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为何在美国医生误诊误医时有发生, 但医患关系绝对不像中国那样紧张?

就以医生的培训, 收入也可看出些其所以然。 医生是美国所有职业中学历与经验要求最高的: 四年本科学位再加四年医学院毕业。所以在美国,医生都是具有博士学位的人。就像英文中的"DOCTOR" 既是博士,也是医生的专用名词 (外国医学院毕业并曾经在国外行医的美国医生除外) 。就学历来说,就已是所有职业中要求最高的。就是美国律师,最多也就本科毕业后, 再读读3年法学院,考过律师执照也就成为律师了。


正因为美国的医生是所有美国职业中学历要求最高的。理所当然的其工资也是在美国所有职业中最高的。 甚至比公司行政总裁还高


1. 麻醉医师 Anesthesiologists $232,830
2. 外科医生 Surgeons $230,540
3. 产科和妇科医生 Obstetricians and Gynecologists $216,760
4. 口腔面颌外科医生Oral and maxillofacial Surgeons $216,440
5. 一般内科 Internists, General $191,520
6. 牙齿矫正 Orthodontists $186,320
7. 内科兼外科医生Physicians and Surgeons, All Other $184,820
8. 家庭和全科医生Family and General Practitioners $180,850
9. 精神科医生Psychiatrists $177,520
10.行政总裁 Chief Executives $176,840


除了医生外, 美国的10个收入最高的职业为:

1. 行政总裁 Chief Executives $176840
2. 石油工程师 Petroleum Engineers $147470
3. 建筑和工程经理 Architectural and Engineering Managers $133240
4. 律师 Lawyers $130880
5. 自然科学经理 Natural Sciences Managers $130400
6. 营销经理 Marketing Managers $129870
7. 计算机和信息系统经理 Computer and Information Systems Managers $129130
8. 航空公司飞行员,副驾驶员和飞行工程师Airline Pilots, Copilots, and Flight Engineers $128760
9. 金融经理Financial Managers $123260
10. 销售经理Sales Managers $119980

: 美国人在这方面的统计数据一般都不用平均数。
50%的相同职业收入低于此数, 50%的相同职业收入高于此数一般低于此数的为资历浅,工作在地区消费低的地方;高于此数的为资历深,工作在地区消费高的地方。


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都能理解 回复 悄悄话 回复 'moreco2pls' 的评论 : 当然有关系! 错误人人会犯,有了驾照不等于不会出车祸。难读,学历要求求高,但工资也高。这就会使人肃然起敬。当然学历高,待遇高,与众不同。就能改善医生与病患在误诊时的关系全部,医生的误诊保险就如同车险一样。只能用"钱"来改善。
都能理解 回复 悄悄话 回复 'GumTree' 的评论 : 笑话! 当然不是, 比PHD还得多做3年的住院医生, 才能成为MD。与博士后相当。


Difference Between MD and Phd

MD and Phd are both higher degrees. MD stands for Doctor of Medicine, and Phd stands for Doctor of philosophy.

The first difference that can be mentioned of the two, is that MD is associated with treating patients, and Phd is related to a doctor’s degree in other fields.

While MD pertains to a higher degree in medicine, a Phd can be obtained in various fields, like arts and the sciences. A person that has a MD degree can prescribe medicines, where as a person with a Phd cannot prescribe medicines. Phd is completely research oriented.

When discussing the origin of MD and Phd, the former was launched first. The origin of Doctor of Medicine is traced to the ninth century, when it was introduced in the medieval Arabic universities. The Doctor of Philosophy is known to have originated in the Middle Ages, in the European universities.

There is also the difference of time when studying for the degrees. While a person gets a MD after about four years, a person will only get a Phd in four to seven years. Getting a Phd also depends on the submission of the thesis paper.

Doctor of Philosophy comes from Latin philosophi?? doctor, which means ‘teacher of philosophy’. The Doctor of Medicine also comes from Latin, and means ‘teacher of medicine’.

A person gets a MD degree after two years of course work, and two years of rotational work, in some hospital or clinic. On the other hand, a person gets a Phd after he submits his thesis paper. The thesis is examined by a group of experts, and the person may also be called to defend his work.

Read more: Difference Between MD and Phd | Difference Between | MD vs Phd http://www.differencebetween.net/miscellaneous/difference-between-md-and-phd/#ixzz37AJ5usjc
都能理解 回复 悄悄话 回复 '180511' 的评论 :


180511 回复 悄悄话 文不对题。估计标题是自己写的,文章是抄来的
ahhhh 回复 悄悄话 为钱打工的都是穷人,五十步和百步的差别而已。没什么好比的。
GumTree 回复 悄悄话 美国的MD并不是我们中国人所说的博士。请看以下:

I was filling out a government form that included a section about 'highest level of education achieved' which listed levels of education starting with elementary school and ending with a doctoral degree.

Anyway, I was surprised to that the MD was not listed at the same rank of 'doctoral degree' and was instead listed after 'masters' degrees along with the JD (lawyers), OD (optometrists), M.Div (ministers) and some other degrees... some of which were 'M' (masters) and others which were 'D.'

I always thought that the 'D' in MD meant that it was a 'doctorate' degree, but this questionnaire seemed to rank the MD as lower than a doctorate degree. So my question is, is the MD a doctorate degree and/or is someone with an MD considered as having a 'doctorate'?


The short answer to your question is that the MD is not a doctorate degree nor is it equivalent to a PhD. That said, it's still certainly a prestigious degree and, at least in the US, it is customary to still address someone with an MD as Dr. (although the history behind that is somewhat interesting). And, of course, some MDs do go on to complete the additional work required to also receive a PhD (eg MD/PhD).

The reason that the MD and those other degrees were listed as lower than a doctorate in the questionnaire in terms of level of education achieved is that these degrees do not meet the traditional definition of what is required to receive a 'doctorate' level degree. In particular, where they fall short is the requirement for the generation and defense of the production of 'new' knowledge - generally in the form of an extensive research project, thesis and defense of the thesis.

The MD, JD and other similar degrees are classified as 'first-professional' degrees. These degrees generally contain 'masters degree' level coursework along with extensive 'apprenticeship' style training of the trade in question (medicine, law, religion, etc.). Most of these professional schools used to issue masters degrees to their graduates, although some schools eventually started issuing specialized doctoral degrees even though they didn't actually complete the requirements necessary for a doctorate. This practice is generally limited to the US.

As a result, the 'first-professional' degree classification was created in the US to identify those degrees that represented highly advanced training in a particular subject beyond what is normally required for a masters degree but falling short of what is required to be awarded a doctorate.

The US Department of Education states (on a website defining the different classes of degrees one can obtain in the US education system):

"Holders of first-professional degrees are considered to have an entry-level qualification and may undertake graduate study in these professional fields following the award of the first-professional degree. Several of these degrees use the term “doctor” in the title, but these degrees do not contain an independent research component or require a dissertation (thesis) and should not be confused with PhD degrees"

All that said, it shouldn't take anything away from the MD, JD, or other first-professional degrees. They are all very prestigious and require several years of hard study to obtain, but they are not equivalent to a PhD.
bobby41 回复 悄悄话 Retinal Medicine & Surgery Salaries in the USA

As I write this, there are possibly only about 1500 to 1600 practicing retinal surgeons in the United states in an overall pool of over 830,000 practicing MDs - that makes them fairly exclusive, and exclusivity in the health arena means huge dollars in income.

You will agree when I say high dollars, when you know that average yearly incomes these guys make hovers around $500,000 to $600,000 and can climb upto $800,000 a year on the higher end.

As I went through various online physician salary survey sites, the minimum for a Retinal Physician was about 250,000$, which climbs up quickly with incentives and production bonuses, pulling from the competition with higher offers and so on...

A 2010 Survey by Allied physicians quotes a minimum of $280,000 a year, an average of $469,000 a year and a Maximum of $716,000 a year for retinal physicians

Another survey on DrJobs.com quotes a minimum of $275,000 a year and a maximum of $711,000 a year.
moreco2pls 回复 悄悄话 你忘了大学教授和研究所的研究人员。他们的学历要求不比医生低。 学历和收入没有必然的关系。

美国医患关系不像中国那样紧张,和你说的有关系吗? 医生学历要求高,患者就更能理解医生的误诊误医?不懂你的逻辑。
