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在伊利诺诶(Illinois) 旅游指南书中专有介绍芝加哥建筑的一节, 开篇有一段引人注目的话:


If Mrs. O’leary’s  infamous cow did indeed kick over the lantern on the night of October 8,1871,  to start the  Great  Chicago Fire, she unwittingly gave Chicago’s builders a clean slate.  


In the wake of the massive conflagration, talented architects arrived with bulging portfolios and large ambitions.  They set about replacing tinderboxes with sturdy structures of stone and steel, rebuilding Chicago as a city meant to last.


(在1871 108 日夜里,如果真的是鸥莱瑞夫人的那头臭名昭著的母牛踢翻了油灯,引发了举世瞩目的芝加哥大火;那么她在无意间给了芝加哥的建设者们一片空白地。







* * * 读罢,不由得想对那场大火一探究竟。


1837年第一部城市宪章被批准通过,芝加哥被正式设立为一个市。 当时它是一个小的贸易商栈,拥有5000居民。到1850年,芝加哥的城市人口增至30000人。而在1871年,大火前夜,它拥有330000 人口,位居美国第四 短期内急剧的人口增长,让这个城市的建设匆忙简单,危机四伏 绝大多数建筑物是用易燃的木材搭造的,而且没有配置灭火设施。一些资料显示,1871 年夏天,芝加哥平均每天发生两场火警,200多名消防队员疲于奔命,防火器材故障频出。 正如那位十九世纪历史学家A.T. Andreas指出的:" Nature had withheld her accustomed measure of prevention and man had added to the peril by recklessness.(这个城市客观上不具备防火的条件,而主观防火意识也不很淡薄。)"  彼时的芝加哥已经显现出大祸临头的预兆。


据说在1871108 日(星期天)晚上9点钟,在城西南边鸥莱瑞夫人的畜棚附近,在那个干燥大风的夏末,在那个草率建设且疏于管理的城市里,一支火苗骤然升起,轻快地掠过周围的简陋小屋,工棚和其他建筑,借着风力以不可阻挡之势向东北市中心方向迅速蔓延。当时的火警值班员,判断错了火源的方位,指令发给了一个较远的消防站。而火源现场的居民鸥莱瑞夫人和她的邻居们居然没有报警。更意想不到的是本已晚到的消防车却发生了故障! 时机的一再延误,让星星之火燃成燎原之势。从这个灭顶之灾的一开始,每一件事情都不对了。其实,芝加哥大火的真正原因似乎从没有定论,明理的人都清楚,那只牛蹄仅是摧毁芝加哥的一个充分而非必要条件而已。






午夜130 市府大楼燃起来了, 巡夜人只能沿着燃烧的楼梯扶手滑出大火。 此时市政官员们意识到了这幢楼要保不住了,便立即打开了位于地下室的监牢大门,释放出所有在押的犯人。 紧接着,大楼坍塌,楼顶的大钟垂直落下。这时候的芝加哥城里,成千上万的居民从梦中惊醒,被火驱赶着, 弃家离所,匆匆忙忙向北逃亡。


凌晨300,大火吞噬了坐落在Huron Street街的Rumsey homes








回到市南看看,崭新豪华的Palmer House 连同旁边的芝加哥论坛办公楼已夷为平地。正是在大火前一个月,芝加哥论坛曾发出警告:If the city did not fall down, it was liable to burn――Chicago is a city of everlasting pine, shingles, shams, veneer, stucco and putty(芝加哥如果不倒塌的话,也容易被火烧毁――这个城市仅仅是用木材,胶合板搭起来后在表面涂着装饰泥灰而已)。遗憾的是,这个警告在当时并没有引起芝加哥人足够的重视。



Variations on a Theme: The Burning City

Variations on a Theme: The Burning City


Variations on a Theme: The Burning City

Variations on a Theme: The Burning City




109日(星期一),火势仍然不可控制,它继续向北蔓延着,肆虐着。芝加哥市中心化为一片汪洋火海。当时的目击者是这样形容的:It was like a snowstorm only the flakes were red instead of white 那是一场火红色的暴风雪。”






* * *那么,这场大火到底给当时的芝加哥人造成多少损失呢?


从面积来看受灾区长4 英里,平均宽度4分之3 英里, 折合2千多英亩;被毁坏的街道28英里,人行道120英里,灯柱2000多个; 市区所有的植被被一扫而光;市中心建筑群被彻底摧毁 18千多幢建筑物倒塌;合计20亿资财化为灰烬;城市商业完全垮台;300多人丧命;10万居民无家可归。 芝加哥大火被视为19世纪最悲惨的事件之一。


Ruins of the Mammoth Store of Field & Leiter 




损失惨重,打击沉痛,可芝加哥人并没有垮:“It is important to remember how much of the city did not burn.”位于城西的重工业和牲畜业没有受到影响; 铁路系统并没有受到致命的毁坏,虽然火车站已夷为平地; 最最重要的是芝加哥得天独厚的地理位置没有改变 —它是西部终端站,它是密西西比水系的门户,它是美国主要的铁路中心,它是工业大发展时期中西部的主要城市。其地理位置决定了芝加哥将不可避免地成为美国经济中心以及社会生活中心。




* * * 早在大火燃燃之际,芝加哥的自救重建已经展开了。


109日(星期一)早晨在城西的一个教堂里芝加哥公共理事会(the Common Council)主席Charles C.P. Holden召集了一个部分官员和市民代表的联合大会,会议中,这个教堂被设为第一个临时政府服务机关以帮助难民渡过难关,并提供食品和饮用水。


下午,市长Mason 做了一个简短讲演,鼓励芝加哥人民勇于面对困难, 充满信心,振作起来重建家园。紧接着,一些非常重要的临时政策出台:比如制定面包价格;严禁运输等行业抬价;禁止任何场合抽烟;严格限定娱乐业酒吧的娱乐时间等等。


同时,芝加哥公共理事会还成立了一个由市民代表和三方官员代表组成的救济协会(Relief Committee专门负责管理和分配各地捐赠的钱财及物品(资料记载,来自全国各地及全世界的捐赠总价值达5百亿美金)。


然而趁火打劫乃是一小撮人类渣滓的恶习之一。对于从大火里逃生的芝加哥人来说,危险并没有结束。一位名叫Cassius Milton Wicker的市民在写给朋友的一封信中说:With the close of the fire, or rather conflagration, our troubles have not closed. Roughs and thieves from all parts of the country flocked here for plunder(我们的纷乱并没有随着大火的熄灭而消失,全国各地的流氓无赖都集聚到芝加哥来趁火打劫了). 微弱的芝加哥滋生着并吸引着大批流浪扒手,夜盗,和无赖混子 - 杀人,抢劫,纵火,酗酒频频上演在街头巷尾


在这个生死存亡之际, 市长Mason 作出了就拯救芝加哥的两步至为关键性的决策:


第一,1010日全权委托内战英雄人物Philip Sheridan中将维护城市安全和秩序。





     (内容见下)                   Lieutenant-General Philip H. Sheridan, ca. 1876




The preservation of the good order and peace of the city is hereby intrusted to Lieut. General P.H. Sheridan, U.S. Army.

The Police will act in conjunction with the Lieut. General in the preservation of the peace and quiet of the city, and the Superintendent of the Police will consult with him to that end. The intent being to preserve the peace of the city without interfering with the functions of the city government.

Given under my seal this October 11, A.D. 1871.

R.B. MASON, Mayor ]

很快Sheridan中将抽取了正规军,市民,以及警察中的少数精英分子组建了一个混合军队 芝加哥第一自愿团(First Regiment of Chicago Volunteers)并颁布了宵禁令等一系列非常时期的治安制度。这支军队日夜巡逻在芝加哥的大街小巷,守护着救济品仓库,监督 执行治安制度。 


  一位自愿团岗哨在给他的妻子谈到这段特殊经历时非常自豪:“I have not had my clothes off for a week, the city is paroled [sic] every night, you should have seen me last night paroling our alley with a loaded revolver in my hand looking for incendiaries for there are many about function forumSelected() { var forumId = $("#forumId").val(); if(forumId == null || '' == forumId) { alert('请选择论坛.'); } else { } }

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The first of three songs in this Library by George F. Root, of the Chicago firm of Root & Cady. To be sung "con fuoco" (with fire).

"Passing through the Fire"
in MIDI Format
Con Fuoco.

1. Flames! flames! terrible flames!
How they rise, how they mount, how they fly.
The heavens are spread with a fierce lurid glare,
Red heat is filling the earth with air,
While, mercy! mercy! We hear the despairing ones cry.

chorus: (Moderato) for alto, tenor, bass, and the air, and piano accompaniment

Passing thro' the fire! passing thro' the fire,
And it is our Father's hand,
Tho' we may not understand
Why we're passing thro' the fire,
passing thro' the fire!

2. Flames! flames! terrible flames!
How they sweep, how they rush, how they roar.
See the hideous tongues round the roof,
tree and spire,
As swells their wild carnival higher and higher,
Till falling! crashing! Our glorious
city's no more.

3. Flames! flames! terrible flames!
What a fearful destruction they bring.
What suff'ring and want in their train follow fast,
As forth on the streets homeless
thousands are cast,
But courage! courage! From the mid'st of the
furnace we sing.

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A waltz published in Boston in 1871.


"Pity the Homeless"
in MIDI Format
1. Pity the homeless, pity the poor,
By the fierce Fire fiend forced to your door;
List to their pleading, list to their cry,
Pass them not heedlessly by....
Roused from their slumbers, peaceful and sweet,
Hastening in terror into the street,
Leaving behind them treasure most dear,
Flying in anguish and fear......


Pity the homeless, pity the poor,
By the fierce Fire fiend forced to your door;
List to their pleading, list to their cry,
Pass them not heedlessly by.

2. See how the Fire king leaps in his joy!
As his dead minions haste to destroy;
See how the homes, once peaceful and fair,
Wrapped in the flames, melt in air......
Haste then, and help them, who from their home
Shelterless, foodless, wearily roam,
Pity their anguish, list to their prayers,
Lighten their labors and cares.......