
北美愚医 (热门博主)
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(2018-03-02 11:32:38) 下一个





爱你自己,也会爱上别人。反过来,当你看不起自己时 (潜意识对自己没有安全感),你也看不起別人,也很在意别人看不看得起你。



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北美愚医 回复 悄悄话 回复 'Yangtsz' 的评论 : 有一定道理。
Yangtsz 回复 悄悄话 其实对别人评价的介意是父母老师社会不断教育强化的。一个不在意外界反馈评价的孩子和成人都很难管理。
北美愚医 回复 悄悄话 回复 'MoatCity' 的评论 : You really enriched this topic of discussion. Thanks.
MoatCity 回复 悄悄话 It is an insightful episode, the professor divided the self-esteem into three levels, and the highest level would be "independent self-esteem". Here is what he said:
Happiness, levels of happiness, are higher when you experience a sense of independent self-esteem. We are much calmer when we don't constantly have to prove ourselves to others. It is enervating to constantly on guard: is this person going to like me? How do I gain their validation. We are much calmer when we say: let me express myself, AND yes it may hurt me, if they don't like me, that is OK, I am resilient, I'm strong, I can deal. We'll have much calmer sense of being when we express rather than constantly to impress. Imagine how much lighter our lives can be, if, when we are here, or when we walk out of here, we experience the sense of being, more and more of the time, again, that is not perfectly, because that's not human, but more and more of the time to just be, to exist, to celebrate our existence and the existence as a whole.

How I wish, I myself, can reach to that level of self-esteem. Most of us would lead a torturous life, simply because we care too much what other people think about us, and how we derive our own self value and self worth by pleasing others, both at home and at work place.
北美愚医 回复 悄悄话 回复 'MoatCity' 的评论 : thanks for the resource.
北美愚医 回复 悄悄话 回复 '云之岚' 的评论 : wise statement.
北美愚医 回复 悄悄话 回复 'MoatCity' 的评论 : Great advise.
MoatCity 回复 悄悄话 "To be known, not to be validated; to express, not to impress" - easy to say, hard to achieve.
云之岚 回复 悄悄话 淡定从容,胸怀坦荡,真诚豁达,心底无私。。不是每个人都能做到的,于是就会很在乎他人的评价,评价还只能是好的,否则就是负面情绪,真是活受罪:)
MoatCity 回复 悄悄话 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5INQ7RiG-f8&list=PL28D16304BA57DD7E&index=27

When your self-esteem reached a certain level, you would be living a life out of your own expectation.
llm555 回复 悄悄话 有道理。