给我女儿的生日卡 -- 如期所致
文章来源: AmyQi2022-08-16 07:13:23





今天是你十四岁的生日。我已经不记得我是怎样地度过我的十四岁了。可是我知道那时候的我没有你这么美丽, 也不如你这么聪明。我不曾是如你一样的光彩夺目的美少女!

坐在这里,我用我的想象在为你设计未来。我想象着你是一位医生或者是一位科学家,可是那样你文学的天赋就浪费了。我想象着你是一个艺术家或者是一位作家,可是那样你科学的智慧就被埋没了。我想着你将成为一名律师,一个模特,一位电视节目主持人… 我用了我所有的想象, 还是不能决定。迪迪,你超出我的想象啊。

迪迪, 如果你没有成为我上面描绘的任何人,任何家,我将同样地爱着你。我对你的爱绝不会因此而减少一点点。你是迪迪,我的迪迪。我永远为你而骄傲,永远爱你,除了爱你,还是爱你!




Deedee’s 14th Birthday Card from Mom


Today is your 14th birthday. I don't remember exactly how I spent mine. But I know--
I was not as beautiful as you are today
I was not as smart as you are now
I was not such an elegant and graceful young lady!

Sitting here, I am trying to imagine what kind of future you will have. I envision you as a doctor or a scientist, but your artistic talent would be wasted; I picture you as an artist or a writer, but your innate gift for science would be hidden; I want you to be a lawyer, a television anchor, a model… with my wild imaginations, I cannot reach a decision. You are, Deedee, are beyond my imagination.

Deedee, if you will be none of the above I have described, I will love you the same, exactly the same. You are Deedee, my Deedee. I will always be proud of you, love you, love you, and love you.

Happy 14th, my beautiful Deedee!


