滕王阁序诗 – 王勃 滕王高阁临江渚,佩玉鸣鸾罢歌舞。 画栋朝飞南浦云,珠帘暮卷西山雨。 闲云潭影日悠悠,物换星移几度秋。 阁中帝子今何在?槛外长江空自流。 The mighty Prince Teng Tower by the riverside, Songs, dances, and gemmed nobles swept in like a tide. Adorned beams greet the southern shore’s soaring dawn clouds, To feel the western hills’ dusk rain, pearl blinds ope wide. Clouds’ shadows idle on the water neath the sun, Things change, stars shift, many autumns have been spun. Where are those lords who once graced the pavilion now? Lo, only the Yangtze rolls in vain, joy undone... Tr. Ziyuzile (To be revised) 22/10/2024 原诗的韵脚是否有变化?译文仿效对应。 |