Stats Re...eeeeeeeeeeeee Port
文章来源: 非常酷2006-04-27 07:12:41
well well...finally started on my stats report...OK have 2 admit that am really an idiot in terms of using computers...yeah... just thinking about how to construct my report and wut to rite... Unnnnnnnn fortunately...really not so familiar with Minitab. gotta work on it.. so tired..slpet 2 late last nite..~ black circles are SHINING on my face now.... Cheer up Cheer up! just wonder y i would like to write sth. on this blog...well well, just do wut i like ..reasons r not that important...usually ignore it..emmm~ may because that there is nobody here KNOW me and I just could write eveything , anything on it... well well...just really don wanna blame my finance work team members...even they made me working so late last nite...even they just did little work...ok...ok...I did complain about them...but really, i found that I really didnt mean it...just want to say sth but not really wut i MEAN... seems that am just confusing myself...haha~ just so tired....wanna sleep~~ keep up keep up finish this as soon as possbile and I can have a nice nice nice cute cute cute nite tonite! yahoo~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~