
Well, a win finally for the Lakers. The only people doing well f

(2008-06-10 21:00:36) 下一个
the Lakers are:

Kobe: what can we say? The kid played his game and took the responsibility. His free throws sucked, but probably due to the energy spent on both ends of the floor.

Sasha: I like this kid. He played like he has the gut and heart to win.

Phil: the defensive switch early on to put Kobe on Rondo is a good one. And later put Kobe on PP.

Phil need to slap Lamar and Pau\'s faces, they need to wake up soon!
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虔谦 回复 悄悄话 技术上的不很懂, 但是以前看过他们很多次. 总觉得湖人的精神和态度不过硬. 瞧他们领先二十分后的表现. 松垮.