给希拉里:为西臧独立献计献策(Free Tibet Proposals)
文章来源: 精鹜八极2008-04-10 17:14:59
为西臧独立献计献策(Free Tibet Proposals)
原本很反对藏独, 但看到全世界特别是发达西方国家这么多正义之士包括加国总理都支持藏独.我的立场也有些松动了.他们支持藏独一定有道理. 于是我改主意了. 制定了几套藏独方案, 供西方正义之士选择. 这只是抛砖引玉, 希望大家集思广益, 将藏独方案进一步完善, 广泛散发给西方媒体, 以便评选出最佳方案.

Proposals for a Free Tibet:
Proposal 1: Free Tibet to the old Slaveholder Dalai Lama!
Announcement on Dalai Lama’s returning ceremony at the old Lama Temple:
1. Calling for human sacrifice:
“- three complete adult skins for Lama hosts to wear (must be fresh without hands and feet);
- five complete youth skins for medium holly drums (must be dried, between 12 to 15 years old);
- five complete children skins for small holly drums (must be dried, under 5 years old);
- five fresh skulls for making holly bowls to hold human sacrifice blood;
- five adult thighbones for making holly clarions (must be dried).”
2. Demolish all schools, hospitals, airports, roads, bridges, hydropower plants, railways, temples, drinking water plants, wastewater plants, colleges and all other properties established by Central Chinese Government.
3. Restore the Dalai Lama’s abusive caste systems and re-establish the theocratic society under superior monasteries to continue the Dalai Lama’s absolute slaveholder’s supremacy and privilege above all Tibetans. Then Dalai Lama’s mission impossible will be completed in 2008.
Note 1: 350% as compared to the Dalai Lama’s sacrifice request in 1950s;
Note 2: The “free Tibet” Ceremony is exclusively sponsored by the “Human Rights” Groups of United States and the United Kingdom of Great Britain on an unlimited grand funding basis.

Proposal 2: Free Tibet to Canada
Canada doesn’t need the bare land in Tibet and Canada also doesn’t need building the Pacific Railway this time. However, due to the oil rush, all Tibetans will be transported to the North to dig up the dirty Oil Sands. Costs are as following:
- human tax per head: C$ 5000 per head (the tax has been increased from previous C$ 500 per head mainly due to inflation);
- registration fee, same as the current immigration fees;
- landing fee, same as the current immigrants’ land fees; and
- transportation fee, will be as low as possible due to increased daily flights to China.

Proposal 3: Free Tibet to the United States
The United States needs neither cheaper labors, nor the bare land. All Tibetans will be retained in their bare land for either living or dying. Necessary military equipment will be supplied for the uprising of Zang Chinese against Han Chinese. Because the United States considers China’s growing power as a threaten. Splitting and weakening China is and will always be the fundamental national policy of the United States. Costs are as following:
- 50 “human rights” delegates plus 500 seminars for organizing riots;
- 5000 long knives for stabbing people on streets;
- 10, 000 matches for setting fires;
- 1 camera and 100 computers for capturing and editing pictures;
- 100 broadcasting stations for CNN, BBC, CTV, New York Times, RTV, Washington Post and etc; and
- Laughing at the stupid proposal by Canada for taking all Tibetans into Canada and the potential to create another Tibet in Northern Alberta when the Chinese government comes to free Tibetans in Alberta.