文章来源: 胡雪盐82023-09-08 21:38:52




  1. Theranos and the revolutionary blood tests that never existed
  2. Zenefits skirts compliance regulations
  3. The Honest Company not so honest about labeling
  4. Outcome Health fights for its life
  5. LendingClub founder violates own company’s business practices
  6. Mozido’s fintech fraud fiasco
  7. Hampton Creek busted buying its own merchandise
  8. Virgin Hyperloop One’s utopian vision derailed by fraud
  9. Rothenberg Ventures breaches ‘fiduciary duty’
  10. Bouxtie’s broken promises
  11. WrkRiot’s short-lived house of cards falls down
  12. Asenqua Ventures, the shell game disguised as a VC firm
  13. Crescent Ridge Capital Partners’ elaborate Ponzi scheme
  14. Autonomy: Big problems with big data
  15. Pixelon: Online video vaporware
  16. Pseudo: Entrepreneurship as performance art