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(2021-11-01 06:48:32) 下一个


中午12:30才出门。骄阳照耀着大地,空气干燥炽热,感觉飓风伊萨耶重袭东海岸前持续着的恼人热浪再度袭来。广播里说这个夏季被HOT WAVE袭击,温度比往年高,持续的时间比往年长。 我原本不是个关注天气的人,今年因为开始关注自然了,所以也开始留意天气温度,才发现四季里的风雨阴晴。













没见到BLUE HERON的身影,但我仍心心念念着它,我决定去看看它是否会在那处路边的隐塘。于是我没有折返头,从2号出口出林回家,而是背离返家的方向,继续向前,朝3号出口走。



让我惊喜的是,隐塘里立着一只BLUE HERON。只是今天,塘面一下缩小了许多。它独立在浅塘里,望着那片失水了的黑色塘底。同样的蓝鹭,同样的池塘,我的心情却是不同了。心怀凄怆,我又望了一眼蓝鹭和黑泽,转身离开。


I haven’t gone out for a walk until 12:30. Unexpectedly under the brilliant sunshine, I am feeling the same dry and hot air as I did before hurricane Isaias which hit east coast in early Aug, caused huge damages, leaving hundreds of thousands people without power in CT.  In the past more than two weeks, the weather was pretty pleasant with the highest temperature between 70 to 80F and occasionally drizzling rain. The Tropical Storm finally ended the hot wave which had been lingering here for almost three weeks .One day, two days, three days… I have been counting, and thinking the continued pleasant days reassured my predication. But now I realize I was wrong, the hot wave is more determined than I expected, it comes back again.


I always know weather is a safe social topic with anyone. But I never knew listening the weather forecast from a meteorologist in NPR can be pleasant till this spring when I started becoming more aware of and feeling closer to the nature.  


On the road and in the park, there are few people, two runners seem like challenging themselves by running in the fierce heat of the midday sun.  Scenes in the woods are stunning. Only one day, the woods has changed dramatically, it gets much thinner, like being magicked. The fallen leaves on the ground in between the trees layers up like a giant bouncy cushion. All of a sudden, the ever-hidden scenes in the woods are revealed to the outsiders, the ever-existed feeling of mystery to the wood disappears. Human Being is so similar to Nature, at a particular age, the speed of aging gets accelerated.

The stream dries up, the brownish grey streambed is completely exposed in the air. I stand on the trail, look at the two big stones on the streambed, thinking the good time when they were caressed by the smooth water flow, thinking when will the good time come back again?


Blue heron’s elegant body and behavior has been lingering in my mind, won’t go. The obsession changes my mind. So instead of going home directly, I am going to visit the Hidden Pond from the road behind the woods, to see if I can see it there.




在网上看了GENSHIN CONCERT 2021,好看好听。越发明白为何在西方青少年中刮起了亚洲风。也顺带学了历史知识,知道日本有过锁国的历史时期。



mallard ducks are widely seen in Northern hemisphere.  usually the male duck has a dark green head and female has brown one, but I saw this with purple head, don't know why. 通常情况下,FEMALE 是棕色的头,MALE是绿头,但也有像今天见的这种紫头的。不知是何原因?


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魏薇 回复 悄悄话 回复 'ShalakoW' 的评论 ::Good advice!:) I will improve a little bit to this." I always know weather is a good start and safe social topic with anyone"
ShalakoW 回复 悄悄话 The weather is a safe topic to start a conversation with.
魏薇 回复 悄悄话 回复 'laopika' 的评论 : 文化不同,思维不同,时间久了,就自己可以体会了:)
laopika 回复 悄悄话 “I always know weather is a safe social topic for anyone.”,此句对于我这样的菜鸟来说,十分重要:)