
Living in the now. And the best is yet to come.
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(2008-01-29 21:14:51) 下一个

下了班之后又去买东西 - 趁着减价的好时光。

本想去 NIKE 买双运动鞋,可是店里几乎一样(值得买的)降价的东西都没有。

悻悻地出来后,不甘心空手回家,于是又跑到街对面的 Banana Republic 。这家一年里头也就这段时间真正像样地 sale 一下。

买了好几件,有我的有给 EP 的。给 EP 的大小拿捏的不是很确定,反正不合适可以拿回来退。谁知道刚刚走出店门,袋子里的收据就给吹到了天上 – 好像风里伸出来一只手一样准。还一下子吹到有二层楼那麽高。我恨不得长了翅膀到天上把我的收据拽下来。可惜翅膀还没长出来收据就给吹没影儿了。我恨恨地想,要是 EP 穿不进这些衣服就叫他去减肥,我反正不管了。

周末时看了 3:10 to Yuma 。这还是我头一次看 Russell Crow (?sp) 演的电影,总算体会了他的 charm , in spite of his roughness 。 Quite quite attractive – within the context of the movie 。和他比起来, Christian Bale 显得 provincial ,小眉小眼的精明,是角色不讨巧。

借了 Woody Allen 的短文集 The Insanity Defense – 看了几篇之后觉得很单调。 I can only take so much satirical in a day – I need to leave room for my own!

最近脾气越来越差。很多时候几乎冲口而出 : shut up you stupid 。 I raise my voice, taking a confrontational stance, using a bitter tone. Oh I achieve “results” all right. But I become even worse-mooded for the wear.

昨天去锻炼时听 Dixie Chicks 的 Not ready to make nice ,瞬间觉得很愤懑。 I had to fight back the tears. Sudden sentimentality attack. I’m not going to honor it by having an analysis!

昨天有 bigger potato complimented my work as “elegant” 。以前还有同事说我的 “作品” graceful – 这两个算是我比较喜欢的赞扬话。

情绪就好像海水一样。发怒时是涨潮。淹没沿途的所有。平静下来时是潮落。沙滩上布满残迹。但是偶尔可以见到海螺小螃蟹,证明 nothing is all bad 。

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chic 回复 悄悄话 hear hear! the other store i want to try my luck is Barneys New York - this store is notoriously pricey..
agentsmith 回复 悄悄话 Agree, Banana Republic's on sale price is still considered "expensive" to me:)

January is such a 减价的好时光, I love it:)