
电影 'Midnight in Paris' 观后感

(2012-05-22 18:32:14) 下一个


“Midnight in Paris” is a movie that I can watch over and over again without losing any interest. I was first charmed by the film’s poster, which is a reference to van Gogh’s painting “Starry Night”. I like everything about the movie and feel very connected with it, and was totally engrossed by the romantic mood, the beautiful scenes, and the sentimental songs in the movie.   

The main theme of the movie is nostalgia.  Gil Penter, protagonist of the movie, is a Hollywood screenwriter who idolizes Hemingway, Fitzgerald, and many other great writers and artists from the 1920s. He feels dissatisfied with his present way of living, and fantasizes that he lived in Paris with many of the greatest writers and artists at that time. In the movie, he inhabits two worlds, the present and the past, which leaves him very conflicted and confused. He is also attracted to a girl of 1920s and feels disconnected with his finance he is going to marry soon. But by the end of movie, he suddenly has an epiphany, which makes him realize that it is an illusion to think that the past is better than the present; he must get rid of this myth about the past in order to become a good writer.  

Everyone, more or less, feels nostalgic and sentimental sometimes in his or her life, longing to go back to the “good old day”. We tend to idealize and yearn for the past and feel a deep dissatisfaction about the present. But think about it, who really wants to live in a past era when there were no antibiotics, no air conditioners, no TVs and cell phones? People feel the warm glow of the past, because they tend to remember good things and forget the unpleasant moments of the bygone era. I am sure that our era will someday become a “golden age” for some people in the future. So we must learn to live in the present and cherish the moment in order to feel happy and fulfilled. 

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NewVoice 回复 悄悄话 回复丽雅的评论:

Thank you very much, 丽雅, for reading it! Same here, I don't want to give up the comfort and banal luxury I am enjoying now for something purely spiritual. What a 俗人 I am! Haha…

Just visited your blog, and really like it. I will visit it often. Cheers!
丽雅 回复 悄悄话 I like this movie a lot too. Thanks for sharing. It's interesting that while Adriana wanted to go back to the Belle époque, Lautrec, Gauguin, and Degas thought that the best era was the Renaissance.

I must confess that although I yearn for spiritual connections with the greatest minds and the finest artists in those eras (the 20s, the Belle époque, and the Renaissance), I would also rather live in the present. Cheers!