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   请注意,有着明显“国族歧视”的朱成虎“对其他国家全面核打击”,目标是“消灭掉其大部分人口。” “我们中国要在这场竞争中抢得先机,争取能够尽量地减少其他国家民族的人口数量,争取能够使自己本国的人员多存活下来,在将来的世界人口中占有较大的比例,以便在将来的人类重新进化过程中占据一个有利的位置。”(5)

















   把主要的核储备都用在这些地区。”“ 我国周边地区从韩国日本台湾到整个东南亚一直到印度巴基斯坦这些人口稠密的环形区域,都是我们的主要打击对象,要争取在第一轮核打击中就消灭掉他们大部分的人口,以免给将来留下后患。在第二轮打击之后就要尽可能地清除掉剩下的有生力量。”(12)

















   1. 众所周知,日本只是几大海岛组成的岛国,它的国土面积有67%以上是被森林所覆盖,就在这样一个面积极其有限的土地上,却高质量地生活着一亿以上的人口,人口密度远远超过我们中国大陆。是的,日本人很善于使用别的国家和别的地区的资源,然而经济全球化的今天,有哪个国家不是正在使用着来自其他地区和其他国家的资源呢?如果朱成虎们对自己的国家确有了解,应该知道中国大陆有着极其广大的荒山野岭,并没有合理地开发和利用。对中国无知的朱成虎,自然就对美国更无知。美国并不象他所说的,他们绝大部分人口都集中在几百大城市。事实是,他们大多数人都安居乐业地生活在他们国家的山山水水、茂密的森林之中。据说,当年二战期间日本军部的狂人们要发动对美作战,最反对这个作战方略的就是后来成功地领导偷袭了美国珍珠港的山本五十六,因为他在美国留过学,他清楚美国的强大不在它的大城市,而在这个国家的每个角落。他知道美国这个移民的国家靠的是自主、自立、自强,靠的是每一个人的奋斗和实干。所以,我一贯认为,人口的基数过大的确是中国大陆发展的制约因素之一,但绝不是决定性因素,决定性的因素是中国大陆的人不自由!是中国共产党的“一党专制”让中国大陆的人不自由!

   2. 众所周知,现在的欧洲特别是北欧和西欧,人口是呈负增长的趋势,甚至包括俄罗斯。所以,他们都和美国一样实行有限度地鼓励移民的政策,他们人口的负增长确实有自然因素的原因,但更重要的是他们的教育程度高,他们的生活质量高。所以,民间流传一句话:越穷孩子越多。要想解决中国的人口问题,绝对不能依靠发动战争这种反人类的行径,它的出路在于提高人民的教育程度,提高人民的生活质量。在经济有所发展的当今中国,最重要的是社会分配要公正、公平。更简单的方法是,不要再拿老百姓的血汗钱,让朱成虎这样的战争狂人借口军事上的需要,过着中国大陆最特权的特权生活。我真得看不出来,二十一世纪会是中国的世纪,因为中国还是朱成虎们这样的战争狂人当道,因为中国还是胡锦涛们这样的政治庸人当道,食肉百姓,总想着杀戮和灭绝人类。








   ── 原载《博讯》

   Sunday, July 17, 2005



   July 19, 2005 

   Zhu Chenghu is a Potentially Worse Enemy of Humanity than Hitler, Stalin, and Mao Zedong 

   By Xu Wenli

   Translated by Joel Dietz and Nadav Katz

   In the past, China produced one enemy of mankind – Mao Zedong. But even today there are some who do not recognize him as an enemy of humanity, and even believe he was the savior of the Chinese people. For while the iron curtain has fallen, the bamboo curtain still stands; and the bamboo curtain has always let less light through than the iron curtain. 

   Because Mao’s evil deeds primarily occurred within his own country, we cannot know the extent of the horror as we do the extent of Hitler’s crimes. Meanwhile, Khrushchev’s government exposed Stalin’s crimes to a greater extent than Deng and his successors exposed Mao’s crimes. Khrushchev was able to expose Stalin as an enemy of humanity to the whole world. Ru Lirui, Wan Ruoshu, Guo Luoji, Li Zhisui, Zhang Rong and others’ ability to actualize their criticism of Mao was less than Khruschev’s. 

   The specter of the enemy of humanity, Mao Zedong, still haunts China and the world. All of Mao Zedong’s slogans: ‘Fighting with heaven, fighting with the earth’; ‘plentiful joy; humans establish and conquer heaven’, ‘in fifteen years surpass England and catch up with America,’ ‘why should we be afraid of nuclear war, China has 600 million people, even if more than 300 million are killed, we still have 300 million,’ and these sorts of insane declarations, are still popular within China. Consequently, today China has once again produced such an enemy of humanity – Zhu Chenghu.

   Zhu Chenghu was raised on the insane milk of Mao Zedong, as was Hu Jintao’s government. After all, Hu Jintao also studied the “Communist kings,” Fidel Castro and Kim Jong-Il. 

   Zhu Chenghu is positioned at the Chinese Army’s highest institute. He is also the head of the National Defense Institute and his rank is major-general. He feels slighted by attaining this post, because he has striven to become a great military strategist of the “Attack School”. He even assumed the posture of the commander-in-chief of the country, issuing a call to all the Chinese people and the whole army: 

   China must prepare to initiate an all-out nuclear war…. The Chinese government should give up on all of its fantasies, concentrating all of its productive capacity to develop a stockpile of nuclear weapons in ten years that will be able to eliminate over half of the world’s population. At the same time, we should give up on our foolish and self-destructive policy of family planning, encourage our population to increase, and then strategically penetrate our surrounding countries. Later, when the opportunity is ripe, we will determinedly and fiercely attack other countries to eliminate a large portion of their population before there is a counter-attack. 

   Please pay attention: Zhu Chenghu is an unparalleled nuclear nut. He has not tried to hide his strategy. He wants to “eliminate more than half of the world’s population.” 

   Clearly the “national discrimination” of Zhu Chenghu toward “other countries in an all-out nuclear attack” is to “eliminate a large portion of their population…. In this competition, China must seize the first opportunity, reducing the population of these nations, so that a greater population of our own country can continue living, having a larger ratio among the future population of the world, so that we can have an advantageous position in the future evolution of humanity.”

   For Zhu believes that there will be overpopulation in the future, that only China can successfully control population growth, and that this will cause a world war. He said: “Other countries are unable to take effective measures to control the problem of increasing population.” 

   Now, the very proud and patriotic Zhu Chenghu wants the Chinese people to do what exactly? He wants the Chinese people to “completely give up the developed coastal areas” and “use the army to forcefully open a new road”, “encouraging the people to cross over in mass to other countries,” and “using force to drive the people towards emigration,” leaving their homes forever, and their land passed down from generation to generation. 

   Since 1949, the Chinese people have experienced the “soldiers to the border” migrants, the “industry to the country” migrants, the “three bands” migrants, the “students to the hills” migrants, and especially the “reservoir migrants.” Every time, the migrants become China’s destitute and homeless, their voices forever rising in complaint. The current Chinese Communist government’s maniacal plans will create another massive migrant problem. 

   But Zhu Chenghu knows in his heart that nuclear refugees would not be the only byproduct of nuclear war: “In this process China will loose an estimated half of its population.” Thus, Zhu Chenghu’s standpoint is that the Chinese are really not superior, nor does he love the Chinese people at all. In fact, all human beings are his enemies. 

   His megalomania and abominable evil also match the nuclear madman type. He said: “I cannot be deceitful, but must tell everyone: I would much prefer to see other people die in my place so that I will be able to live and continue my fortunate life.” He said: “I am not able to believe in such fairy tales of human nature, divinity, and love. These are only for deceiving three year-old children. If I drum up half a day of nuclear war for the advantage of our people’s existence and development, and in the end I don’t live, what is that worth for me? 

   It seems that he understands he needs to pretend he is not selfish, hence claiming: “Actually, if China were to suddenly face a nuclear attack, because I live in a city it would be just as difficult for me to have the hope of continuing living as for other people. Therefore, I think on this question we can say I am rather unselfish.” In reality, Zhu Chenghu is being deceitful. After all, Zhu stated earlier: “In reality, the staff in the high levels of military command all have concealed nuclear-proof bases west of Xi’an. If our government has a plan to initiate a nuclear war, of course we would all amply prepare to avoid it. This way the probability that we would survive is quite high.” 

   Thus, Zhu Chenghu has a way of escape. Others will be the ones who die, including other Chinese. But this does not include Zhu and his cohorts. They will keep the good name of the “rather unselfish.” 

   Having a way of escape means that the war will proceed as follows: “Waiting until the referred to migrating population is dispersed, the work will be basically completed, and we’ll release quickly and determinedly the first wave of nuclear attacks. In South Korea, Japan, Taiwan, Southeast Asia, India, Pakistan, and other densely populated countries, there is a large possibility of effective elimination. We would use the primary nuclear stockpile on these areas… The first phase of nuclear attack will eliminate the large portion of the population for the purpose of avoiding future harm. The second phase of attack will completely destroy their remaining population and defensive capacity.

    “The rest of the second phase and the third phase will focus on … [blowing up] the rest of the world. We will first attack Europe, Oceania, and Africa. Also, in North and South America, Europe, and Australia, where the population density is relatively low, there is a large possibility of destroying military and economic capacity, hence eliminating the worry of future harm…. Europe, Australia, South America … are not the primary targets of attack, but we must completely break down these countries’ defensive capacity: making their economic ability our first target, eliminating their population the second.” “America is relatively easy to deal with, because the population is rather small and gathered into several large cities. Only a small portion of our nuclear stockpile can work out that problem.” “But America’s military power is relatively strong, so we must completely solve the problem of this country’s defensive capacity. I estimate one tenth of our nuclear stockpile will be enough to solve it.” 

   Do we really not know that Zhu Chenghu’s wishful thinking isn’t in the least grounded in reality? As he drives the Chinese people to migrate to other countries, even “using the military to forcefully start a new road,” what will he do if the people do not obey? Clearly, he will slaughter them. This is the meaning of “using force to start a new road.” If he forces these migrants to gather together in surrounding countries and attack, what would he do? He has still not started the nuclear war. If surrounding countries first unite and destroy China, what will he do?

   According to him, China needs an “estimated tenth of the nuclear stockpile to settle [America].” But America is not China’s first target, and so it will be able to attack China while China attacks its neighbors in Zhu’s first phase of the nuclear plan. The US nuclear superpower will use specialized and accurate missiles to quickly obliterate the “concealed nuclear-resistant bases to the west of Xi’an” of “staff in the high levels of military command.” 

   This “great military strategist” understands nothing about war or the military. If he is a soldier, he is one that doesn’t even understand the ABCs of military affairs. He has no authority or knowledge to strategize a nuclear war. 

   He shamelessly defends his expansionist, nuclear plans with a simplistic Malthusian theory of uncontrollable population growth resulting in a fight for land and resources. He outlined his theory: “The world population is rapidly rising without limit. In this century we will arrive at a point of explosion. But the resources of the world, the tolerance of the environment, and the ability to maintain society all have limits. How can we solve this problem? There is not any person that can give me an answer – no person that will really tackle this problem.” “The population crisis attracts the danger of nuclear war – every moment it is hanging over our heads. Not only will the population crisis induce conflict, this country is also able, but the excess population of this country will trigger civil war, possibly nuclear civil war. My plans for conquest and colonization will fix the population problem most efficiently.” But empirical evidence contradicts his theory of a global population crisis.

   As is well known, Japan is a country made up of only a few large islands. Over 67% of its territory is covered with forest. In this sort of limited environment, over 100 million people have a high quality of life. Also, the population density far exceeds mainland China. But with economic globalization, what countries are not currently using the resources of other countries? If Zhu Chenghu truly understands his own country, he should know China still has much untouched wilderness, which it can exploit. 

   Zhu understands American geography even more poorly. He said that the vast majority of the American population is gathered into a few large cities. Actually, most of them are living in peace across America’s undeveloped land. During WWII, the Japanese army’s madmen wanted to start a war with America. The person who most opposed it was a campaign strategist. He was later the one who led the secret attack against Pearl Harbor. Because he had studied abroad in America, he knew that America’s strength didn’t lie in its large cities, but rather in every nook and cranny. He knew that America, a nation of immigrants, focused on self-reliance, independence, and self-strength, depending on each person’s effort and courage. 

   Present-day Europe – especially Northern and Western Europe, as well as Russia, are experiencing negative population growth. Consequently, they encourage immigration like the US. The main reason that these countries experience negative population growth is their high education levels and quality of life. In these countries, the poor have a higher birth rate. China will be able to solve its population problem through obtaining similar levels of education and quality of life, rather than through such barbaric means as war. At the current moment of China’s economic development, fair societal distribution of wealth is most important. The government must stop taking the money born of the common people’s blood and sweat, and no longer let insane advocates of war – like Zhu Chenghu-- use the excuse of military necessity to live the most privileged lives. While these warmongers are in power and Hu Jintao and mediocre rulers eat the flesh of the people, I can’t see the 21st century as China’s century.

   How did the previous generation of Zhu Chenghu’s ilk, including Mao Zedong, and their crazy declarations fare? Forty-five years after the ’58 campaign to “surpass England in fifteen years,” it appears that both they and their declarations find themselves in the same destination—hell.

   Zhu Chenghu and his peers’ words are even emptier, wickeder, and crazier. Those who are good must be vigilant.

   Today’s China is still a one-party, authoritarian China ruled by the Chinese Communist Party. 

   China’s Communist Party is not “a Party holding the gun; rather, it is a gun holding the party.” This is the essence of Mao Zedong’s political philosophy, “the rifle butt conferring ruling power”. Inside the CCP there has always been the Zhu Chenghu-ilk of nuclear madman. He is able to command the Chinese Communist Party and the country to go wherever he wants. We must be careful.


(徐文立:朱成虎是言论上比希特勒、斯大林、毛泽东更凶恶的人类公敌(2005年7月19日) 全文完

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