文章来源: chinesepoem2006-02-13 14:31:02
无 题 唐 李商隐** 昨夜星辰昨夜风 画楼西畔桂堂东 身无彩凤双飞翼 心有灵犀一点通 隔座送钩春酒暖 分曹射覆□灯红 嗟余听鼓应官去 走马兰台类转蓬 Last night's stars, last night's winds, By the West wall of the painted house, East of the hall of cassia. For bodies no fluttering side by side of splendid phoenix wings, For hearts the one minute thread from root to tip of the magic horn. At separate tables, played hook-in-the-palm. The wine of spring warmed. Teamed as rivals, guessed what the cup hid. The candle flame reddened. Alas, I hear the drum, must go where office summons, Ride my horse to the Orchid Terrace, the wind-uprooted weed my likeness. *心有灵犀一点通 The heart has its REASONS that reason knows nothing of **Li Shangyin (李商隐) was one of the greatest Late Tang poets. His works are characterised by cryptic historical and political allusions, but his more accessible pieces describe illicit love affairs. Each poem indexed below appears in characters, pinyin, and literal and literary English translation; alternatively, the English translations are collected on one page . http://www.chinese-poems.com/lie.html