王利民 民声 Limin Wang People's Voice

我来自毛共社会农民家庭,成长、自立、成家阶段偏逢特色共产党越发走资,在美国漂泊二十年,最近还遭遇工伤谋害谋杀。我认识到,光靠个人的辛勤是改变不了制度给个人注定的命运,必须同时通过个人的努力去改变制度和社会Limin Wang, People's Voice

Man, the Impeachment Show

(2019-11-13 09:39:50) 下一个

Man, the Impeachment Show

by Limin Wang

Nov. 13, 2019


The Demos talk so much about rules and laws. Is it not odd for the legislative, instead of the judicial, branch to hold such an impeachment on the executive head in the first place? The contempts are from the constitution itself, and this is only one fact of the contempts. The old USA founders mean an oligarchy, rather than a democracy. The Trump defense should use the tit-for-tat to have an anonymous bullhornblower and an immigrant representative to facilitate the talk on the FUNDAMENTAL issues of the governmental rights and wrongs. 

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王利民 回复 悄悄话 Trump, you interrupt the politicians' regular pattern. That's the actual but covert impeachable offense.