A Confused Boy
文章来源: melly2007-10-05 11:50:03

I was not aware whet it started. Sometimes, I counted in English in front of my boy just wanting him to feel about another language. One day, I counted again.

Mom: one.

Boy: Two.

Mom was shocked. “When did my boy learn to say numbers in English? Let me try him again.”

Mom: Three.

Boy: Four, though not as clear and perfect as a native boy.

Mom applauded. “Is he able to count more?”

Mom: Five.

Boy: Only smile.

Mom: Seven.

Boy: Only smile.

Well, his memory only has stored two numbers: two and four, which were easy to pronounce. But not bad.

“Honey, who is Evan?”

Boy pointed at himself.

“Next time, when Mom asks you, you should say ME.” Let’s try.

“Honey, who is Evan?”


“Good boy. You are such a cutie. A kiss for you. ”

“Hey, where are you going? Do not you want the sweetest kiss?” Without any hesitation, my boy ran toward a cabinet. Under the guidance of my little boy, his grandma opened the cabinet and took out a bottle of honey.

I could not resist laughing. It seemed that Chinese and English were fighting in his little brain, and might cause some twisting wires. He though ME equaled to HONEY (蜂蜜), which happened to share the same pronunciation as ME.

I teased him in English. “Honey, that is not ME. That is HONEY.”

The expression on my boy’s face assured me that he was completely confused. He looked at me, as if he was saying: “Mom, are you crazy? HONEY is ME. How come you tell me it is 蜂蜜? Am I a bottle of 蜂蜜?”