雅美之途 (热门博主)
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John McCain再显英雄本色

(2017-07-28 09:12:10) 下一个

John McCain(麦肯)的投票使共和党人努力推翻奥巴马医保的辛劳付诸东流。早晨听了麦肯完整的15分钟的演讲,应该是他三十年国会生涯中最精彩的。麦肯顶着巨大的压力先投赞成票,允许参议院就推翻奥巴马医改进行辩论,最后麦肯在众多参议员包括川普总统的游说下投了反对票。奥巴马的医改本身就是劳民伤财的事,逼迫我们平民去为圣路易斯地铁上不工作的抢我手机的人买单。但是我们不谈奥巴马医保的对错,麦肯的Vote是对美国参议院的那帮置党派利益高于国家利益的氛围的抗议,共和党的整个议案都是在秘密中进行的,投票时则开始对有反对意见的共和党人炮轰,这简直就是党票绑架。

这次的投票结果是51:49,使共和党长达七年的努力作废,副总统彭斯也到国会准备在平局出现时投上决定性的一票。三位共和党人投了反对票,全部民主党参议员投反对票,来自缅因州和阿拉斯加州的二位共和党女参议员早已表明了反对的态度。如果McCain投赞成票,今天将是共和党和川普欢庆的日子。民主党少数党领袖纽约参议员Chuck Schumer在谈及麦肯的投票时语带哽咽。麦肯能够crossed the aisle, 这么激动的Schumer也应该向他学习,让美国国会再次成为一个取得成效的地方。


美国的败家从里根的国债种下祸根,迎合美国人贪图享乐的意图, 大砍政府加上少交税,小布什赶上了它的爆发,在奧巴马的八年则被推向了极端的高峰。奥巴马还做过一件所有美国总统都沒有做过的事:在他的就职典礼上,在前任小布什坐在旁边的情况下,他公开批评直接的前任总统。

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雪风万里 回复 悄悄话 奥巴马上手接的摊子是自大萧条以来最烂的.国债增加了十万亿.但至少今天的经济比08年的经济好得多.何况正如有人指出,预算不是总统一个人决定的.共和党10年后就控制了国会.赤字增加共和党一样有份.共和党2000年上台的时候,国库赢余八千亿,八年下来国债也增加十万亿.可08年的经济比00年差得远了.在这留言的各位估计混学校的居多.08年美国离大萧条有多近,各位恐怕感受不深.奥巴马没做当年的胡佛而是做了罗斯福.就这一条奥巴马足以留名了
czhz 回复 悄悄话 Rosaline 2017-07-28 12:36:02 Estate tax went from 0% to 55%...
我的税务知识有限。但Estate tax指遗产税吧。据我所知,每人累计继承500万美元以内,过去和现在都不用交遗产税。因此500万以下,过去是0%,现在仍然是0%; 500万以上,现在不是0%,过去也不是0%; 所以不明白你这from 0% to 55%是什么意思?
czhz 回复 悄悄话 1) 在他的就职典礼上,在前任小布什坐在旁边的情况下,他公开批评直接的前任总统。(once again, 你提供的证据完全不支持你的argument。奥巴马谈的是美国当时所面临的问题,当时处在严重的金融危机中,而造成金融危机的主要是金融机构的贪婪和不负责任,这是不争的事实。就职演说不谈当前的形势,那谈什么,总不能谈风月吧!)

尘之极 回复 悄悄话 McCain是个正直的人。
莲盆籽 回复 悄悄话 不评论McCain本人功过是非,但他在政坛几十年,一直代表的是美国基本立国精神,个人英雄主义的化身。
明思念 回复 悄悄话 雅美之途说的对,厌恶川普和不喜欢部分左倾的做法,是不矛盾的.
cng 发表评论:麦肯当总统会带来灾难(不停打仗),当参议员比较合适,两党都能说上话。是非常有远见的.
诚信总结的非常到位,John McCain 是政治家.但我认为Obama是政客 (这是从莲盆籽 那里悟到政治家与政客的不同).在他执政期间:种族矛盾并没有改善,Social issues上走得过远,以至于美国诞生了百年一遇的奇葩总统. Obama应该负一些责任的。
诚信 回复 悄悄话 从伊拉克撤军,是因为国家穷了,打不起了。 Economic recession was already looming, triggered by financial tsunami.
WhiteRadium 回复 悄悄话 不明白楼主到底要说什么。。。McCain 其实就是自我感觉良好地玩儿了一把 Trump。真正的英雄是那两位态度鲜明的女议员。大丈夫,明人不做暗事,就这扭扭捏捏的,还有赞的?!
企鹅肥肥 回复 悄悄话 McCain如果2008年当总统,一定会扩大伊拉克战争和阿富汗战争,战争一旦扩大,美国债务会比O8时代升得更快,毕竟O8时代的债务是用于国内。
企鹅肥肥 回复 悄悄话 不同意对O8的评价。如果不是O8,2008年的危机发展,你说会到什么程度?撤出伊拉克没有什么错的,最早是小布什的决定,大家争论的结果是增兵阿富汗。债务问题是共和党累计的结果,并不单是O8制造的问题。无能这个词无论如何是不能放到O8的头上,但民主党失去国会多数后,就注定了O8很多主张无法实现,所以O8后期把注意力放到他能做的平权上。
nanax 回复 悄悄话 拜ObamaCare所赐,我的保险的保费从刚入学时的半年800多涨到了现在的半年1400
harebear 回复 悄悄话 这种狭隘冷血的也配城英雄?? 川普力排众议,为了美国的将来敢于大刀阔斧改革,拨乱反正,虽然处处被掣肘,但他才是真正的英雄,爱国者,勇敢的斗士
古龙 回复 悄悄话 回复\'雅美之途\':I\'m sorry I am not a Bush fan either. George W. Bush is a christian extremist. He is no different than the Muslim extremist. He used his imagination in God rather than logic. He brought down US in front of the whole world. He lied in front of the whole world to invade Iraq. He sought he could brought Christianity to Middle East. I remembered clearly his speech using analogy of Japan and Germany after 2nd World war. I knew by then he was illusional. He couldn\'t tell the difference. His invasion broke off the balance in the Middle East. Made Iran the sole power house. Made extremist flourished. He is the reason of current refugee problem. That\'s well known all over the world except in US. Trump is just an asshole. Look at how he reacted to the investigation of his finance makes people believe Russia has plotted him for a long long time. O8 and Trump like day and night. O8 represents future, the kindness and righteousness of human being. Trump represents the past, the darkness of Human nature.
诚信 回复 悄悄话 不是国债直接用于军费。

军费的长期过大投入,使得国内经济刺激投入大减,会引发萧条。 在萧条尚未开始前,用于避免萧条的钱要比开始后摆脱萧条所需要的钱少得多。

诚信 回复 悄悄话 Obama超高智慧在击毙Ben Laden的决策上,也起了决定性作用。当时,CIA和military只是laid out all the pros and cons, 没有给出任何recommendation, 全因风险太大。Obama只计算了几个小时,就下令 do it. 这件事使得Hillary对他开始彻底佩服。 最后,虽有意外,但还是大获成功,真真大长国威,极大改变了BUsh的两场stalemate战争造成的国家形象下跌。
雅美之途 回复 悄悄话 回复 '古龙' 的评论 : 奥巴马在小布什在场时批评他,这个是公认的,你应该读此文的基本点:https://www.theguardian.com/world/2009/jan/21/obama-inauguration-speech
雅美之途 回复 悄悄话 回复 '诚信' 的评论 : 美国国债与战争的关系值得商榷,小布什的八年两场战争比奥巴马三年的和平时期都少,当时不应该在不稳定的情况下撤军,那无论在政治和策略上都是个错误。
雅美之途 回复 悄悄话 回复 '古龙' 的评论 : 讨厌川普和不喜欢部分左倾的做法,这两点我沒有改变啊。
诚信 回复 悄悄话 这个话题,HCC 给了一些很好的 arguments, 我补充一些看法。

1. John McCain 是一个非常正直,道德极高的人,但是2008年做总统 more likely 会带来灾难。主要是,他会继续大多数Bush的经济和战略政策,阿富汗和伊拉克的战争继续进行甚至扩大,经济大萧条无法避免,他举债的规模几乎肯定远远大于Obama。

2. 同时两场长期大规模的战争,引发2008年金融海啸,眼看经济萧条就要到来(imminent), 其实正是Obama的超高智商起了决定性作用,helped to steer the country in averting the imminent recession. McCain 在分析能力上比Obama差很远,完全做不到。所以, “当年如果麦肯成为美国总统就好了,不会让我们付出如此代价” 的说法有待商榷。

3. 的确,Obama是个善良的人,加上个人成长经历,使得他在帮助弱者的路上走得过远, overly far, 包括minority, religion(muslin),LGBT etc. 造成一些社会问题,尤其是左,右的撕裂拉大,弄得Trump瞅准机会,打起种族大旗,一路横扫,竟然入住白宫, Obama个人的确有责任。

何仙姑 回复 悄悄话 我讨厌Mc Cain
古龙 回复 悄悄话 回复\'雅美之途\':PLEASE read the entire speech. Not just quotations here and there. Here is the beginning of that speech:\nThat we are in the midst of crisis is now well understood. Our nation is at war, against a far-reaching network of violence and hatred. Our economy is badly weakened, a consequence of greed and irresponsibility on the part of some, but also our collective failure to make hard choices and prepare the nation for a new age. Homes have been lost; jobs shed; businesses shuttered. Our health care is too costly; our schools fail too many; and each day brings further evidence that the ways we use energy strengthen our adversaries and threaten our planet.\n\nDo you see anything wrong here? Did he say BUSH? That was at a time economy just crushed because of greediness of American people collectively. Trump is actually the first president who insulted the previous presidents constantly. Trump has no class at all. I don\'t want to discuss O8\'s policies. But O8 is a gentleman and his family shows decency, kindness and hope to the world. Trump is just garbage. \n\nI am really surprised you suddenly turned to the totally different direction.
雅美之途 回复 悄悄话 回复 'HCC' 的评论 : 回复 'HCC' 的评论 : 他有一年中断夏威夷休假回白宫,答记者会后又飞回夏威夷接着度假,总统跨洋必坐空军一号。你可以去研究他的行程,这个事我记得。
HCC 回复 悄悄话 >>>他可以动用空军一号从夏威夷飞来白宫答记者问后,再飞回夏威夷去打他的高尔夫球。

Could you provide the source of this claim?

Similar claims have been refuted and proven to be false. Below is an example:

HCC 回复 悄悄话 >>>美国在伊拉克死伤惨重,最终撤出来连油权都丢失了,还让ISIS坐大。这种为了撤军而撤军的做法,没有哪位美国总统会这样做的。

I am afraid you are also mistaken on this issue.

The withdrawal of US troop from Iraq first began in 2007. Mr. Bush signed the U.S.-Iraq Status of Forces Agreement in 2008, which included a deadline of Dec. 31, 2011 for U.S. troops to withdrawal.

HCC 回复 悄悄话 >>>奧巴马的债务让我们的孙子辈都还不完...

I would have to disagree.

Firstly: government spending is decided by Congress. The president can submit a budget -- but it is considered by Congress, with mandatory and discretionary spending then set by the Congress. During much of Obama's term, Congress was occupied by the Republicans -- with the House controlled by Republicans since 2010 and the Senate from 2014. Blaming the national debt on the executive branch rather than the legislative is unfair in my opinion.

Secondly: the national debt of the U.S. at the current time is frankly, not a big deal. Yes -- I know non-economics majors are frequently shocked by the number, but this was actually taught in Macroeconomics 101. In reality, the near $20T national debt is entirely manageable and one should not lose any sleep at night over it.

Below is an explanation as to why:

The US government's $19 trillion debt isn't a problem

Here is another article on some basic background:
5 Things Most People Don't Understand About the National Debt

Please do not be misled on this issue (ever consider chatting with an Econ professor?). Thanks.
痛快一回 回复 悄悄话 McCain 这次是真小人,公报私仇!罔顾亚利桑那的选民意愿!
诚信 回复 悄悄话
完全不同意对 McCain 和 Obama 的评价, completely and vehemently, 现在没时间说多了,看看回家后有时间在详细写一些。

XC11 回复 悄悄话 McCain 这件事做的没错,但McCain当总统会祸害美国的。McCain是warlord,他当总统会发起更多的战争。
Rosaline 回复 悄悄话 I quate it here, explain why I dont like Obamacare: 1/1,2016 Obamacare happened: As a brief reminder for those who forgot or for many that didn't know: it happened quitely , on Jan 1, 2016: medicare tax went from 1.45% to 2.23%. Top income tax bracket went from 35% to 39.6%. Top income payrolls tax went from 37.4% to 52.2%. Capital gains tax went from 15 to 28%. Dividend tax went from 15% to 39.6%. Estate tax went from 0% to 55%... these taxes were all passed solely with Democrat votes, not from a single Republican....
cng 回复 悄悄话 这才是奥巴马在8年伊战后战胜希拉里和McCain的原因:I don't oppose all wars. What I am opposed to is a dumb war。

cng 回复 悄悄话 麦肯当总统会带来灾难(不停打仗),当参议员比较合适,两党都能说上话。
雅美之途 回复 悄悄话 回复 '古龙' 的评论 : "In front of an estimated 1 million people outside the US Capitol and billions more watching around the world on television, the new president attacked a period of "greed and irresponsibility" and "our collective failure to make hard choices and prepare the nation for a new age".

There had been "a sapping of confidence across our land, a nagging fear that America's decline is inevitable", Obama said.

As his predecessor looked on, hunched in his overcoat, Obama quoted scripture to herald a new era of maturity in Washington. "The time has come to set aside childish things," he said. It was as though he wanted to reboot American politics by taking it back to the principles set by the father of the nation, the first president, George Washington."

Rosaline 回复 悄悄话 当然,我是多么期待废掉Obamacare!
古龙 回复 悄悄话 奥巴马还做过一件所有美国总统都沒有做过的事:在他的就职典礼上,在前任小布什坐在旁边的情况下,他公开批评直接的前任总统。------请给出出处?
LEOTHECAT 回复 悄悄话 准战犯。
万得福 回复 悄悄话 感觉McCain 会不得好死吧?
Rosaline 回复 悄悄话 同意雅美先生,当年McCain 当选总统,肯定比那个Obama 好太多。同理,我们不是认为Trump 有多么好,但是肯定比Hilary Clinton 好。因为我们被Obama 八年弄得太惨了
LEOTHECAT 回复 悄悄话 准战俘。
阿留 回复 悄悄话 老船提出过限制议员任期的问题,对此俺是很赞同的。
lachisgo 回复 悄悄话 Senators 也应该有任期才对,象麦凯恩这种早该退了
阿留 回复 悄悄话 雅美兄终于有所觉醒,可喜可贺。这就是为什么民主党被抛弃的原因,不是因为老川有多牛,而是他们做得太差、太过分,而且至今没有任何吸取教训的迹象。

痛快一回 回复 悄悄话 首先,McCain 本人不是个好东西,他是极端的鹰派,死硬的冷战观念,台独的坚定支持者;

其次,McCain 在最近的几次听证会上,已经表现出记忆和语言能力的障碍,这已经影响到他代表亚利桑那州的能力。

