

(2012-04-23 19:42:57) 下一个

This post contains real stories, poem by a real woman, and tons of information to warn and help those who are considering or who have had abortions. Read on! 

她摇摇头,trying to forget and live是的,生命是好的成功的

O BTW, this is a chinese woman!
现在坐在每月一次support group所有这些妇女流产流产了的其中一些以后从未有过孩子
他们405060现在要告诉你,请如果你还年轻不要选择人工流产. Go to http://www.mylifemychoice.org/.


一名日本女子身材娇小,漂亮在她2030s三个堕胎.日本家伙,白人第二次堕胎,她想要淹si3自己她现在38岁,离异觉得她世界上最坏的她看上去很沮丧身着黑衣她的头发覆盖悲伤的脸如果你年轻,got pregnant accidentally, it is not the end of the world. 不要选择人工流产. Go to http://www.mylifemychoice.org/. 人民一字排开,来帮助你宝宝,这是美国不是中国的地方中国你可能需要堕胎,因为如此多羞愧和内疚这里没有! Halleluja!

For healing after abortion,

Post Abortion Help

  • Lumina/Hope & Healing After Abortion
    A post abortion ministry of Good Counsel, Inc. Lumina provides groups, retreat days, trainings, public speaking, and referrals to post abortion ministries, professional therapists and clergy.
  • "Entering Canaan- A Sacramental Journey to an Inheritance of Mercy"
    “Go, pick up the pieces lest they be lost.” (Jn 6:12) With these words, John Cardinal O’Connor directed the Sisters of Life to a ministry of reverence for women and men who suffer following the tragedy of abortion. Since 1996, we have heeded that call with the help of Theresa Bonopartis, our co-developer in Entering Canaan: A Sacramental Journey to an Inheritance of Mercy for those Suffering Abortion.
  • Abortion Recovery International
    Abortion Recovery InterNational (ARIN) is a Christian non-profit association of peer and professional counselors helping to restore lives and relationships after abortion.
  • Bethesda The House of Mercy
    A community of Hope and Healing for those suffering after an abortion
  • Ramah International:
    Assist those hurting from post abortion syndrome (PAS) through communication, resources and local referrals.
  • Project Rachel
    Catholic Church's healing ministry to those who have been involved in abortion
  • National Office of Reconciliation and Healing:
    Founded in 1990, the National Office of Post-Abortion Reconciliation and Healing, Inc. networks researchers and psychotherapeutic professionals working in the field within the U.S. and abroad, consults on the formation of post-abortion support services within secular and religious settings.
  • Rachel's Vineyard Retreats:
    Rachel's Vineyard Retreats are a "therapy for the soul" which combines a unique and creative process for psychological and spiritual healing.
  • Safe Haven Ministries
    Support site, messages and chats

Post Abortion Education

  • Coalition on Abortion Breast Cancer
    It cannot be said that all women who have breast cancer have had abortions. Similarly, not all women who have had abortions will get breast cancer. Nevertheless, abortion is the most preventable risk factor for breast cancer.
  • Elliot Institute
    This is the web's most complete source of information on the aftereffects of abortion and post-abortion healing.
Post Abortion Legal Aide
  • The Trinity Legal Center
    Trinity Legal center is a nonprofit litigation and legislation support center.
  • Life Dynamics
    We provide a full range of litigation services to attorneys representing abortion-injured women. We have researched hundreds of abortion malpractice cases to find ways to make future cases more successful and we've created the tools and services necessary to support attorneys representing abortion-injured clients.
  • The Justice Foundation
    The Foundation represents clients free of charge in cases in the areas of limited government, free markets, private property, parental school choice, parental rights in education, and enforcing laws to protect women’s health.

Men's resources

  • Entering Canaan Mens Ministry
    Led by The Franciscan Friars of the Renewal and sponsored by Lumina/Hope and healing after Abortion One day retreat for men who have been impacted by abortion
  • Reclaiming Fatherhood
    Reclaiming Fatherhood: A Multifaceted Examination of Men Dealing With Abortion: This website contains information that will be helpful to those who have been involved in abortion experiences and to those who care for them.
  • Misty Mountain
    Men Hurt Too! They Cry Alone. If you are a man and have been hurt by an abortion experience, we understand. It’s time for all men who have lost a child or the chance to be a father, to come to terms with those feelings in a safe environment. Don’t be fooled by society that says you shouldn’t grieve.
  • House of Esau Ministries
    For men healing from the pain of having lost a child through abortion. email: houseofesau@silverlion.org
  • Son of Adam Post Abortion Ministry
    Weekly group process for ten weeks Workshop compiled by Rev. Steve Wolf (615) 758-2424 ext. 12 Old Hickory, TN
  • Fatherhood Forever
    Fatherhood Forever Foundation, Inc. is a Christ-centered, non-profit organization. It was conceptualized in April 2005, incorporated on August 11th, 2005 and is located in Phoenix, Arizona. We currently provide post-abortion recovery for men through a 12-week bible study here in Phoenix. 

I Wish Someone Had Told Me...
• That at age thirty-eight, my heart’s wound would re-open and ache even more for my two aborted children.
• That it would take the accepting hearts and compassion of a few select individuals to assist in my healing.
• That God would release me from the shame, guilt, and grief that I had suffered for decades.

I’m Glad Someone Told Me...
That God forgave me when I asked and has always wanted to comfort me! His Grace set me free!
• That Dylan Conor and Dory Kalani could be close to me in heart and soul, even here on Earth!
• That the process of forgiving myself would be terribly painful and tearfully emotional, yet divinely possible!
I’d Like To Tell You...
• That no one can force you to have an abortion. If you need help, there is an array of assistance available to you.
• That through a ripple effect, one abortion may touch the hearts of 40-50 people in a lifetime. Abortion affects families!
• That gender, age, race or socioeconomic status are irrelevant. After abortion trauma does not discriminate.
Luckily, neither does recovery!
• That we can assist you in processing the emotional and psychological impact that abortion has left on you and those you love.
• That God loves you RIGHT WHERE YOU AREI Wish Someone Had Told Me...
• That the first time I had sex, I would get pregnant.
• That the people who seemed to know what was best would actually encourage me to make a most regretful decision.
• That an abortion, would not fix my problem, but instead would cause more emotional and physical trauma.
• That my choice was motivated by feelings of shock and fear in worrying about what my parents, friends and family might think.
• That there were people and agencies out there who would have helped me.
• That my parents would have understood if I had told them I was pregnant.
• Not to make a rash decision based on the influence of others.
• That my life didn’t have to stop because I was pregnant.
• That life is about choices, and this "pro-choice" I was making would result in a truly "poor choice” later on.

I Wish Someone Had Told Me...
• That I could have changed my mind, no matter what the doctors or nurses told me.
• That a part of my maternity would die on that table, right along with my child.
• That I would feel more appalled with myself after the "procedure," as I was ushered out the clinic’s back door.
• That there would be so much physical and emotional pain involved...not just then, but decades later.
• That I would lose a part of my dignity, self-love, and purpose in life.I Wish Someone Had Told Me...
• That seven years after my abortion, the joy of seeing my son’s ultrasound pictures would be tainted by sorrow, knowing that I had ended my first pregnancy.
• That the birth of my son Davis, would be the most amazing day of my life, but also truly a day of reckoning for me.
• That my sons’ hugs and kisses, or hearing him say, "I love you, Mommy!" would mean more to me that I can possibly explain.
• That I would later get pregnant from a “non-consenting” sexual situation.

I Wish Someone Had Told Me...
• That I wasn’t God, and that He alone should determine life and death.
• That the emotions of grief, guilt and shame would take over my life.
• That due to the emotional pain of my "choice,” I would consider suicide twice.
• That I might be coerced to choose abortion again, as others said I shouldn’t bring another mans’ child into the world, while married to someone else.
• That abortion wouldn’t save my marriage, as others said it might.

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