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自讨苦吃的 I-129

(2007-09-20 08:29:02) 下一个
索引:1) Cap (Who Needs Cap); 2) I-129 (Visa); 3) I-129 Supplement; 4) Fees; 5) Supporting Document; 5) CSC/VSC; 6) Cap Xfer / multi H-1B / bridge / I-129 Two

自讨苦吃的 I-129
- pjiang -

之所以说是自讨苦吃,因为 I-129 表格本不该你来填的。那是你老板的 business.
在美国工作,除非是公民或有绿卡,都需要移民局的批准。如果你没有 EAD,I-129 就是你的唯一之道。I-129 是雇主用来给受益人申请 E/H/L/O/P/Q etc 的,而同学们用得多的是 H-1B1.
如果你是 DIY,请记住所有的签字包括 LCA,都得通过雇主。不要稀里糊涂偏进了 fraud.

申请 H-1B 有名额的限制(即所谓的 Reg Cap),每年是 65,000(其中 6,800 个仅限于智利和新加坡),另外还有 20,000 专门给拥有硕士以上学位 (U.S. Master) 的。每年名额的使用,是从十月 1 日财政年开始,然而,其申请则是始于四月 1 日。

所谓名额,是指你过去从未是过 H-1,现在需要名额才能进 H-1.
但是,如果你的雇主是高校或非营利机构,你则不受名额的限制 (Cap-Exempt). 请注意,中小学的老师不在此列是否非营利机构,请垂讯雇主本人。

属下列情形者,H-1 工人必须在每年的 4月1日起由雇主申请一个名额,以便能在 10月1日 财政年开始为雇主工作。
  1) 首次申请 H-1b,或由 Cap Exempt 转入 Cap-Subject(七年之内未曾有过 cap);
  2) 以前申请过 Cap-Subject 的 H-1b,境外一年之后现在希望开始新的六年。

可以使用以前六年的剩余,这样就不受名额的限制,如果以前占用过名额的话。或者,你也可以申请一个新的名额,以重新开始新的六年(在 H Classification Supplement 中 Part C Item 5 答 "No"),要在 Cover Letter 中说明。

申请 H-1b 的流程是:
  1) 查 Prevailing Wage;
  2) 申请 LCA (先问好单位的税号, Federal Employer Identification Number, EIN# 长 9 位);
  3) 填表 I-129;
  4) 雇主签字;
  5) 保证 I-129 / LCA / Fees 在 4 月 1 日送达移民局。
由于信箱地址的可能耽误,建议用 Express Mail 寄往移民局的街道地址,在前一日寄出以保证及时送达。

有同学考虑要不要用 Premium Processing Service,认为也许会提高抽中的概率。这种认识有一定的偏差。移民局:"USCIS does not believe that individuals who pay for Premium Processing Service on petitions filed for nonimmigrant classifications that are subject to annual limitations will have an unfair access to these limited immigration programs."
如果递交的申请没有被抽中,会及时被退回。在处理的申请,批准了也要等到 10 月 1 日财政年始才为生效。既然如此,Premium Processing Service 的 $1,000 就值得考虑了。想好了要 PP 的同学,在这里填 I-907.

如果你在过去六年中,你用过 H-1 的名额,现在又重新到 H-1 来,或延期,或换雇主,也都不受名额的限制。如果是在境外停留一年之后首次申请 H-1,那么你可以选择不用以前的名额,以便能够重新开始新的六年。
如果你在过去是在不占名额的高校或非营利机构工作,现在转入占名额的公司 (Cap-Subject),那么你还是需要一个名额。因为这个缘故,你的新工作得始于财政年。

H-1b 的申请有大致的三类,Regular Cap, Master 和 Exempt.

如果你的学历不是美国的,你需要 credential evaluation.
如果 H-1 申请提交时还没有拿到学位证书,但已经达到了完成学历的要求,有学校 (Dean, Department, Chairman, Advisor, Professor etc) 的一封证明信也可以。
注意:必须是在申请之前就完成了学历的要求,而不是在 H-1 的起始日之前。

H-1 有六年的限制。六年期满之后,除非你离境超过一年(8 CFR 214.2(h)(13)(iii)(A)),否则不能再持 H-1 在美工作。唯一的例外,是你已经开始了职业移民的申请,并且满足了一定的条件。详细的情况,请参阅“六年之后 H-1 的延期”一文。
有时,由于移民局的失察,批准了你的 H-1B 到六年之外。注意:你不能将错就错。六年的规定是法律层次上的问题,违法的是你而不是别人。不要给自己找麻烦为妙()。

H-1B 的六年,是指你确确实实为雇主工作了六年,而不是仅仅 H-1B 被批准了六年,所以不在美国境内的期间是可以不计入的。例如王五同学 7/22/03-7/21/09 是微软的 H-1B,但 2/14/09 海龟。在 1/1/10 王五还可以申请五个月的 H-1B,即原来的 2/15/09-7/21/09. 或者在 2/15/10 之后,重新开始新的 H-1B 六年。

申请 H-1 时,你需要与 I-129 同时递交 Labor Condition Application (LCA) ETA-9035. LCA 在这里申请。

版本号是 Form I-129, Petition for a Nonimmigrant Worker (Rev. 02/18/2010)Y Expires 07/31/2010.
表格下载 link
填表说明 link
申请费 $320, 另有打假费 $500,附加费 $1,500 / $750.

Part 1. Information about the employer filing this petition.
这里是雇主的信息。如果雇主是个人,请填 1;公司则是填 2.
Mailing Address 部分是不分个人、公司都要填的。
最后一行是公司填 Federal Employer Identification #(即 LCA 中 Item B 的 EIN),个人填 U.S. Social Security #Individual Tax #.

Part 2. Information about this petition.
1.Requested Nonimmigrant Classification.

2.Basis for Classification
a. New employment (including new employer filing H-1B extension).
b. Continuation of previously approved employment without change with the same employer
c. Change in previously approved employment.
d. New concurrent employment.
e. Change of employer.
f. Amended petition.
从来没有进过 H-1 的,或是现在又回到 H-1 的,选 a;H-1 的延期是 b;H-1 的 transfer 是 e;由于 material change 是 f;多打一份工选 d;全职改半职,或反之是 c.

3. If you checked Box 2b, 2c, 2d, 2e, or 2f,
除了是新雇关系(上面选 a 的),其它的在这里填现行 H-1B 的收据号。

4. Prior Petition.
如果你有 COS/EOS 的申请 (I-129/I-539) 正在 pending 之中,请填其收据号。

5. Requested Action.
a. Notify the office in Part 4 so the person(s) can obtain a visa or be admitted.
通知海外领馆(列于第 4 部分)给受益人颁发签证(如果你选了此项,清注意:所有的支持材料要附双份)
除非你不在美国,只能在境外等签证而选 a,否则选 b 为好。当你选了 b 时,你仍然可以在批准之后自行境外签证,如果你愿意的话。唯一的不便是,身份转换批准之前不要离境。
即使你考虑到可能有 Gap,而会被要求离境签证,也不要选此项。也许收到的 Approval Notice 就带了 I-94 卡。参见 Part 4 之 1.

b. Change the person(s)' status and extend their stay since the person(s) are all now in the U.S. in another status
受益人由非 H 身份转为 H 身份--对应 2(a)

c. Extend the stay of the person(s) since they now hold this status.
受益人 H 身份的延期--对应 2(b)(c)(d)(e)

d. Amend the stay of the person(s) since they now hold this status.
受益人 H 身份的修正--对应 2(f)

e. Extend the status of a nonimmigrant classification based on a Free Trade Agreement.
f. Change status to a nonimmigrant classification based on a Free Trade Agreement.
最后两项是基于 Free Trade 的 EOS/COS,从来不用的。

6. Total number of workers in petition

Part 3. Information about the person(s) you are filing for.
1. If an Entertainment Group, Give the Group Name

Family Name (Last Name)
Given Name (First Name)
Full Middle Name
All Other Names Used
Date of Birth (mm/dd/yyyy)
U.S. Social Security Number (if any)
A number (if any) - A# 一般只有在交了 I-485 之后才会有,F-1/OPT 的 EAD 上的 A# 不算。
Country of Birth
Province of Birth
Country of Citizenship

2. If in the United States, Complete the Following:
Date of Last Arrival (mm/dd/yyyy)
I-94 Number (Arrival/Departure Document)
Current Nonimmigrant Status
Date Status Expires (mm/dd/yyyy)
Passport Number
Date Passport Issued (mm/dd/yyyy)
Date Passport Expires (mm/dd/yyyy)
Current U.S. Address
填最近一次的入境日期,I-94 号,目前身份及有效期(F-1 的有效期是 D/S),护照号、颁发日期及有效期,还有在美住址。

Part 4. Processing Information.
1. If the person named in Part 3 is outside the United States or a requested extension of stay or change of status cannot be granted, give the U.S. consulate or inspection facility you want notified if this petition is approved.
仔细读问题本身,看到那个 "or" 没有?
这一问问的是 1) 受益人在境外,2) 受益人在境内但不符合 COS/EOS 的两种情形之一。
对于在境内申请 H-1,移民局批准是包括两部分,一是 H-1 申请本身,二是对应的 COS/EOS. 如果只批准了"一"的部分,受益人就需要 POE 来激合"二"。这里指的就是这种情况。

勾 Consulate
此问和 Part 2 之 5 是迥异的。

2. Does each person in this petition have a valid passport?
勾 Yes

3. Are you filing any other petitions with this one?
通常情况下,勾 No,表示没有其它申请一起提交。
如果有 I-539 (EOS/COS)、I-102 (I-94) 或 I-907(加快)申请一起提交时,请勾 Yes,并注明其它申请的份数。

4. Are applications for replacement/initial I-94s being filed with this petition?
单独再问 I-102 的情况,据实以答好了。

5. Are applications by dependents being filed with this petition?
单独再问 I-539 的情况,据实以答好了。

6. Is any person in this petition in removal proceedings?
勾 No

7. Have you ever filed an immigrant petition for any person in this petition?
这里问的是雇主是否为受益人申请过移民,只有 EB-1b、EB-2 Perm 或 EB-3 才勾 Yes,并请注明“An I-140 filed with NSC (or other service center) for (your name) with receipt# LIN-xx-xxx-xxxxx is pending” or “An I-140 filed for (your name) with receipt# LIN-xx-xxx-xxxxx was approved”.
如果你自己交了 EB-1a 或 NIW 的话,勾 No 就完了。如果 H-1 的 sponsor 不是你绿卡的 sponsor,也勾 No.

8. If you indicated you were filing a new petition in Part 2, within the past seven years has any person in this petition:
在 Part 2 中选了 2 [a] New employment 的话,请指明受益人在过去七年中是否曾经有过 H-1 身份,或是否被据过 H-1 身份。

a. Ever been given the classification you are now requesting?
有过 H-1 身份则勾 Yes 并注明最后一次的 H-1 申请“(Your name) was granted in H-1b on mm/dd/yyyy with USCIS receipt# ABC-01-234-56789”

b. Ever been denied the classification you are now requesting?
有过 H-1 被据,也勾 Yes 并注明最后一次的 H-1 被据“(Your name) was denied to grant H-1b on mm/dd/yyyy with USCIS receipt# ABC-01-234-56789”

9. Have you ever previously filed a petition for this person?
雇主曾经为受益人申请过 H-1 的话,勾 Yes 并注明上一次为受益人申请 H-1 的情况“Petition filed for (your name) was granted (or denied) on mm/dd/yyyy with USCIS receipt# ABC-01-234-56789”. 如果是没有抽中名额,为 "was not selected".

10. If you are filing for an entertainment group, has any person in this petition not been with the group for at least one year?
此问不答 N/A

Part 5.Basic information about the proposed employment and employer.
1. Job Title
2. Nontechnical Job Description
3. LCA Case Number
Find from your certified LCA (ETA 9035 Item J)
4. NAICS Code (DOL Search Link)
从左填写,不足 6 位时从左补 0
5. Address where the person(s) will work if different from address in Part 1.

6. Is this a full-time position?
是全职工作的话,勾 Yes 并列出薪水如 “$52,000/yr” or “$1,000/wk”(与 LCA 中的 C/E 格式匹配起来)
非全职工作,则勾 No 列出每周工作时

7. Other Compensation
不想做文章就在这里写 “Usual benefits”

8. Dates of intended employment (mm/dd/yyyy):
由于 LCA 有时效性,H-1 的有效期不能超出其外。此处的起始终止日期,应该落在 LCA 的有效期内 (ETA 9035 Item J).
新申请的占名额的 H-1B 是从 10 月 1 日起生效,千万不要填早了,那样会要退回的,即使被抽中了。
在六年之后的 H-1 申请中,有时移民局会错误地把三年批成一年。所以,在 cover letter 上应该作一说明。

9. Type of Petitioner
勾 Organization

10. Type of Business
11. Year Established
12. Current Number of Employees
13. Gross Annual Income
14. Net Annual Income
以上有关公司情况一般可由公司的手册上找到。13,14 项填空时不要加 "$" 或逗号,以免置零。

Part 6. Signature.
Part 7. Signature of person preparing form, if other than above.
注意:这里的签字没有你的事儿。Part 6 找你的老板签,Part 7 是留给律师签的。

略过第 5、6、7 页,我们来看 H Classification Supplement.

1. Name of person or organization filing petition:
2. Name of person or total number of workers or trainees you are filing for:
3. List each alien's prior periods of stay in H or L classification in the United States for the last six years
列出六年中的 H-1 阶段(新入 H-1B 的留空不填)

4. Classification sought (Check one):
[x] H-1B1 Specialty occupation

5. Are you filing this petition on behalf of an alien subject to the Guam-CNMI cap exemption under Public Law 110-229?
[x] No 不在关岛和北马里亚纳群岛

Section 1. Complete this section if filing for H-1B classification.
1. Describe the proposed duties
2. Alien's present occupation and summary of prior work experience

Petitioner's Signature
Signature of Authorized Official of Employer
是 DOD 项目时,下面另要一个单独的签名。此时 Part 2 之 1 应是 H-1B2.

Section 2 (H-2A/B) 和 Section 3 (H-3) 略。

再跳几页,直奔 H-1B Data/Fee Supplement,即原来的 I-129w.

首先,填公司名称 Petitioner's Full Name, 不要缩写。
Part A. General Information.
1. Employer Information
a. Is the petitioner a dependent employer?
b. Has the petitioner ever been found to be a willful violator?
dependent employer 的定义是:不足 25 全职雇员中有 7 个以上是 H-1B,或不足 50 全职雇员中有 12 个以上是 H-1B,或 51 以上全职雇员中有 15% 以上是 H-1B.
willful violator 是指 LCA 违例并屡教不改的雇主。

c. Is the beneficiary an exempt H-1B nonimmigrant?
受益人是否年薪过 6 万或拥有硕士以上学位
1. If yes, is it because the beneficiary's annual rate of pay is equal to at least $60,000?
2. Or is it because the beneficiary has a master's or higher degree in a speciality related to the employment?

d. Has the petitioner received TARP funding?
在 2008 年房贷危机之后接受了政府资助的金融机构,不能雇佣 H-1b, 包括新招 H-1b、原员工 H-1b 的延期,以及绿卡申请之后的 H-1b 的一、三年延期。

2. Beneficiary's Last Name
   Previous Receipt # (If Any)
   如果在最近一次入境之后,你有过 COS/EOS,就填最近的一次申请号。
   (不明所以,因为在 Part 2 之 3 已经填过了现行 H-1 的申请号)
3. Beneficiary's Highest Level of Education.
4. Major/Primary Field of Study.
5. Has the beneficiary of this petition earned a master's or higher degree from a U.S. institution of higher education
6. Rate of Pay Per Year.
7. LCA Code. 见 LCA Item D 之 3
8. NAICS Code. 见上 Part 5 之 4

Part B. Fee Exemption and/or Determination
H-1 除了 $320 的申请费,还有 $500 的打假费。另外,$1,500/$750 的附加费是可以免去的,如果满足下面八个条件中的任一个。
常见的有高校(1)、非营利机构(2, 3)、第二次延期(4)、修正(5)、改错(6)。
1. Are you an institution of higher education as defined in the Higher Education Act of 1965, section 101(a), 20 U.S.C. section 1001(a)?
2. Are you a nonprofit organization or entity related to or affiliated with an institution of higher education, as such institutions of higher education are defined in the Higher Education Act of 1965, section 101(a), 20 U.S.C. section 1001(a)?
3. Are you a nonprofit research organization or a governmental research organization, as defined in 8 CFR 214.2(h)(19)(iii)(C)?
4. Is this the second or subsequent request for an extension of stay that you have filed for this alien?
5. Is this an amended petition that does not contain any request for extensions of stay?
6. Are you filing this petition in order to correct a USCIS error?
  是否为更正 USCIS 之失误
7. Is the petitioner a primary or secondary education institution?
8. Is the petitioner a non-profit entity that engages in an established curriculum-related clinical training of students registered at such an institution?

当上面的答案都是“No”时,回答下面的问题以确定附加费的数额。“Yes”是 $750,“No”是 $1,500.
9. Do you currently employ a total of no more than 25 full-time equivalent employees in the United States, including any affiliate or subsidiary of your company?

Part C. Numerical Limitation Exemption Information.
1. Are you an institution of higher education as defined in the Higher Education Act of 1965, section 101(a), 20 U.S.C. section 1001(a)?
2. Are you a nonprofit organization or entity related to or affiliated with an institution of higher education, as such institutions of higher education as defined in the Higher Education Act of 1965, section 101(a), 20 U.S.C. section 1001(a)?
3. Are you a nonprofit research organization or a governmental research organization, as defined in 8 CFR 214.2(h)(19)(iii)(C)?
4. Is the beneficiary of this petition a J-1 nonimmigrant alien who received a waiver of the two-year foreign residency requirement described in section 214 (l)(1)(B) or (C) of the Act?
  受益人是否为有 waiver 的 J-1
5. Has the beneficiary of this petition been previously granted status as an H-1B nonimmigrant in the past 6 years and not left the United States for more than one year after attaining such status?
  如果你在过去六年中从未进过 H-1B,或在境外一年之后入境起未再进过 H-1B,答 "No".
  答 "Yes" 表明你不需要 quote.
6. If the petition is to request a change of employer, did the beneficiary previously work as an H-1B for an institution of higher education, an entity related to or affiliated with an institution of higher education, or a nonprofit research organization or governmental research institution defined in questions 1, 2 and 3 of Part C of this form?
7. Has the beneficiary of this petition earned a master's or higher degree from a U.S. institution of higher education, as defined in the Higher Education Act of 1965, section 101(a), 20 U.S.C. section 1001(a)?
8. Is the beneficiary of this petition an alien subject to the Guam-CNMI cap exemption under Public Law 110-229?
9. If the petition is to request a change of employer, was the beneficiary of this petition an alien who previously worked as an H-1B while subject to the Guam-CNMI cap exemption under Public Law 110-229?
你不在关岛和北马里亚纳群岛(塞班),上面的 8、9 问都答 No.


对于 H-1 的申请来说,不但填表是一难,正确地交纳费用也是一难。

$320 的申请费,是同学们都清楚的。勿需废言。
对于 $500 的打假费,如果是同一个雇主的延期,就可以不交。这也好理解。
但是,$1,500(雇员总数不足 25 人降为 $750)的附加费有点让人挠头。移民局是这么规定的,如果你现在的申请,是在同一个雇主名下的第 N 次延期 (N >= 2),那么这笔费用就免了。啰唆地说,就是你在某个老板手下的第一次申请或第一次延期,是要交这个费用的。往后就可以免了,只要你不换老板。注意,你的 Transfer 可是换了老板的哟。还有,Amendment 无此费。

 • 高校
 • 非营利机构
 • 修正
 • 更正 USCIS 的失误
 • 第二次或以后的延期

H-1b 既然是雇主填表,其申请费应该也由其支付。如果雇主不肯出,有的同学是通过雇主出支票而自己 reimburse 方法,还有干脆交 Money Order 的。

不同情况的 H-1 的申请,其支持材料略有差异。下面的清单,供作参考。
 • I-129 Form
 • Two payments
   ($500 的打假费要单独交费,申请费 $320 和附加费 $1,500/$750 可一起交)
 • Supplemental Form
 • ETA-9035 (LCA)
 • Copy of Passport
 • Copy of I-94
 • 雇佣关系属特殊职位的证明(解释为什么该职位需要学位)
 • 工作合同
 • 执照/许可 (if applicable)
   (有的州只在 H-1B1 批准之后才颁发相关执照,这种情况下 USCIS 先批准一年)
 • Diploma (New employment)
 • A letter explaining the reasons for the extension (EOS)
 • Copy of I-140 or PERM (Beyond 6th year)

H-1 的申请表格,根据受益人的工作地点所属的辖区,分别寄往 CSC/VSC. 如果受益人的工作地点不止一个,则依公司所在地的辖区投寄。注意:请仔细阅读说明的 13-15 页关于邮寄地址的规定。带名额 Caps的,高等学历的,H-1 延期的,还有加快服务的,以及非邮局服务地址,都各不相同。
E-filing 的话,则按其打印要求的地址邮寄。

H-1 最多只能提前六个月申请。通常情况下的处理时间为 2-3 个月。根据 USCIS 的规定,即使你没有及时收到批复,在当前的 H-1 失效之后,你仍然可以合法地工作 180 (H-1 transfer) / 240 天 (H-1 extension).
对于想在四月一日抢 Cap 的同学来说,在前一工作日以 Express 邮寄申请至 USCIS 的街道地址,可以避免信箱的可能耽搁。

California Service Center

Vermont Service Center

Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Guam, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, NorthDakota, Ohio, Oregon, South Dakota, Utah, Washington,Wisconsin, or Wyoming.

Alabama, Arkansas, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida,Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Mississippi, New Hamphsire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Puerto Rico, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Vermont, Virginia, U.S. Virgin Islands, West Virginia and the District of Columbia.

Regular Processing

    California Service Center
    ATTN: H-1B Cap
    P.O. Box 10129
    Laguna Niguel, CA 92607-1012
  Master Cap
    California Service Center
    ATTN: H-1B U.S. Masters Cap
    P.O. Box 10129
    Laguna Niguel, CA 92607-1012
    California Service Center
    ATTN: H-1B Extensions
    P.O. Box 10129
    Laguna Niguel, CA 92607-1012
    California Service Center
    ATTN: I-129
    P.O. Box 10129
    Laguna Niguel, CA 92607-1012

  Courier Address
    California Service Center
    Attn: Cap/Master Cap/Extension/Other *
    24000 Avila Road
    2nd Floor, Room 2312
    Laguna Niguel, CA 92677
  * Please note the type of I-129 in the attention line

Regular Processing

    Vermont Service Center
    ATTN: H-1B Cap
    4 Lemnah Drive
    St. Albans. VT 05479-0001
  Master Cap
    Vermont Service Center
    ATTN: H-1B U.S. Masters Cap
    4 Lemnah Drive
    St. Albans. VT 05479-0001
    Vermont Service Center
    ATTN: I-129
    75 Lower Welden Street
    St. Albans, VT 05479-0001

Premium Processing

  USPS P.O. Box Address
    Premium Processing Service
    California Service Center
    Attn: Cap/Master Cap/Extension/Other *
    P.O. Box 10825
    Laguna Niguel, CA 92607

  Courier Mail Address
    Premium Processing Service
    California Service Center
    Attn: Cap/Master Cap/Extension/Other *
    24000 Avila Road
    2nd Floor, Room 2312
    Laguna Niguel, CA 92677
  * Please note the type of I-129 in the attention line

Premium Processing

  H-1 Cap
    Premium Processing Service
    USCIS Vermont Service Center
    ATTN: H-1B Cap
    30 Houghton Street
    St. Albans. VT 05478-2399
  H-1 Master Cap
    Premium Processing Service
    USCIS Vermont Service Center
    ATTN: H-1B U.S. Masters Cap
    30 Houghton Street
    St. Albans. VT 05478-2399
    Premium Processing Service
    USCIS Vermont Service Center
    ATTN: I-129
    30 Houghton Street
    St. Albans. VT 05478-2399


1) Cap Exempt 转向 Reg Cap
王五同学毕业后,找了个 faculty 的职位,现在想跳到公司去。因为原来学校的 H-1B 不占名额,现在就必须等每年 10 月 1 日了。
王五同学是在四月份办的 H-1B transfer,律师告诉他说,交了申请之后就可以去公司上班了。于是,王五同学就去了。
公司的 H-1B 在八月份批了下来。收到批件之后,律师又通知王五,不要去公司上班了,等到十月份再去。

在提交了 H-1B transfer 之后,就可以到新雇主那里上班 180 天,或是 H-1B transfer 的申请有了结果。王五的律师是据此而行的,但是形而上学了。
因为 H-1B transfer 上面申请的开工日期是10月1日。
在 H-1B transfer 过程中,可以在移民局批准之前就去为新雇主工作,但不能不考虑申请上的开工日期。
在开工日期之前,王五同学仍得呆在学校。在 H-1B transfer 批准之前,即使过了开工日期,王五同学还可以呆在学校。

2)多份 H-1B 的批件
王五同学在微软的 H-1B 是 10/1/08 - 9/30/11,他于 5/22/09 跳到甲骨文,新的 H-1B 是 5/29/09 - 5/28/12. 现在是 2010 年 3 月,王五想回微软去,需要跟移民局办手续吗?
律师说,你的微软的 H-1B 仍然有效,所以什么都不用做,回去上班就行了。
还有的律师说,你的两份 H-1B 都有效,可以同时打两份工。

果真如此的话,王五同学在 9/30/11 之前,想在微软上班就在微软上班,想去甲骨文就去甲骨文?或者,还可以一仆二主?

这些律师似乎不知道移民局有“Last Action Rule”,意识不到后面的 H-1B 的 I-94 overwrite 了前面的。至于同时打两份工之说,更是不知道 I-129 的表格上还有 Part 2-2 之 d 选项。

对于王五同学来说,要回微软上班,要么重新办 H-1B transfer,要么拿着已有的微软的 H-1B 批件去申请签证。

3)H-1B transfer 中的 “bridge”
王五同学在微软的 H-1B 是 10/1/08 - 1/30/10,他于 1/6/10 跳到甲骨文,1/1/10 交的 H-1B transfer 现在还在 pending. 谷歌和王五同学也对上了眼,在 3/22/10 替他交了新的 H-1B transfer,王五同学从四月份起就从谷歌领饷了。

谷歌在 3/22/10 提交 H-1B transfer 之际,王五同学没有身份 “authorized status”,但是有前面的甲骨文 1/1/10 的 H-1B transfer 做桥。所以,谷歌的 I-129 是否能批,取决于甲骨文的 I-129。
这样的“桥”还可以继续搭,王五同学还可以接着去 ebay, PayPal, etc.
但是,一旦甲骨文撤消申请,或申请的 EOS 没批,“桥”断的结果是后面的申请纷纷落水。于是,王五同学就等着激活签证了。

和其它的申请不一样,I-129 其实包括两部分,一是 H-1B 本身,二是 COS/EOS 部分,当受益人在境内的话。I-129 的批准有可能只是 H-1B 部分,而不带 COS/EOS 的批准。这种情况,是由于受益人的身份出现了问题。受益人需要带着 H-1B 的批件去境外签证,即所谓的签证"激活"。

4)H-1B 的延期和转换
王五同学在微软的 H-1B 是 10/1/07 - 9/30/10,他于 1/6/10 跳到甲骨文。他是先转甲骨文 1/6/10 - 9/30/10,然后再延期 10/1/10 - 9/30/13 吗?
不用,直接申请 1/6/10 - 1/5/13 就可以了。

附 录
[1] USCIS Official I-129 Form
[2] 8 CFR 274A.12(b)(20)
[2] USCIS to Accept H-1B Petitions for FY 2010 Beginning April 1, 2009
[4] BusinessWeek: High Rate of H-1B Visa Fraud (10/8/08)

Last Rvsd 3/22/10 (1)

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阅读 ()评论 (9)
babacai 回复 悄悄话 mark.
I have worked in 国内 for three years. Do you have any suggestions for me to get a job in 美利坚?
By the way, I am IT guy. A software engineer.
Thank you.
dssdss 回复 悄悄话 Thanks very much Pjiang, I just got my H-1B renew approval in mail (set to my employer) by following your detailed instructions.
m007 回复 悄悄话 老师,能否再解释一下关于H1B AMENDMENT.我公司A刚被B买.据你的课程来讲,要做修正.哪都需要哪些东西?能否列一下.多谢
pmgthj 回复 悄悄话 Pjiang,我是H1B 3年第一次延期,请问下面的问题应该填Yes还是No?
Section 1 Part C. Numerical Limitation Exemption Information:
5. Has the beneficiary of this petition been previously granted status as an H-1B nonimmigrant in the past 6 years and not left the United States for more than one year after attaining such status?
njhunanren 回复 悄悄话 Dear Pjang:

Can you post a checklist for H-1B extension ? Do I still need ETA-9035 (LCA),Dipolma,tran,etc.? Thank you very much!
hanahanahana 回复 悄悄话 Dear Pjang:

I will visit China in May using AP, my current H1b expires on June 20. I am planning to apply H1b extension right after I come back from China which will be June 2.

I am wondering what status I will be then. On the H1B application form, Part 3 where it is asking for "Current Non-immigrant status", what should I put: AOS or H1B? I am assuming I will get a new I94 with "Parolee" on it since I will use AP, right?

Thank you very much for your kind help.

jijizhazha 回复 悄悄话 Thank you! this article really helps a lot!
Irisxi 回复 悄悄话 Pjiang, I am not sure if you will see my question or not. Hope so! When I ask HR to prepare the I-129 form, there is no information about how to pay the fee. Do you know if it is should be paid as money order, credit or some other ways? Thanks very very much!
Irisxi 回复 悄悄话 Your blog helps me a lot! I appreciate greatly! Have a good Christmas.