Half of Premium Cornish Hen, ½ cup roasted peanuts, ½ cup green onion
2. 1 tbsp oil, 1 tbsp cooking alcohol, 2 tsp hot PI Xian sauce, 1 tbsp soy sauce, ½ tsp sugar, 1tsp salt.2 tbsp vinegar, 2 tbsp hot oil.
3. 1 bunch green onion, 3-5 piece sliced ginger,
5. Cut Hen into 1in cubics.
6. Heat fry pan, after pan reached medium-high temperature, added 1 tbps cold oil. Added chicken cubics, and fry until most of water is evaporated.
7. Added 1 tbsp cooking alcohol, and fry until alcohol is evaporated. Added PI Xian sauce fry until oil become red. Added gradient 3, fry until onion become soft. Added soy sauce, sugar, salt..
8. And 1 Cup of water, simmer 10 min.
9. Added 4 Cups of boiling water simmer 3 min. Added Sliced roll shown in figure 4. Added hot oil and vinegar
10. Transferred to service bow and topped with peanuts and green onion.
