
金笔 (热门博主)
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(2007-04-18 00:17:54) 下一个





记得前不久,在盐湖城的一家购物中心也发生过一起屠杀案。凶杀是一位来自波斯尼亚的难民。虽然那事件也是死伤多名,但是美国人民也是平静的接受了这一事件。中国总理温家宝,上一次以副总理的身份访问美国时,在美国商界为他召开的欢乐会上致词时说 (大意),他在美国人民对九一一恐怖袭击的反应中,看到了一个伟大的民族,使他充满了敬佩之情。


在我们反复的庆幸这个枪手不是咱们中国人时,在我们断定假如他是中国人时,(按照我们的猜测) 美国会怎样,怎样的对待我们中国人的同时,我们是不是仍在 "以小人之心,度君子之腹" 呢?


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向各位朋友问好(这里说的"朋友",指的是除美国人以外的所有人)!多年以来,"右派新闻网"(译注:Right Wing News/Brass Knuckles Webzine,这是两个保守派姊妹网站,都由本文作者John Hawkins主持。)被指责为太倾向美国,为了撇清这些指责,我们决定撰写一份"反美主义指南"。如果你想迅速融入欧洲式晚餐聚会,或者反全球化示威抗议,或者哈佛大学全系例会这样的场合,请务必阅读这篇反美指南。





挥舞美国国旗太粗野了:没有什么比一群挥舞星条旗高喊"USA USA USA"的美国佬更让人厌烦的了。我的意思是,你在咖啡馆吃蜗牛配鱼子酱的时候会高喊"法国法国法国"吗?



美国人无知:美国人对其他国家出奇的无知,更差劲的是,他们对其他国家根本不在乎!比如说,问一个美国人"西班牙的财政部长是谁?"当他们回答"不知道。这有什么关系?"的时候,你迎头痛击说"西班牙没有财政部长!这是个套儿,你这个愚蠢的美国人怎么会一点不介意?你怎么回事?忙着挥舞星条旗而没有时间关注这个事情吗?你们美国人完全是一群白痴!"注意只在网络论坛或聊天室说这些话,因为美国人看了太多John Wayne的西部片,他们认为挑衅是可以拳头相见的。我说过他们是野蛮人吗?



The BKW Guide to Anti-Americanism
by John Hawkins

Greetings friends (and by friends I mean everyone but Americans)! BKW has long been accused of being too pro-American and in order to refute these scandalous charges we've decided to write a "Guide to Anti-Americanism." If you've ever wanted to fit in at European Dinner Parties, Anti-globalism protests, or at a Harvard faculty meeting this is an article you must read!

When in Doubt, Blame America: Since America is the root of all evil, you can be assured that every bad thing that happens in your life is the result of something America did. So for example, in the Winter Olympics when a French ice skating judge conspired with a Russian judge to cheat a pair of Canadian skaters out of a gold medal it made perfect sense that the Russians blamed America. Even if America wasn't directly responsible for everything that happened, they deserve to be blamed because they're bad, bad, people!

Treat America like a Communist Dictatorship: All good Anti-Americans understand that the American government is to blame for America's actions, not the American people despite the fact that the American people vote in the government. Furthermore, we understand that despite the fact that American newspapers, TV, and radio claim to be independent, the government secretly controls them all in order to convince stupid Americans to carry guns, vote for the death penalty, and to loathe berets.

You Should Visit America Once in Your Life: Now I know you're thinking "why would I want to visit America? There's nothing there but a bunch of fat, ignorant, hillbillies and cowboys amusing each other with fart jokes." True! But once you've been to America once you can claim forever more to know all about it because you've actually been there!

Gratitude Smatitude: Some people feel pangs of guilt about hating America since Americans liberated their nation, brought Democracy to their country, have given them billions in aid, etc. Don't be a sucker. America probably only helped you so they could sell you more McDonald's hamburgers or so they could tear up your national landmarks to drill for oil. Don't be fooled!

That Flag Waving is so Gauche: Nothing could be more annoying than a bunch of flag waving Americans chanting USA, USA, USA. I mean have you ever chanted France, France, France while eating escargot and caviar at a caf? Of course not! What a bunch of barbarians!

Denying Anti-Americanism: It's very important that you deny being anti-American while ranting obsessively about how much you hate everything and everyone in America. This drives Americans crazy! If they press you to find something you like about America (Ha, ha! Yeah right) try to give them a left-handed compliment like "American universities have many brilliant professors who seem to understand America's oppressive role in the world. I certainly admire them."

Empire America: It's very important to state the obvious fact that America is trying to create an empire much like Rome...no..better yet, like Ghengis Khahn did! That's why the Soviet Union had to invade so many countries, to stop American imperialism and hegemony! Of course a lot of people don't believe that but when the Canadians are made into slaves so they can build the "Bush pyramids" I think the world will wake up!

American Ignorance: American's are appallingly ignorant of other nations and worse yet, don't care! For example, ask an American who the Treasury Secretary of Spain is? When they say "No clue. What difference does it make?" Hit them with "There is no Treasury Secretary of Spain! It was a trick question and how can you not care you stupid American? What are you, too busy waving your stupid flag to pay attention? You Americans are morons!" Make sure to say things like this on internet forums and chat rooms because American's tend to watch too many John Wayne movies and think being insulted may be a good reason to fight. Have I called them barbarians yet?

The Trojan Horse of American Kindness: It is vitally important not to let America get away with what appear to be "good deeds." Take food drops in Afghanistan. The Americans were obviously trying to lead people into mine fields or kill them by squashing them with food packets. It was a clever trick (for Americans, har, har, har) but we're on to you!

Congratulations! You've now learned everything you'll need to know about anti-Americanism. You can now wear your turtleneck, eat your quiche, and sneer at everything American with pride! Viva la Anti-Americanism!