Mission Impossible
文章来源: 冰溪2008-04-01 20:09:18

Since I have to be the translator for Olivia's Chinese class on Sundays, for the past couple of birthday parties for his friends, Evan had to go with Daddy as they happened to be all on Sundays.

This past Sunday Evan had another birthday party which was before the Chinese class, so he had to go with Daddy again. Maybe because he knew that I would be leaving soon to China to take care of a family emergency, while Olivia and I were getting ready to head out, he started to act like a spoiled child. He put his arms around me and whined about wanting to go to the party with me not Daddy.

"Honey, I would like to go with you too, but I have to go to the Chinese school with Olivia. Without Mommy, Olivia will be lost in the class." I explained to him.

"But Daddy can go with her." He suggested.

"Daddy doesn't know much Chinese, so he can't help Olivia." I explained patiently.

But Evan became very upset:" I always go to parties with Daddy! I want to go with you today! Why don't you teach Daddy Chinese very quickly so he can go to the Chinese class with Olivia?"

He thought as long as I taught his Daddy Chinese within the next couple of minutes before we headed out, his Daddy would know Chinese well enough to translate for his sister. Talking about mission impossible! J