
所谓未来,不过是往昔; 所谓希望,不过是命运。从东向西,是往昔,也是命运。

【MyStoryMySpeech】热身 - I was on TV

(2020-12-07 05:18:11) 下一个

俺上隔壁美语世界坛打了一回酱油。嘻嘻  一稿两投again,必须回娘家汇报 加油

My story my speech - I was on TV

A while ago I saw someone post a “lifetime bucket list”. There were 25 or maybe 30 items on the list and I remember going through it and realized I’m only 2 items shy from completion (getting a tattoo, and skydiving).

When I shared my result with my friends, they were surprised that I have accomplished “being on TV”.

So, here’s my story:

When my son was young, he was a super big fan for Pandas. Back then, we still had two pandas at the Toronto Zoo. The male is named Da Mao, and the female is named Er Shun. We went to the Zoo almost every month just to see these two celebrities.

One day, it was Da Mao’s birthday. The Zoo was hosting a big party for him and of course we had to join the party. My son made a beautiful birthday card for Da Mao the night before wishing him happy birthday and telling him how much he loves him. Next morning, we went to the zoo as early as we could. Although there was a huge lineup, we were among the first crowd to get in. To our surprise, there were already a TV crew there from our local station covering this story and they were just interviewing a young Chinese girl. And there we go, me and my son ended up being part of the interview as the background zoo visitors.

My friends thought I was being sneaky for calling this (quote and unquote) “being on TV”. But hey, I did make my appearance on TV, have you? Ever? LOL

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xiaosai 回复 悄悄话 回复 '菲儿天地' 的评论 :

问好菲儿! 太对不起了,最近荒废了博客,扔过来就跑了,都没有回来看。。。 谢谢菲儿来访留言 *O*
菲儿天地 回复 悄悄话 哈哈,读得真好,抑扬顿挫的,故事也有趣!:)谢谢谢分享。