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《I Really Wanted To Love You》:吐槽老板的歌——负能量都倒掉~

2024-11-16 10:41:00 播放 668 评论 0

上班的乐趣之一除了我热爱的工作大概就是吐槽老板们了。最近忙啊,本来想专心写学期评语的,但仍然阻挡不了我想吐槽的心情,没办法,最近槽点有点多。这首歌的灵感来自前两天同事和我的谈话。今天吐槽的这位老板是我们小学部的校长(疫情期间新上任的)。她其实是个性格蛮好的人,友善亲和,但是……领导能力真的不给力啊,做事没啥章法、随性而为、最主要的是遇到问题学生,大概率老师们会被推出去和家长进行tough conversations,而她自己充当和事佬和稀泥。

其实我写歌的一大动力就是给自己做Music Therepy,把负能量都分解、消耗掉,正能量Up~Up~Up!!!有同款老板要吐槽吗?和子默一起把负能量倒掉:-)

《I Really Wanted to Love You》



Always greet me with a warm smile
Being nice defines your profile
You’re curious about my teaching flair
Tech solutions—you say you care

You’re sweet, I know you’ve tried your best
With cheerful shoutouts, you stand out from the rest
But leadership takes more than charm
True guidance calls for a steady arm

Thank you for your kindness, your care
But I wish we could make it somewhere

I really wanted to love you
Oh, to tell you the truth
Yet your plans clash with reality
It feels more like duality
I really wanted to love you
Oh, to tell you the truth
But your careless views
Miss the heart of what I do

I really wanted to love you
Oh, to tell you the truth
But you often pick a side
Prejudgment leaves no room to confide
I really wanted to love you
Oh, to tell you the truth
When the toughest kids need a guiding hand
I’m left alone, struggling in shifting sand

Always greet me with a warm smile
But warmth alone can’t carry the miles

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