CNN主持人Jack Cafferty辱蔑华人
文章来源: 杨子2008-04-13 00:38:56
四月九日,CNN的"Situation Room"时事评论节目谈到奥运火举在三藩市的传递情况,主持人Jack Cafferty大放厥词,说过去五十年华人“基本上是一帮暴民和恶棍”;说“蓝衣人”的举止粗暴极能表现华人的暴民恶棍特性;他还恶狠狠地加了一句:“这就像中国的产品都是垃圾一样”!

从西藏暴乱以来,CNN删剪照片,歪曲报道,明显偏袒藏独的打砸抢分子,遭到华人不齿。现在这个Jack Cafferty,公然对华裔挑战,其言论充斥对华人固执的偏见和难以掩饰的恶毒。这种故意贬低某一族群和煽动种族敌视的言论不仅公然违背民族平等的原则,也有失一个主持的专业精神。

Jack Cafferty的博克 - Situation Room blog

Jack Cafferty本就是一个垃圾人物,其父母熏酒,自己熏酒驾车连闯红灯被警察截停,判罚款和社区服务。这个备受争议的家伙,从来就时事问题是语不惊人誓不休(例如就希拉里和奥巴马,他的题目就是赤裸裸的“ Easier to elect black man or woman?”),口不遮掩,用词尖刻,尤其喜欢搬弄是非混淆黑白,其评论节目被许多观众斥为“垃圾”。

"I don't know if China is any different, but our relationship with China is certainly different,"

"We're in hock to the Chinese up to our eyeballs because of the war in Iraq, for one thing. They're holding hundreds of billions of dollars worth of our paper. We are also running hundreds of billions of dollars' worth of trade deficits with them, as we continue to import their junk with the lead paint on them and the poisoned pet food and export, you know, jobs to places where you can pay workers a dollar a month to turn out the stuff that we're buying from Wal-Mart.

"So I think our relationship with China has certainly changed, I think they're basically the same bunch of goons and thugs they've been for the last 50 years."

“Cafferty is just terrible!!! So blatently biased and evidently in One's corner. Very inappropriate for a news person".
“Can we get rid of Cafferty on CNN ?”
"I agree with CNN losing Mr. Cafferty. I've expressed my opinion in his "blog". Every question of his for the last several weeks has been anti-Chinese. Go figure!"
"Cafferty is in the classification of modern day ignorance. He is a Chinese hater by trade. He should not be on TV because he looks like he's always constipated and he has nothing to offer but hate and negativity toward one people."
"I mean, his book, speaks about his alcoholic mother and father, and then his alcoholism. Now I am not putting down anyones illness, but at this point his anger at 4 oclock well it just seems to me he is hurtin for that drink. He is such a digrace, I dont know why CNN allows him to continue!!! "
" Yeah he's a real piece of shit...Cafferty pleaded guilty to leaving the scene of an accident and misdemeanor charges of reckless driving, assault and harassment after striking a cyclist on May 14, 2003. Cafferty was sentenced to a $250 fine and 70 hours of community service. Mr. Cafferty was charged with the traffic infraction, along with misdemeanor charges of reckless driving, assault and harassment, after the police said he knocked a man off a bike with his Cadillac on Ninth Avenue. The bicyclist was slightly injured. A traffic officer and several pedestrians ran after Mr. Cafferty's car, but he ran at least two red lights without stopping, according to a police complaint."

