\'Good\' Thing Can Happen When You Turn 18
文章来源: 冰溪2006-11-06 19:40:46

Around dinner time today, Daddy was having a talk with Olivia.

"Olivia, tomorrow will be a busy day for us. We have to first send you to school at the bus stop then Daddy will drop off Mommy and Evan at the airport. After that I will come back to pick you up from school. And if we still have time, we will go vote."

"Vote for what?" Olivia asked.

"Vote for the leaders." Daddy answered.

"Oh, I will vote for you then since you are my daddy and I love you." Olivia claimed.

"No, you can not vote, only Daddy gets to vote as you are too young."

"So you have to be 18 to vote?" Olivia asked.

"Yes, how did you know?" Daddy wondered.

"Because 18 is a special age when you get to do a lot of things, for example you don't have to learn Chinese anymore." Olivia answered.

"Oh, right, Olivia has mentioned about this not having to go to Chinese school at 18 to me a couple of times already. Is that true, Mommy?" Daddy turned to me.

I laughed to myself. Olivia has told me numerous times when she got frustrated learning Chinese that she doesn't want to learn it anymore. But I told her that it was not negotiable. She then asked me whether she could stop when she turns 18, I think I kinda answered "okay".

Since then she doesn't argue with me about learning Chinese anymore, I guess she learned to accept her "fate" but I know she can't wait to turn 18 so that she doesn't have to learn it anymore.