文章来源: 伟丽-拥抱女性自我2023-02-17 11:00:49

刚刚和安东尼•罗宾一起完成了又一个 UPW(Unleash Your Power Within:释放无限潜力)。




那是 2012 年 7 月 19 日到22 日的周末。




天哪,女士!! 你能更独立一点吗?!!!








这次旅行恰逢 2020 年感恩节,多么特别!!


















自 2012 年那个特殊的日子以来,上帝/宇宙/神圣,无论你如何称呼他或她,一直为我的生命带来令人惊喜的灵魂。

上周,通过一位亲爱的老朋友,我认识了一位大我几岁的美丽姐妹。在一次终身成就奖的获奖感言中,她引用了威廉·亚瑟·沃德(William Arthur Ward)的一首诗,听着我热泪盈眶:














I just completed another UPW (Unleash Your Power Within) with Tony Robbins.


From a participant to a senior leader, I don’t remember exactly how many times I have done UPW.


I do remember my first UPW as vividly as if it happened yesterday.


It was the weekend of July 19 to July 22, 2012.


At the end of the first night, we were asked to write our biggest fear on a piece of paper.  What I wrote was: “Samuel dies”.  What I meant was if my husband dies, my world would end.  And I seriously believed it at that time.  I would be left all alone in this cold world.  If we didn’t have kids, I could just easily kill myself and end the pain.  Since we already have two young children, that option would be taken away from me.  I would have to suffer in bottomless grief while being a single parent.


I can guess what you are thinking when you are reading these words!  Gosh lady!!  Could you be a little more independent than that?!!!


Yet, at that time, the fear was so real to me. I didn’t trust anyone but him.  So if he died, my life would be over too.  That is logical, right?


Now looking back, I can laugh at how silly that sounded. 


Life is magnificent no matter what happens to us.  Now I choose to live in a beautiful energy rich state regardless of life's circumstances.


When you are reading this blog, I will be sailing on the Atlantic ocean with my family to celebrate my 50th birthday and to practice swimming in the deep blue sea.

And guess what?  My 2nd biggest fear in life was drowning in the ocean! 


How special that this trip falls on Thanksgiving 2020. 


As I am writing this blog, I ask myself:  What am I thankful for, at this moment?


I am so thankful for my blessed life. 


Yes, life is a blessing. 


Life has no meaning except the meaning that we give to it.


The meaning that I gave to myself before my first UPW was, “My parents don’t want me.  They hurt me.  Why was I even born?  What is the point of being here?”


Since then, I have adopted a new belief system around my childhood experiences.


What if people who have come into my life are playing certain roles to help me to grow?

What if the people who have hurt me the most are the ones who love me the most? 


What if they love me so much that they are willing to take on the ugliest roles, knowing that I might forget about our contractual soul agreement and hate them at a point?


Looking back on the journey that I have been on for the past eight years, it is like a movie unfolding in front of my eyes. 



Before, I couldn’t look them in their faces (too much pain), but now I enjoy a fabulous genuine loving relationship with both my parents. 


Today and every day, I am feeling so grateful to my parents who have gifted so many lessons that I needed to learn in this lifetime. 


So what if the purpose of our lives is just to stay curious and grow?


Now instead of feeling any loneliness, I feel connected to everything.

Now I know there is a higher purpose for my existence.

Now I have no doubt that I am being guided.


Since that special day in 2012, God/Universe/Divine, however you choose to address Him or Her, has been bringing amazing souls into my life.


Last week, through a dear old friend, I was introduced to a beautiful sister who is a few years older than me.  During a lifetime achievement award acceptance speech, she quoted a poem by William Arthur Ward, and I got teary-eyed listening to her:


“The adventure of life is to learn

The purpose of life is to grow

The nature of life is to change

The challenge of life is to overcome

The essence of life is to care

The opportunity of life to serve

The secret of life is to dare

The spice of life is to befriend

The beauty of life is to give”


Now I am passing this gift to you. 

Happy Thanksgiving.


