(古詩英譯) 絕句 – 杜甫
文章来源: ziyuzile2024-04-09 16:35:12

 絕句 – 杜甫





A Quatrain by Du Fu


Spring sun lingers long, fair alps and lakes flare,

With east breeze blossom scent seasons the air.

Soil starts to thaw, swallows busily nest,

On warm sand, mandarin ducks, pair by pair.


Tr. Ziyuzile



Spring sun lingers, fair alps and lakes peer best,

With east breeze blossom scent seasons the air.

Soil starts to thaw, swallows busily nest,

On warm sand, lovebirds in each other’s care.



As an idiom goes, "all roads lead to Rome", however, some roads must be shorter and quicker than the others...? when it comes to translating an ancient Chinese poem, obviously some versions outshine the others...? :))

