虔谦 (热门博主)
  • 博客访问:

春天来了 - 给公司部门的告假信

(2008-02-07 12:39:22) 下一个

这是按照公司惯例写的简单告假信,  平时都是 "零字贴", 这次不一样,  时逢中国新年,  还碰上这么大的雪灾,  所以我多写了几句, 我要和同事分享中国的春节和中国的精神: 

-----Original Message-----
From: MZ
Sent: Thursday, February 07, 2008 11:02 AM
To: Information Systems - All
Subject: Off Tomorrow and a Little Message Inside ... ~~~
Importance: Low

Last night was Chinese New Year Eve and today is Chinese New Year Day.  I watched the Chinese New Year Celebration on CCTV 9 last night. This has been the program that billions of Chinese watch for several decades already.

However due to the big snow disaster, many of them are still making their way home.  There is one picture shows how a couple separated by the snow, the husband walked (there is no other transportation) like 70 miles or so trying to reach home and fell in sleep right on the road because he was exhausted. 

It does bring me back to my hometown when I watch all those touching pictures and TV shows.

I will be leaving at around 4 PM today.  Have a nice Friday and weekend!

刚寄出了信,  就想起忘了点什么, 于是又补了一句: 

-----Original Message-----
From: MZ
Sent: Thursday, February 07, 2008 11:08 AM
To: Information Systems - All
Subject: RE: Bosses don't blame me, one last little message
Importance: Low

 The Chinese New Year signals the coldest season of the year, the Spring has officially started. Enjoy the sun now….  


我没有跟他们说 "过年好",因为那不是他们的文化;
我也没有说 "神佑中国",因为在美国公司里这样说不是很合适;

但是我真的想说 "神佑中国", 不仅仅因为我爱中国,还因为我看到了中国近年来在物质和精神上的巨大进展; 还因为我心里真的很想说。

昨天有幸在公共电视台看到了春晚的片断,最重要的片断, 就是演员们临时排练出来的众志成城战胜雪灾的节目。那节目显示出来的是崭新的中国魂。是关爱,是温暖,是团结,是勇气和自信。

我看得泪下。。。从心里我在说: 神佑中国,我的家乡!

朋友去 Google  了吗?  去看看今天Google  首页是什么?  -  三只老鼠, 一个字!

相关文章:  能不爱吗? 我爱香港, 天佑中华! (图)

小说关键集   要多久…才能认识你 62  红楚和山城

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阅读 ()评论 (6)
虔谦 回复 悄悄话 Thank you piao11, 子初, 尔尔 and 青青!
苗青青 回复 悄悄话 羡慕你的爱心, 力量。。。
尔尔 回复 悄悄话 我也看了一点儿春晚, 正好看到了那段朗诵, 鼻子酸酸的, 眼泪直在眼眶里打转.....
子初 回复 悄悄话 Dear QQ, touching.
piao11 回复 悄悄话 神佑中国!
