Evan\'s First Day at School
文章来源: 冰溪2008-09-03 19:07:40

Evan started his Kindergarten at School last Wednesday so we have two kids catching the school bus every morning from now on. Still recall how excited Olivia was on her first day to school, I was interested to see Evan's reaction.

Well, instead of waking up right after the alarm went off and got ready well ahead of time like Olivia did on her first day, we had to drag Evan out of the bed as for some reason he could not sleep the night before and was up until after the mid-night.  Probably because he was sleeping deprived, he was not in a very good mood and did not appear excited. He even cried when we tried to rush him finishing his breakfast so he would not miss his bus.

Now, the 5 ½ year old Evan has more challenge than Olivia this year.  The Kindergarten at school is a half day program so he has to take another school bus after the school is over to the after-school daycare where he would stay until 6PM.  As the parents of these new kindergarteners, what we worry the most is whether the kids will be able to catch the correct bus to go where they are supposed to go after the school. The school has prepared a big badge for each new kindergartener that wears on his/her neck which detailed their name and class, the bus numbers they should take to school and to after-school daycare or home. We went through all these the night before but Evan didn't understand the importance of it to pay enough attention. 

Like every year's first day of school, there are lot of children and parents at the bus stop including some little ones with the big badge on their neck. Some of the parents of the new 1st graders or kindergarteners were taking pictures or shooting videos.

Finally, the bus came. Both Daddy and I gave Olivia and Evan a hug and a kiss and wished them a great first day at school. As Evan went on the bus, I was a little emotional. I am sure Evan was happy as he finally can take the school bus with his sister and not left behind.

The kids were already home when I got home from work.

"So, how was the first day at school?" I asked enthusiastically.

"Good!" Olivia answered.

"How about you?" I turned to Evan.

"Good but I like the daycare better. I like their playground." He said.

Haha…what a surprise
J. "Do you have homework?" I asked again seeing Olivia was doing her homework.

"No, kindergarteners don't have homework until next year."

"Wow, lucky you!"

Just when I was feeling happy that his first day went well, he told us something we didn't want to hear.

"Ryan and I missed the school bus today."

What? That was exactly what we worried about! We asked him what happened but he could not explain clearly whether they missed the bus to the daycare or they missed getting off the bus at the daycare and how exactly they ended up at the daycare eventually.

So we went through his badge again about which bus number he should be taking from the school to daycare. He remembered this time but I was still not sure he knew yet what to look for when the bus came. I reminded myself that I needed to show him the bus number the next day before he got on the bus.

Finally I said to him: "Well, I hope you won't miss the bus tomorrow!"

"I am not sure." He said.

Oh boy! That sounded very assuring
. But he didn't miss the school bus the next day and I was happy. I know he just needs a little time to focus on things like this and he will get them.