文章来源: melly2009-07-16 19:21:56

Seven-year itch

Time flies fast. I just realized that I have been living in this country for 7 years. Seven years!!! How many seven years can an individual have in her life?

Seven years ago, I landed in this country with excitement and uncertainty. Far away from noisy and crowded city in China, I felt so relaxed and refreshed. Gradually, loneliness caught me, like it does to anyone else. Sometimes, I really think my nerves would break down all of a sudden. However, like others, I managed to survive until now. Looking back to the seven years, painful memory is fading away but growing experiences.

Seven-year itch is a popular saying, and usually used to describe the down stage of love, marriage and other relationships when it lasts for seven years. Seven-year itch has been granted negative meanings, also serves as a good excuse for unsatisfactory changes in relationship. What about the relationship between me and this country? Am I in this dangerous time point now? Is it the right time for me to find another intriguing land? What’s worse is that the seventh year of my stay bumps into unexpected financial collapse in this country. So I would have two good excuses, if I chose to leave.

Seven years. Sounds so familiar. Yes, I spent 4 years to finish college and 3 years for graduate education in Shanghai, the attractive and mysterious city. Then why didn’t I stay? Was it due to seven-year itch? Memories ring a bell. My excuse of leaving Shanghai was quite sublime--- for family.

Alright, just stop here. No more sentiment. This little piece is to commemorate my landing anniversary plus 4 days.