Thank you by Dido
文章来源: rockyluok2005-11-05 03:21:23

DIDO是个有特色的歌手,她的声音飘逸且悠闲。 紴?q?3
 这首《Thank you》是收录在她1999年6月发行的《No Angel》 襶鶠?廚;

 Thank you 是一首比较适合在雨天听的歌曲。DIDO的声音也 前?蜍E
 是属于很感性的那种。在雨天,听着这样的声音,旋律虽然 傸獞A?
 不是明朗的,但感受中板的节奏,夹杂着雨水打在玻璃上的 ?3W搁鮽)

 Artist: Dido Lyrics 诨矄.鬦?
  Song: Thank You Lyrics


My tears gone cold, I'm wondering why ? ?7婻zS
 I got out of bed at all w?帲鑏o
 The morning rain clouds up my window 馘煰琌`讨
 and I can't see at all ???瀽G
 And even if I could it'd all be grey, 劰?ㄛK?
 but your picture on my wall 眒]8璆歅:
 It reminds me that it's not so bad, ? ????
 it's not so bad

I drank too much last night, got bills to pay, m fYR倨