
:::::ART ATTACK:::::

(2007-11-08 20:51:47) 下一个

mixed media on canvas - artist: Michel Leah Keck

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影云 回复 悄悄话 glad that you kept this one ! this is what i felt more echoed against the title "ART ATTACK" . . .! :)

知凡 回复 悄悄话 "生命最本质的东西"确实是我感兴趣的:)

很多东西"诗歌─作为─沉默"里说得很清楚, 如果能说清楚一面,“对面”与延伸便好理解。。。

喜爱好的艺术文字于我是因为"共鸣"。。。"共鸣"着"生命最本质的"源"; "无限"(或过去,过去的过去。。。)。。。或单纯就是因为"漂亮",因为"漂亮"有其理, 我不知道什么叫“GREAT ART”or "GREAT GREAT ART"。。。艺术作品的“灵魂”GENDER-FREE, 但细看每个艺术家的所有作品,确实就能看到GENDER的差异,这是不可否认的。。。

"by 'Today', i mean our time ......"

What makes us Human? What is ART? 或许是同一个问题。。。
影云 回复 悄悄话 good, my mind is active now:)

what i say neither right nor wrong, is about our viewing/interpreting, but there must be some truth in great art work itself . . .otherwise, they will not be great! i have to say, the world is full of mediocre and imitation . . . “we” view through the being viewed, “we” appreciate through being said . . . “we” need the “physical existence” of being appreciated!

actually, now, "cave paintings" and "ritual potteries" become part of inspiration of OUR TIME! so, they have been carried on . . but, i have to say, inspiration is great, but somehow, not as pure as the first people did . .. because it also framed the mind (a deep struggle too!) . . . yes, what's lost in our age, or any age, is the beginner's mind . . .! that's where the gracefulness comes . . .
~&~ 回复 悄悄话 Truth is too big a topic........

Truth in ART can only be shown ....not told outside the canvas, for example.....

What are we talking about?? :))

To go along with your statements, Who are making the "cave paintings" today? Or the ritual potteries??

by 'Today', i mean our time ......

when i say "knowing nothing", i mean someone's mind is pure and not poluted..... :)) sorry for not be clear ....
影云 回复 悄悄话 acutally, i enjoy this kind of deep, personal, and honest discussion . . .thanks!
影云 回复 悄悄话 cheers!:) sound i am intoxicated by the Tango
影云 回复 悄悄话 nothing right or wrong, but there must be something TRUE . . .
影云 回复 悄悄话 e.g. a person can know nothing about technique/skill, but he/she can make graceful pottery . . . but how can you say that there is nothing in his/her mind when he/she do it . . .it is a calling from somewhere unknown . . . we can see from the pottery for rituals , or cave drawings. . . and etc . . . that's what i mean, Infinite . . . we don't know, then, we say it's unknown. . .
~&~ 回复 悄悄话 no one is right or wrong when it comes to viewing ART ....

but yeah, there are ways to use words when one has different perceptions........

影云 回复 悄悄话 you may be right . . . but actually, what he said is enlightening to me too, somehow, when i look into a painting and understand what i lack though drawing/painting . . . so, depends on how a person read it . . . it can be a word game, but, the most important is what we can get out it . . .:)

same to the meaning embedded in "SELF" . . . :)
~&~ 回复 悄悄话 "infinite" is not the word i would choose to describe "Self".....that leads to nowhere in we are
concerned with gracefulness.....

because gracefulness does not come from anyone who knows something is infinite .....

gracefulness can also come from knowing nothing :)

影云 回复 悄悄话 actually, "through" should be "into" . . .
影云 回复 悄悄话 isn't SELF infinite? :) though the translation can be logically wrong :)
~&~ 回复 悄悄话 "when perception has passed through something infinite, gracefulness appears." . . .

this sounds a little too abstract to apply to making a piece of art ..... because it is not very logical .....

IF there is something infinite, how can one "pass thru" IT?


many people have not "passed thru" themselves, and that might be the reason we humans need ART to get started.....

影云 回复 悄悄话 i have no idea about this artist . . . actually, Great art works are always gender-free. . . just like Kleist said "when perception has passed through something infinite, gracefulness appears." . . . so, if there is ability to express whatever you can really "SEE" , that's lucky enough . . .of course, still back to the question, how deeper can you seen? . . .
and , to me, art is a result of "DOING" & "NON-DOING" . . . :)
作舟 回复 悄悄话 i am not really familiar with M.L.K. or her art.....sounds like you have done some research [?].....

we have no business talking about anyone's "生命最本质的东西" based on the production of some paintings or writings ...... more serious research is needed if one want to talk about that in others ......

but, i like zf's approac in understanding.....

知凡 回复 悄悄话 很显然, 这是一个自学的画家...而且她是一个女性画家...她与POLLOCK最大的区别一个是"力量",一个是"漂亮"(直觉)...对于Michel Leah Keck 来说她无论如何做不成POLLOCK, 这是她的身体条件, 个性与生活形成的...任何一个艺术家, 在我看来,他们不可能脱离最基本的东西, 也就是内在于他们生命最本质的东西, 无论如何严肃对待,最终都是在这个基础上的演变, 更加FINE...Michel Leah Keck 她在不停地做...没有一个真爱艺术的人不严肃,除非那些不能自己容易被艺术批评家或艺术市场所左右的, 但现在相较凡高, rothko时代, 人们越来越"开窍"...另外关于ART, NON-ART, 非常欣赏LOU Andreas-Salome的理解...如果类似LOU Andreas-Salome的理解越多, 艺术家会更专注,批评家会更理解...andy warhol说将来的时代是每个人都可以"成名"十五分钟, 这和Michel Leah Keck 所说每个人都有各自的内在天赋, 享受其中,相互支持是一个意思...和老子说的作舟翻译的也是一个意思: "性不可易,命不可变,时不可止,道不可壅。苟得其道,无自而不可;失焉者,无 自而可。”
影云 回复 悄悄话 that's true . . . :)
~&~ 回复 悄悄话 yes, anyone who is serious about making ART should ask oneself, at certain stage, What is Art?

otherwise, no one would take that stuff seriously.....

abstract art depends a lot on composition .... certain people have better intuitive aesthetical mapping skills....
影云 回复 悄悄话 compared to Pollock's pouring paint, i am more in love with Rothko . . . it's a deep calling . . .

students in the advanced classes of my teacher demonstrated techniques for making this type of art work . . .i was speechless (from disappointment . . and doubted about Art!) . . . though i have to admit that the accidental result can be great sometimes . . .dynamic . . .

影云 回复 悄悄话 actually, this making process of this type of art made me think what is Art!
~&~ 回复 悄悄话 最后一张很像一万五前年前的岩洞画的色彩.....

i think so too ....... it is interesting for this reason even though it is not the particular inspiring art i can spending time "thinking about"......
z.f. 回复 悄悄话 现在到处都是抽象,"mixed media on canvas" ...玩得这么好的着实少有...自由, 激情...最后一张很像一万五前年前的岩洞画的色彩, "漫长记忆"...他的情绪的"COMPOSITION"是天生的, 漂亮....喜欢...谢谢分享!!!
影云 回复 悄悄话 the original should be very powerful!!!