文章来源: 绣球花开2022-09-07 13:08:14
 (2022-08-22 09:12:28)下一个

具体规定看下面prop 60/90 的英文。

这个福利听起来很好, 实际操作起来有几个问题需要考虑和计算 (下面数字都不是精确数字)

如果是房子买的较早, 升值很好, 比如房子从1米买价升到4米, 现在卖掉的话, 有50万收入不用交税( assume married couple and section 121 still works under Prop 60/90)

那么要交的资产稅大概计算是 (300 - 50 ) X 37% (20 + 12.3 + 4.8) = 92.5 万

如果再买4米新房, 每年省的地产稅是 4万 - 1万 = 3万。 那么需要差不多 92.5 / 3 = 31 年才能打平。 55岁卖掉旧房换房的话, 需要活到85岁后。 


1, 老房子很旧, condition very bad and need to change to a new house。 这种情况下大概率或者房子, 比如single family house to townhouse, 或者 地点要down grade, 比如从热门方便好区到远一点的区。 

2,  需要搬家到另外一个地方比如离孩子近。 

比较下来最理想的状况是房子升值50万左右, 如果卖掉不用交增值稅, 但是地产稅可以省50万的差价。 

再复杂一些的考虑, 比如旧房子的利率要比新房子好很多, 或者省下的地税钱再去投资的收益, 还有每个家庭不同的收入税率, 更是要具体情况再分析了。 

/*****************Prop 60/90******************/

By Proposition 60/90, you can buy or construct a new home of equal or lesser value than your previous home and transfer the old property's base value to your new residence.
You, or a spouse residing with you, must at least 55 years of age when the original property is sold.
The original property of the claimant is sold by him or her within two years of the purchase or new construction of the replacement dwelling.
after April 1, 2021, you will be able to purchase a new property of greater value than your original property. This is new and significant. A blended tax rate between the old home and the difference in value will take over. Moreover, this transfer can be accomplished three (3) times, vs the current one (1) time benefit.