文章来源: 理性和感性2022-11-06 07:41:52

在秋日splendid sunshine 中看John Dover Wilson 的莎士比亚传。


他评伊丽莎白时代:the whole world was in flux, and yet by some trick of magic men trod on solid ground.


我们可能认为我们在一个糟糕的时代,其实世界从来就是这样,in flux. 于混乱中,我们要建立的是the sense of balanced flight, with unique quality of happiness and spontaneity procrastinator 伊丽莎白女王是个经典例子,她永远在犹豫,永远在宗教,战争与和平,结婚与否中摇摆(perpetually hesitating between Protestantism and Catholicism, between peace and war, between marriage and virginity)而她的不明确性反而导致一种奇妙的稳定:百家争鸣,竞争,开拓和繁荣更不用说在这种不评价不定论的宽松环境下的音乐,舞蹈,戏剧的全面发展和巨人的涌现,让现代的我们依然能感受:the delicacy of his poetic workmanship,the cunning of his dramatic effects, the infinite riches of his art…


我们是不是也要这样,在不确定的大环境下过确定的生活,坚持与生俱来的好奇和爱好,trod on solid ground, in this resplendent season