“We Should Eat What We Are!\'
文章来源: 冰溪2008-06-16 20:00:57

Last night we ate at a Mexican restaurant for Father's Day. It's a special treat for Daddy as except Daddy, none of us really like Mexican food.

We looked at the kid's menu and I tried to explain to Evan what they had. "Texas Tommy" was a grilled hot dog wrapped in tortillas, Mexican grilled cheese was grilled cheese in tortillas instead of bread…Mexican this, Mexican that…

Evan is very cautious in trying out the new food. He heard all these foods starting with "Mexican" and were all somewhat different from he was used to, he looked at both me and Daddy with a little confused look on his face and asked: "Are we Mexican?"

"No Evan, we're not Mexican" we made it clear.

"Then why are we eating Mexican food? I'm not Mexican, so I'm not eating this food" he said. "And we should eat what we are!" he added.

He meant since we are Americans, we should eat American hot dogs, grilled cheese sandwiches… I wonder where Daddy's "trying different foods from all over the world" gene went.