

(2023-03-15 12:16:12) 下一个







一位雅典娜姐妹圈的朋友来访让我看见,当我的公司陷入危机时,我被别人的假身份骗了。 她指出,当我碰到问题时,我没有说出来。






因为我睡着了。 这一切都源于童年的创伤。 现在明白了。


早上 5 点,我看到自己变成了圣女贞德,夺回了自己的权力。


在你的生活中,你是否有过失去权力的时刻? 把自己的权力交给了别人?






对我来说,真相就是勇气。 对你来说真相是什么?














当你找到它时,我鼓励你更深入地挖掘并找到真相。 真相让你自由。




我的初衷是为了服务姐妹们,尤其是像我这样的企业家妈妈们。 让你充满性感和活力,与你的伴侣建立充满激情的关系,享受家庭的和睦!








A decade ago, at the age of 41, I went on a spiritual journey to heal trauma and by confronting the truth, my life was transformed. Now I am ready to be a guide, using my voice. I promise to you, sisters, that I will always speak the truth. 


For sixteen years, I had built a company of eight figures from the ground up, then I lost it. 


For this first edition of WeiLi’s Truth Tuesday, I want to talk about How do we know who to trust?


Looking back all those years, I asked myself, “I am a strong smart woman, how did I not see the red flags during that time?”


An Athena Sister’s visit helped me to see that when my company was in crisis, I fell for someone’s fake identity. She pointed out that I didn’t speak up when I had questions.  


I knew she was right. I was a pleaser. I wanted everyone to be happy with me. By doing that, I lost my power. Deep down I didn’t like conflict. I still don’t. But I must speak the truth. 


“Mom, you always shrunk small in front of that person.” Serena said last night. How could a nine-year-old tell, yet I wasn’t aware myself.


Because I fell asleep.  It all stemmed from childhood trauma. Now it all made sense. 


Today is Tuesday.  2/22/22.  A very special day.  


The first edition of Truth Tuesday is dedicated to speak the truth and take your power back. 


Today in my 5 AM priming, I saw myself become Joan of Arc, taking my power back. 


Have you had moments in your life that you lost your power? Handed it over to someone else?


When was the last time that you took your power back?


Not to prove to anyone, but to honor your soul. You must follow the will of your soul by speaking the truth.  


To me, Truth is courage. What's the truth to you?


Truth will reveal itself when we are willing to seek it and face it.


How do we know who to trust?


My answer:  Trust your intuition. 


There were many warning signs from the beginning and I pressed my intuition down and silenced her. 


If I were going to do it all over again, I would do it differently. That is why I am here to share my truth. To help guide and hopefully prevent you from falling, like I did!!! 


I invite you to think about one thing in your life that you knew was not right but you didn’t trust your intuition to follow up, to speak up.  


When you find it, I encourage you to dig deeper and find the truth.  Truth will set you free.  


Please follow me on social media.  (insert links) and check out my new website. There are many resources there that I hope you will find helpful. And  more will be added in time. 


My intent is to serve sisters, especially entrepreneurs moms like me. So you will feel sexy and alive, have a passionate relationship with your partner and enjoy family harmony!  


What a blessing that will be and it is yours to receive. 



WeiLi ?

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